You Have A Fight Over His Ex

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Harry- You rolled to one side, groaning slightly as you stretched your tired limbs. Patting the empty spot next to you on the bed, you realized Harry had already made his morning commute to the recording studio. As you stood up, you stretched once more feeling and hearing the little cracks and pops from your bones.

After your morning routine of showering and eating, you turned on the radio, needing a burst of energy, already feeling the toll that your late night was taking on your body. “And next up, Taylor Swift’s new single, just released yesterday afternoon.” You instinctively turned your nose up at the mention of your boyfriends ex but continued to listen. The song consisted of quite obvious blows to your boyfriend Harry. Quickly the radio was off and your hand was clenched as you waited for Harry to get home so you could explain your new found hatred of the singer.

The door shut, you stood, waltzing to your boyfriend, pulling him into a deep kiss. His bag full of music and song lyrics dropped to the ground as both his arms wrapped around your waist lifting you up momentarily. You pulled away from his lips smiling slightly. “What was that for babe?” a small smirk was placed on his lips as he spoke. Your demeanor changed suddenly, a glare setting itself into your features.

“Have you heard Taylor’s new song? It’s awful! I don’t know why she can’t just back off. Why did you even date her!?” During your outburst, his just stared, shocked at the words that had just fallen from your lips. “Woah…babe… I heard it, it’s not that big of a deal. She is ju-” You quickly cut him off, upset that he was not taking your side on the matter. “Not that big of a deal? She practically called you a manwhore! She needs to get off whatever pedestal she is on and realize that she is the a slut not the other way around.”

His face quickly fell at the harsh words directed towards his ex. “Okay, (y/n) stop. She did nothing wrong to you. Stop being such a b-” He shut his mouth before finishing his word, guilt filling his face as sadness filled yours. “What were you going to say?… finish your sentence.” He shook his head wrapping his arms tightly around you. “I was going to say, I’m sorry. You are just sticking up for me. That song was a little over the top I agree…can we just go cuddle and forget about all of this.” You nodded gently pressing your lips to his.

Niall- Warm arms wrapped around your middle causing you to turn. In front of you was your utterly gorgeous boyfriend, a smile placed on his lips. “Hey princess, you almost ready?” You nodded turning back to the mirror applying one last coat of mascara then turning back to Niall. “All ready.”

He took a step back admiring your outfit. Under his breath he muttered the word gorgeous before returning to his previous position of his arms tightly around you. “You look lovely sweetheart.” You grinned pecking his lips. “You look quiet dashing yourself.”

He took your hand in his, leading you to the car.

When you arrived to the restaurant he was already having trouble keeping his hands off of you. “Niall stop it.” You tried to act stern, but the words came out with a giggle as you attempted to swat his hands away. Glancing around, to make sure nobody had seen his unmannerly touching you noticed a brunette girl. Niall’s eyes followed yours and landed on the gorgeous girl as well.

His eyes lit up as he took in who it was. “Hey it’s Zoe!” You looked to him questionably, jealous that he had affiliations with such a pretty girl. He glanced to you before turning his attention to her once again. “I dated her a while back, I haven’t seen her in forever. I’m going to go say hi.” He started to walk away but you quickly reached out grabbing a hold of his arm.

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