Chapter 125: Team Extreme and Eva

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Vanessa's POV:

As we enter the arena, we look at the match card and a mixed tag team is on the card! I find Matt and Jeff and they're talking to Eva I ask Eva to be a partner for the match. Eva smiles and gets on board for out eight person mixed tag team match. We get ready in the locker room and we chat about our lives. Eva leaves the locker room and I see Matt on the couch feeling sad. I sit down on the other side of the couch far away from the sad Matt. I'm about to break the silence when Jeff comes in and sees Matt's hand inside my hair. He leaves and smiles. I wake up to Eva telling us the match is the main event! We're so pumped up! I look around backstage and I breathe a deep breath. I see Dean and I sing a song.

Just smile for me
And let the day begin
You are the sunshine
That lights my heart within
And I'm sure that you're
An angel in disguise
Come take my hand and
Together we will rise
On the wings of love
Up and above the clouds
The only way to fly
Is on the wings of love
On the wings of love
Only the two of us
Together flying high
Flying high up on the wings of love

You look at me
And I begin to melt
Just like the snow when
A ray of sun is felt
And I'm crazy 'boutcha
Baby, can't you see
I'd be so delighted if
You would come with me
On the wings of love
Up and above the clouds
The only way to fly
Is on the wings of love
On the wings of love
Only the two of us
Together flying high
Flying high up on the wings of love

Yes, you belong to me
I'm yours exclusively
Right now we live
And breathe each other
Inseparable it seems
We're flowing like a stream
Running free traveling
On the wings of love
On the wings of love
Up and above the clouds
The only way to fly
Is on the wings of love
On the wings of love
Only the two of us
Together flying high
Together flying high
On the wings of love
Up and above the clouds
The only way to fly
Is on the wings of love
On the wings of love
Only the two of us
Together flying high
Flying high up on the wings of love

Ashley's POV:

Zack , AJ, Nikki and I are at catering and we're talking about Vanessa and Dean's upcoming wedding. Zack hopes he gets a spot as wedding singer. I hear a sad song.

Proud of your boy
I'll make you proud of your boy
Believe me, bad as I've been, bro
You're in for a pleasant surprise
I've wasted time.
I've wasted me.
So say I'm slow for my age
A late bloomer, Okay, I agree
That I've been one rotten kid
Some brother, some pride and some joy
But I'll get over these lousin' up
Messin' up, screwin' up times
You'll see, Jeff, now comes the better part.
Someone's gonna make good
Cross my stupid heart
Make good and finally make you
Proud of your boy

Tell me that I've been a louse and loafer
You won't get a fight here, no way
Say I'm a goldbrick, a good-off, no good
But that couldn't be all that I am
Water flows under the bridge
Let it pass, let it go
There's no good reason that you should believe me
Not yet, I know, but
Someday and soon
I'll make you proud of your boy
Though I can't make myself taller
Or smarter or handsome or wise
I'll do my best, what else can I do?
Since I wasn't born perfect like you
Jeff, I will try to
Try hard to make you
Proud of your boy

After Matt leaves, I catch up to him and we talk.

Matt's POV:

I tell Ashley everything that's not going right. Ashley leaves and I sing.

I'm gonna wear you down.
I'm gonna make you see.
I'm gonna get to you,
you're gonna give in to me.
I'm gonna start a fire.
You're gonna feel the heat.
I'm gonna burn for you,
You're gonna melt for me.

Come on, come on
Into my arms.
Come on. Come on.
Give in to me.
Vanessa sings the next verse.
You're gonna take my hand.
Whisper the sweetest words.
And if you're ever sad,
I'll make you laugh,
I'll chase the hurt.
My heart is set on you.
I don't want no one else.
And if you don't want me,
I guess I'll be all by myself.
Come on, come on.
Into my arms.
Come on. Come on.
Give in to me.

I'll use my eyes to draw you in.
Until I'm under your skin.
I'll use my lips.
I'll use my arms,
Come on, come on, come on.
Give in to me
Give in to me.
Give in to me.

The meet and great goes great! As Jeff, Vanessa, Eva and I get set, we see the line. I get the seat next to Eva. After the meet and great ends, Vanessa goes into the locker room and gets ready for Raw! 

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