Pardon My Ranting...

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*WARNING: I may sound like a hypocritical bitch at parts.*

I get semi-pissed when people will put in their stories 'this was inspired by...' and then they will pretty much copy the story line word for word. They may change the age and name of the character, but pretty much nothing else.  There are so many stories that I have started reading, and then felt like I was reading another book that I had read a few months before that one.  I understand if someone writes a good book, but do not copy their talent because we all can't be original.

And don't even get me started on why all these kids are running away or are in an orphanage because of an abusive dad. (Newsflash: Mom's can be abusive too if you must use abuse!  Ever read the book 'A Child Called It'?)  But, some kids come from perfectly normal families that fell under some sucky circumstances!  As in my book, with the fire.

Also with orphanage books...


Adoption is an incredibly lengthy process.  It can take four days, four weeks, four months, even four years.  Granted with my book, I was stupid and young and did the same thing.  I will admit it and own it.  But in some books it feels like this...

"Your cute!"

"Thanks but I'm not pretty."

"Sure you are!  Your so cute, I'm gonna adopt you!"

"OMG I'm gonna be adopted by..."

And then literally two seconds later, the character is living large with some celebrity!

 Also, why do only girls get adopted?  And only one?  It seems like either one girl gets adopted, or the celebrity goes all Angelina Jolie and adopts the girl, her friend, her other friend, half the orphanage.  Like my God, these are celebrities and they have a full time job and life before a kid came into the picture, and now you gonna give them like twenty kids?!  Statistically, there are more boys in foster care than girls. Yes, call me a hypocrite because both characters in my story are girls. However my characters came from a perfectly fine family. I actually will be touching on that subject in a later chapter. 

Also, I have been reading a few Jennifer Lawrence books lately, and I have discovered a few recurring themes...

GIRL (cause we can't do boys) runs away/orphan

Abusive Dad (where is mom?!)

Found by Jen

Rushed to hospital

Jen feels bad for kid

Jen adopts them in a hospital (These celebrities are nice and all, but just adopt some random kid you feel bad for?  Again, I'm a hypocrite.)

Fav food (and only food eaten in the entire story) is pizza

Kid has amazing voice

Kid becomes famous singer (again, I'm a hypocrite)

Kid goes through self harm

Kid has boyfriend quicker than I learned how to tie my shoes!

Anyways, just something that pissed me off lately.  But I'm not trying to hate!  Don't start going own to the comments and bitching about me, cause I'm just a FanFic writer that has a tendency to kill off characters and make unexpected things happen.  There are a number of books that are freaking amazing! A number of ones that are inspired by someone else, the writer will use the same writing style, but not the same freaking story line!  

Also, one other thing.  Get original with names!  My God, do you know how many variations of Madi, Maddy, Maddie I have come across?!  The character either has a super generic and over used name or one that is way out there and uses half of the alphabet!  I have come across names like: Ophelia, Novalie, Brix, Fulton, and some really weird one!  Just please be original with names!  Or take a generic name and add 'Lynn' to it!  That's cute!  (TayLynn, KatieLynn, etc.) Do like me, and put meaning behind them.  Genesis means 'the beginning'.  This was the beginning of a new life for the sisters.  Stella means 'star'.  You may have taken notice that Stella is a big modeling 'star' and Jen has often called the girls, "My shooting stars."

Okay, last rant. But I actually had a conversation with someone, who's name I will not disclose, that you can not take my story line, put 'inspired by' in the synopsis, and then pretty much copy what I write. I had this user remove their story and if something like this happens again, I will report them.  

I explained that I worked very hard to make this novel original and surprise people.  And I believe that I surprised people in the last chapter, killing off JJ.  I do my hardest to be an original author that tries to get all my own inspiration.  Yes I ask for ideas, but is that stealing somebody else's work?  No.  And if I use somebody's idea in a chapter, I will credit them and give shout outs to them.  Anyways, I'm done now and thank you.

And now, I will await the comments to roll in that I am a hypocritical bitchy asshole.

Disclosure: Holy shit, this is longer than some chapters I have written.

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