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*For all scenarios* You finally were able to go home from the hospital after (he made you got/you were able to leave). You've been home for about 2 weeks, but you were really antsy.


Finally home was the one though that keep coming up was I'm home. You probably already guessed that you had to start back to working, but you didn't care you were home and that was all that mattered to you at the moment. The day seemed to fly by and in no time you we getting ready for bed and heading to your room. But once you fell asleep it was not peaceful.

*Dream land*

You Were walking about in town looking in the shops just having a good time then the sky got dark and and the building lost their color. Then this scary looking guy start chasing you saying you're next. Then your dream made you appear tied up again with the scary man looking at you with a knife. He then stabbed you.

*You woke up*

You woke up screaming and sitting up right. Then your door was busted open causing you to scream again.

"Oh, It's only you guys." You said see them

"What happened?" Rigby asked walking over to your bed

"Nightmare sorry for waking you up." You said to him calm now

"Its okay do you want to talk about it." Rigby asked

You just shook your head

"Okay you don't have to." Rigby said getting up to leave

You then grabbed his wrist making him turn to you

"C-could you s-stay with m-me tonight." You stuttered out

"Of course." He said

Then he climbed in with you and you guys cuddled till you both fell asleep

Mordecai (Ps this one's weird)

Once you got to the park you pigged out big time. Then you went to your room that you share with Mordecai's sister and crashed on your bed and fell into a deep sleep. You dreamed that you were being chased by food that wanted to eat you then in your dream you started falling into a back hole and then being surrounded by broken buildings. As said before dream you were in a deep sleep so that didn't wake you. You managed to wake Mordecai and Rigby just by you tailings and turning and kicking the wall. Then Mordecai came rushing in only to see you kik the wall again. Once he got to you he tried to wake you. In which you woke up shocked well who wouldn't be, food of all things was chasing you.

"Wow! Wow! Calm down it was just a dream." Mordecai said holding your shoulders

"Oh, thank gods it was just a dream." You mumbled still in a haze

"You should go back bed you need the rest." Mordecai said

You just nodded and grabbed his arm dragging him into bed and with that before he could protest you were already asleep hugging him.

"You win this time Y/n." He mumbled before falling asleep


Benson managed to talk you into staying at his apartment with him till he felt you were okay. At the moment you were asleep. In your dream you dreamed that you were being tied to a tree in the middle of the woods. With your school bullies and Jane all around you. You at one point you were just about to be stabbed in the heart when you woke. You woke being held down by Benson (No don't go there).

"What? Benson what's going on?" You asked not remembering your dream

"You were screaming and thrashing." Benson said with concern

"Oh, just a dream." You said in a blank voice

"You wanna talk about it?" Benson asked now more worried

"Just stay with okay?" You asked



You were different from the other girls. You were scared to even try to sleep. So you didn't sleep that last for two full days and nights till the third day you began to show symptoms of no sleeping. Like lack of focus and lack of not being aware also the unbalanceness. Unlike you, you started to have a short temper. This lasted all day and today for some unknown reason Benson decided to make everyone work extra hard today which in turn made it even harder on you to not sleep. But alas you managed to not fall asleep when you got home, but skips realised that not to long after you left you were not sleeping. So it was now his mission to get you to sleep. So once he got to your house he found you with coffee and you sitting on your bed.

"Okay Y/n I'm going to be real with you, you need sleep badly. Why won't you sleep?" Skips asked

"Because I'm scared of what may lay if i fall asleep and dream." You said

"I can help how about i stay with you tonight." Skips suggested

You then looked at him and nodded letting him into your bed to sleep. Not long after you both were sound asleep.

(Yea I know that Skips is not really a nightmare thing I just couldn't think of anything. Anyway hope you liked it.)

~For Ever And Always Shadow

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