He's Sick

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(Suggested by florecentnight. Thanks for the suggestion.)


Well it was really Benson's fault that Rigby got sick because Benson made them work out in the rain to get everything covered from the rain. The only reason Benson did that was because it was said it was going to freeze over night and stay like that for most of the day. But still Rigby was really whiny when he was sick.

"Y/n~. My head hurts" Rigby wined to you

This has been going on for so long now that you were staring to get annoyed.

"Rigby that's the 5th time in a row now that you've said that I'm looking for headache medicine, and if you complain one more time about your cold. I swear." You said getting really annoyed now

"Sorry." He said back before dropping his head back on his pillow

You sighted you didn't mean to be mean you love him and all, but he can be annoying. After you gave him his medicine you basically dropped and fell asleep. Taking care of an Rigby was very, very tiring and very annoying.


He got sick because he had to save Rigby and he so happened to get sick by doing so. Well at least he's not whiny, but he has his moments. Like now.

"Y/n. I said I wanted tomato soup not chicken noodle soup." Mordecai wined to you

"You just said you wanted chicken noodle soup so take it or leave it I'm not making more soup." You said

"Fine." He grumbled

After he finished eating his soup he stopped pouting.

"Well how's Mr. Grumpy?" You asked Mordecai

"Fine just tired." He replied

He said before just falling asleep where he was

"Well then." You said before leaving


Usually Benson's care full about about getting sick and stuff. But he didn't see food poisoning coming his way, guess that's what you get for letting Muscel Man cook. At least it was only minor food poisoning so not to much vomit and not to bad of a fever.

"And this is why you don't let Muscel Man cook." You said after he finished throwing up

"*gag* I know." He said weakly

"Come on brush your teeth than go to bed you need rest." You said helping him up

"Okay." He said tiredly

After he finished brushing his teeth you walked him to bed and climbed in with him to sleep and help him if need be.


Skips hardly got sick and if he did get sick it was just a minor cold or fever, but not this time. This time he had the flu. He couldn't keep his food down was running a high-ish fever, but not too bad. Right now the vomiting has calmed down a little bit. The fever was still high, but not too bad.

"Come on Skips you can't sleep on the couch you need to actually go to bed in bed." You said helping him

"Fine *Yawn sound*" Skips said

Once you got him to his bed and put him into his bed you were about to leave when Skips grabbed your arm and said "Stay please." So you stayed with him.   

(Hope you liked it and sorry it took so long, don't worry I should be able to update more soon, but in the mean time the updates will be slow-ish, sorry. Any way hope you liked it)

~For Ever And Always Shadow

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