Thomas Pt 2

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19. Your birthday
You so far didn't really want anything or to do anything. It wasn't because you didn't like your birthday, you did like your birthday. It's just you didn't want to do anything really. Thomas was having a hard time to accept that so he was still trying to get you to do something for your birthday.
"Okay how about we watch your favorite movie, with food." Thomas suggested
"Okay." You said turning on the movie
Thomas then rolled his eyes and got the food. Once he came back you started the movie and cuddled into his side.

20. You get kidnapped
You were on your way back to your apartment. You left to pick up some food for the night. While you were walking back you started to hear these shuffling noises behind you. So you turned around to look nothing.
"Nothing's there calm down." You whispered to yourself
So you turned back around and started walking only a lot faster. The shuffling sounded closer and faster. So you started to run, but that didn't last long before you were tackled. Of course you tried to fight back, but she/he soon knocked you out.

21. He finds out
He thought you were sick when you didn't show up at work and you didn't answer your phone. So it was around 6:30 when Thomas got off from the park job he was assigned that day. As he was walking towards your place he was halfway there when he saw your purse. He picked it up panicked you wouldn't just drop it. Then he saw blood on the sidewalk. He then started to run to your apartment only to find it empty. No trace you ever made it back here. The more he looked throw your apartment the more he knew you were gone.

22. While you're there

You couldn't see a thing you knew it was a male that had you because of the heaviness of his footsteps. He would feed you and give you water. He keeps calling you Anna or sometimes An. He would sometimes be mad when he came back and would hit you, but not very hard only about as hard enough to leave a mark sometimes less.

23. He saves you
He first told the guys at the park that you were missing. They then called the cops, but Thomas left before they got there. He was looking everywere. He was thinking of who would want to kidnap you. After thinking for a little bit it became clear to him. He was recalling the time you told him of your crazy ex boyfriend. Like how you were pretty sure he was still stalking you. He started to head to the place that was marked into the paper. Once he got there it was an old run down motel. Thomas then ran in he heard a scream then a door slam. He followed the sound and found where it came from he kicked down the door. And found you on the floor with the guy hovering over you. Before you ex knew what hit him he was on the floor knocked out.
"Sh, sh, sh it's okay you're safe now." Thomas said untying you
"Come one let's go." Thomas said carrying you out

24. (Home) almost there

He took you to the hospital while you were sleeping. When you woke you couldn't open your eyes well you could, but it was to bright to really open your eyes. Once you finally opened your eyes fully you groaned and closed them again.
"You're awake?" Thomas asked
"Yea, how long was I out for?" You asked
"A few hours." Thomas said
"What'd the doctors say?" You asked looking at him
"They said you were fine beside the bruises that will eventually heal." Thomas said
"That's good." You deadpanned
"Yep. Now get some rest you'll need it." Thomas said
And with that you went back to sleep.

25. Nightmare
Tonight was movie night and, you and Thomas fell asleep on the couch in his apartment. While you were asleep you dreamed that you were taken again by a different sicker person. And when Thomas came in to rescue you the captor shot and killed him. And with that you shot up.
"Wow, calm down Y/n it was just a dream." Thomas said sitting up too
"Just a dream." You echoed
"Do you want to talk about it?" Thomas asked sideways hugging you
You shook your head no and laid down. With that you and Thomas both fell back asleep.

26. He's sick
He had to work outside in the cold. That's how he got sick. He had a mild head cold. He was whiny and he keep saying his head hurt.
"Thomas you got to take your medicine." You said trying to give him medicine
"It taste bad." Thomas whined
"Okay you have two choices you can either take it willingly or not willingly." You said
"Fine." Thomas then took his medicine
He then pulled you down on the couch to sleep
"Really?" You whined
"Sh~" Thomas said going back to sleep

27. Your sick
You woke up not really feeling good so you didn't go to work. You just rolled over and went back to sleep. When you woke up again it was when Thomas was coming into your room.
"What are you doing?" You asked through a yawn
"Giving you soup I heard you were sick." He said
After you ate your soup you laid back down with Thomas and slepted.

28. What job you have or what you're doing/yourself basic

Brother- Your real brother is dead he died saving you. Your quote-unquote 'brothers' were the guys- Mordecai, Rigby, Benson, Skips, Muscle Man, High Five Ghost.
Boyfriend- Thomas (Duh)
Job- You used to be an assassin for the Uk you were originally from England. Your job now is working at the park as a grounds keeper.
Best friends- Mordecai and Rigby.
Who you share a room with- You used to share you a apartment with your friend, but you moved out and got your own apartment.

29. Date night

You and Thomas haven't even had a proper hello this week. It wasn't because you or him were mad it was because you and him had been very busy and family issues have came of for the both of you. So Thomas decided to day you and him were going to spend the whole day together at his house pigging out on junk food and watching random movies. And that's exactly how you spend the day cuddled up on his couch watching movies and pigging out.

30. You get into an accident
You were jogging when it happened. You had your earbuds in while jogging when a car that was obviously out of control was swerving then it lost complete control and ran off the road running you over in the process. You didn't even know what hit you all you felt was unbearable pain, bones breaking. Then everything went black.

31. You're in a coma
You didn't know which hurt worse the actual pain or the awareness of the pain and everything else. You heard people coming and going. Some doctors others were your friends. Thomas would come by every now and then. He would talk to you he knew you probably didn't hear him or understand him. But he still tried and that's better than nothing.

32. While you're in a coma
While you were in the come you were aware of the things going on. But sometimes you would drifted out of awareness and have dreams about your life. When you were aware was usually when the doctors checked on you or when your friends came and visited.

33. You wake up
You woke with a start. The heart monitor started to beep rapidly and you started to thrash rapidly. Doctors came rushing in they had to put a dose of sedation in your system. To get you to calm down the sedation was a bit too strong and knocked you out. You woke up a little later that day with the guys around your bed.
"Who are you guys?" You asked looking around
"What do you mean, I'm Thomas your boyfriend?" Thomas said like he questioned it
"I have a boyfriend?" You asked really confused
"I'll get the doctor." One of the other dudes (Benson) said

34. What he does to help you remember 
He took you on a walk around the park then around your apartment building. When that wasn't helping he asked you questions about the place he took you. He then took you back to his place and showed you the pictures he had of you two together. It didn't seem to help. He then took you to all your favorite places. Nothin. He even tho he was hiding it he was sad and you could tell.

35. You remember
You were walking around your apartment looking at all the things you had. You decided to look through your closet of course you tried on different outfits. After doing that you looked around your room and saw a necklace your mother gave you on the edge of a picture frame with a picture of you and her inside it. You then walked over and picked up the necklace. It triggered something your memories. Flashes of them appeared before you past out.

36. You tell him you remember
Once you woke you were a little shocked and stunned. Well who wouldn't be you just had your life replay in your head. You decide to go see Thomas. Just not at his apartment it was a work day so you just did the normal routine and went to the park. After a while you found him doing his normal stuff.
"Hey Thomas." You said coming up behind him
"Oh it's just you." Thomas said jumping"Did I scare you?" You asked altho you knew the answer
"What?! No. I just wasn't expecting you." Thomas said
"Okay." You said shaking your head
"So what are you doing here I thought you were on leave?" Thomas asked getting nervous
"I was on leave?" You asked confused
"Yea? Don't you remember Benson let you have sometime off since you got out of the hospital." Thomas replied more nervously
"That isn't Benson at all." You said getting suspicions
That's when Thomas's phone went off
"Saved by the bell." Thomas said
 He then walked off and answered his phone. You didn't know what was wrong with him, but you knew it had to be something important if he wasn't going to tell you.   

(Hope you liked it)
~Shadow was here

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