Thomas pt 1

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1. You meet
You were friends with everyone at the park it wasn't only because you worked there it was because before you worked there you visited there when you were in town. So you knew the ropes well when you decide to work there. One day you were helping Mordecai because Rigby decide to skip work and he needed a cover up since you owed him you covered for him. After a bit of silence between you and Mordecai you saw some dude that looked a bit nervous and lost.
"Hey Mordecai who's that?" You asked pointing to the dude
"Oh, that's Thomas. He's new." Mordecai explained waving over Thomas
"Yea Mordecai?" Thomas said
"Y/n, Thomas. Thomas, Y/n" Mordecai said
"Hey." You said like it was nothing
'Hey you want help?" Thomas asked
"Sure." You said
After that you and him finished up yours and his work for the day

2. You work together

You were on your way to the snack bar because you were assigned work there for the day. Once you got there you saw Thomas already there.
"Hey Thomas." You said jumping over the counter
"Ah, Y/n finally I won't be bored now." Thomas said
"I see you knew I was coming." You said
"Yea I saw you coming." Thomas said
"So we wait till someone wants something or Benson comes by to act like we're working." You stated then grabbed something from the snack bar
"You're allowed to do that?" Thomas asked
"No, but as long as you pay Benson doesn't mind." You said
Thomas then grabbed a 3 hotdog and a drink
"What I didn't eat lunch and I'm hungry. "Thomas said
While you laughed

3. He gets jealous

You were actually hanging out with the guys at the pond in the park. Right now you were having a splash war with Rigby and Mordecai. Thomas was trying to get your attention, but was failing miserably because A) Mordecai and Rigby had your full attention and B) Because Muscle Man keeps duning him and trying to dunk him. He finally got your attention only for it to get took away again.
"Ok Thomas what was it you wanted to tell me?' You asked him after getting back at Mordecai.
"Nothing." Thomas muttered
"You wouldn't happen to be jealous would you?" You asked teasingly
"Wh- What no!!" He said
"So where." You said then splashed him and ran
"Get back here." Thomas said chasing you

4. He finds you mad/crying
Your best friend well your ex bestfriend R/n (Random Name) and your ex boyfriend R/n. You caught them in the middle of a make out session. You screamed at him and slapped both of them then stormed out crying. You came back to the park to the room you had there. After making sure everyone was out of the house. You went to your room and screamed at the top of your lungs in frustration and agony. You finally calmed down and cried. You didn't know someone heard you lead along someone was in the house so when your door was busted open it was unexpected.
"Y/n what's wrong?!" Thomas asked rushing to you and hugging you
"H-he and s-s-she they... they... they." You said you couldn't get the words out
"Hey, hey it's okay." Thomas said trying to sooth you
You just nodded. Soon you feel asleep in his arms

5. He ask you out
You were out working at the park today seemed like a day were all the jocks were at the park. And for some reason they all wanted to flirt with you. It was funny really no matter how many guys you turned town the others still thought they had a chance. It was also funny seeing Thomas get a little mad and jealous towards them. After a little while he got tired of them flirting with you. So he walked over to you and the current guy that was trying to flirt with you.
"Hey can I borrow my girlfriend real quick." Thomas said and grabbed your hand walking away
"Girlfriend?" You asked looking at him with a smile
"Only if you want to be." Thomas said looking down
"Yes and think you that dude was so annoying." You said
"Okay I und- WAIT you said yes?!" Thomas said
"Yes dummy." You said

6. First date
You were a simple girl when it came to dates and Thomas knew that, but still he tried to go all out. So here you were at a fancy restaurant. After a little while you could tell you and him both weren't having any fun.
"How about sense we're not having fun, I have a better plan than this." You said
"What your not having fun?" Thomas asked faking surprise
"Come on let's go." You said getting up and taking his hand
"Okay." Thomas said
Once you were out of the restaurant you grabbed Thomas wrist and ran to the other side of the streat.
"Y/n you just Jay walked well ran." Thomas stated
"Yea I know. So that's just walked and talk." You said
"So what do we talk about?" Thomas asked
"I know. TAG YOU'RE IT." you screamed the last bit
You and Thomas played tag for a while then he drove you home.

7. First kiss
At the moment you and Thomas were out around the park cleaning and emptying trash cans. You and Thomas lost at drawing straws that's why you were on trash duty.
"I'm taking a shower after I finish this." You complained
"I'll join you." Thomas said jokingly
"Hahaha. But no." You said also Jokingly
"Anyway after your shower what are you doing?" Thomas said
"Probably watch some T.V. if you want to join." You said
You and Thomas finally finished and you were heading back to the park.
When Thomas stopped.
"Don't hate me." Thomas said
You were cut off by Thomas grabbing you and kissing you. You deepening the kiss. You both finally pulled away smiling at one another before heading your separate ways.

8. You tell your 'brother(s)'
Your biological brother couldn't be here, but that didn't mean you're basically brothers shouldn't know. So you told Thomas that you were going to tell the guys you were dating turing the BBQ. Of course he asked 'why' so you simply answered because they're our friends my family. Either way there was no getting out of it. Once you and Thomas arrived you acted like friends till everyone was there so you would only have to say it once.
"Okay guys I well we have news." You said
"What?" Rigby asked
"Me and Thomas are dating." You said
Everyone was shocked for a second then Muscle Man started to laugh.
"Seriously?!" Muscle Man laugh
"Yea seriously!!" Thomas said irritated at Muscle man causing the others to laugh
"Well not quite the reaction I was thinking of, but it's better." You said
"How so?" Thomas asked
"There laughing that's how." You said

9. You cuddle
You had a hard day everything that could go wrong at the park did. From Benson blowing up at everything that moved to the teens and kids being really really mean and disrespectful. So all in all when you just sat down in the woods. You were ready to just about kill anything that moved or well at least scream at it. You were focusing on calming yourself down before you screamed at someone. When Thomas came by.
"Y/n! Finally I've been looking all over for you. What's wrong?" Thomas asked
"A long day that's all." You mumbled
"Aww." Thomas said
He then sat beside you and wrapped his arms around you.
"It'll be better tomorrow Dove." Thomas said

10. First I loves'
You and Thomas were out getting stuff on the list Benson gave you. It was easy to find the top items not so easy to find the bottem items. It also didn't help that Benson wrote messy because he wrote it down fast.
"What happened to neatness." You mumbled
"Hey, Hey! Y/n I found the thingy." Thomas said rushing down the aisle
"Good one less thing to get." You said
"What next?" Thomas asked
"I don't really know I can't read Benson's messy handwriting." You said
"Let me." Thomas said taking the list
"Oh, it's pizza."Thomas said
"Really how can your read that?!" You asked
"Practice with bad handwriting." Thomas said
"This is why I love you." You mumbled
"I- I di-" You got cut off
"Love you too dove." Thomas said

11. You meet his family
You were spending the night at Thomas's house because it was movie weekend. So you were setting up to watch superhero movies while Thomas was getting food. When there was a knock on the door.
"I got it." You called out to Thomas
Once you opened the door you were bombarded with questions
"Who are you?!" A older looking woman asked
"I'm-" you were cut off
"Guys what are you doing here I thought you weren't coming till next saturday?" Thomas asked leading everyone to the living room
"We go an earlier flight, But who is this young lady?" His mom said
"Y/n my girlfriend." Thomas said "Y/n these are my parents Mary and Chester then this is my brother Timothy."
"Nice to meet you all." You said shyly and nervously
"Why are you dating my brother your way out of his league." His brother said
"If I'm out of his league then I'm way out of your league." You replied
"Stop that son." His dad said
After a while about hanging out with his family they left. After they left you started laugh.
"Why are you laughing?" Thomas asked
"Because your family is just hilarious." You said
"Is that good?" Thomas asked
"Yea." You said stopping laughing (more like trying to stop laughing)

12. You fangirl
You were watching The Avenger Age Of Ultra with Thomas it came to your favorite part were Hulk beat up Loki and said "puny god". You started to silently cheer and squeal.
"I'm not going to ask." Thomas said shaking his head
"Best choice." You replied

13. You help him with his work

Today was an unusual very busy at the park. You had finished up what you had to do. So you decide to do a quick patrol of the park to make sure everything was okay for the time being. As you were patrolling the park you saw that the snack bar was backed up and Thomas was rushing around to get everything. So you went over to help him. Once you made it inside you started to take orders and tell people to wait till there name was called.
"Thomas how are you doing with orders?" You stated
"Not so good." Thomas said
"Charlie, Madison, and Alvin." You said handing them their orders
You then turned and helped Thomas get some orders together
"Jason, Linda, Jethro, Tony, Lily, Zoey. Max, Martin, Allin, and Wilson." You said handing orders out
"Marvin, Sasha, Quinn, Sebastian, and Preston." Thomas said giving people order
After a while you both finished giving out orders at snack bar. You sat on the floor.
"Thanks for the help." Thomas said hugging you
"No problem." You said hugging him back
And that was how you stayed for a few minutes

14. You get hurt

You were on the roof cleaning the gutters out. You lost a bet with Mordecai and Rigby so you had to clean the gutter(s). After you got the hose up you started to spray the gutters. A you started you grabbed stuff out of the gutter you slipped. In the misted of slipping you grabbed the gutter and hung on tight. The hose was still going and you were slipping fast. One of your hands slipped of your other following quickly behind. Then you were tumbling you landed in the bushes. It didn't hurt much you only got a few cuts and bruises. It sure knocked the air out of you. You rolled out of the bushes. Ou then saw Thomas running towards you.
"Y/N!? Y/N!?" Thomas screamed rushing towards you
"Just help me and call an ambulance. Okay?" You said
"What did you break?" Thomas panicked
"Take a deep breath in then out. I'm fine I need to go to the hospital just incase. Understand?" You asked in the calms voice you had Thomas nodded then called an ambulance to pick you up. In the end nothing was to serious only a few bruised bones and a lot of scraties. You were lucky even the doctors couldn't explain it.
"Your lucky." Thomas said finally able to breath without panicking
"I know." You replied

15. You fight
Today was a really hard day for you both all day you've been arguing, but none were a headed as the argument you were in now."YOU'VE BEEN DOWN MY NECK ALL DAY CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!" You yelled
"GOD, WHY ARE YOU SO ANNOYING?!" Thomas screamed back
"SO I'M ANNOYING NOW?!" You screamed back
"Fine." You said barely above a whisper
"Wait. No come back." Thomas tried to get you to stay, but it was all too late.

16. Aftermath

You- You were still mad, but you started to break down. You sat in your apartment thinking. Thinking of all the things that could've happened differently. Everything the scenarios the words. Your anger was no more only sadness filled the anger. You were lost in thoughts

Thomas- Guilt. He keep replaying the scenario in his head. He knew he shouldn't of said that, but he still did. He keep feeling sadness and guilt. He only felt anger to himself. Much like you, he was lost in his thoughts too.

17. You make up It
 had been three weeks since the fight. You both didn't try to contact the other. It was like a pattern you'd got to work he wouldn't, he'd go to work you wouldn't. But the pattern got messed up and you both showed up on the same day. You didn't know that he was here so you just acted like normal. Until you saw him. You both just stopped right there. You were frozen in place. Thomas he just started walking towards you. Now words were said as he hugged you."I'm sorry." He whispered and you nodded

18. His birthday

You were setting up to surprise him on his birthday. You had all the decorations set up all you need was to get Thomas to walk in through the door. "Okay everyone be quiet he's coming." You said then hid Once the door open you all jumped out and screamed surprise. Only to laugh at the scream that came from Thomas.
"Oh, my god that was great." You said laughing at his face
"That is so not funny." Thomas wined
"Let's get this party started." Muscle Man said And that was the start of a very good, but wild party.

(Hope you liked it pt 2 coming soon)
~Shadow was here 

Regular Show Boyfriend Scenarios *under editing*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon