He asks fot premission

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This was hard and awkward for Rigby to even comprehend how to ask Mordecai if he could marry you. He invited Mordecai over while you were to see if he could hang out for a bit. They played many different games and in the end, ended up playing poker.
"How are you so good at this?" Mordecai asked
"I have no idea, but if we were playing for real you'd owe me about 150 dollars." Rigby stated
"Glad we aren't playing for real then." Mordecai said
"I actually wanted to ask you something." Rigby said looking at his cards
"Ask away." Mordecai stated
"I'm asking for your blessing to marry your sister." Rigby stated looking Mordecai in the eyes
"Rigby I'll give you my blessing just promise me you will protect her and make her happy for the rest of her life." Mordecai said
"I promise." Rigby said

Mordecai was scared to death about asking Skips for his blessing. Many things could go wrong. He made a list of what could go wrong. For one he was more than sure Skips was going to murder him. He had to catch Skips at a perfect time. Now seemed the best time. Skips was happy because he was just happy Mordecai didn't know why.
"What's got you in a happy mood?" Mordecai asked coming to where he was
"Y/n told me something and I agreed." Skips said not really explaining
"While you're in a good mood can I ask you something?" Mordecai asked
"Sure." Skips said
"Do I have your blessing to marry your sister." Mordecai said in the most serious voice he could muster
"You know what she said to me. 'I think he's the one' I agreed with her on that. Just promise to give her the life she deserves." Skips said

Benson was dreading asking Rigby, but he had to. He knew Rigby would never take him seriously on this matter, but it was worth a shot. Rigby was slacking off as usual so what better time than to ask him.
"Rigby come here." Benson called to Rigby
"What Benson going to yell at me again?" Rigby asked sarcastically
"No I have a question to ask you and I would like it if you took it seriously." Benson stated
"Whatever." Rigby said
"I want to ask for your blessing to marry your sister." Benson stated
"You want to marry my sister?" Rigby stated becoming very serious
"Yes and I'm asking for your blessing." Benson stated
"The only reason I'm giving you my blessing is because you make her happy and it's been along time since she's been happy. So yes you have my blessing."Rigby said

Skips didn't usually worry, but this was something he couldn't help, but worry about. He knew he had to ask, but it would be hard to ask. He and Mordecai were on a supply run for the park.
"Skips how's Y/n?" Mordecai asked
"She fine I think her new job is great it's confusing,  but it's good for her." Skips said
"What's her new job?" Mordecai asked
"She's designing new cars. Mordecai I have to ask you something." Skips said
"Okay." Mordecai said
"I want your blessing to marry your sister." Skips stated
"Keep her safe." Mordecai stated

Thomas had no idea how to go about this. You technically had no brothers, but you had 6 honorary brothers. Which one does he ask? Does he need to ask all of them? He didn't know so he asked them all. They were all over at yours and Thomas' playing poker.
"Okay considering I now owe all of you some money can I ask a all of you a question?" Thomas asked
"Go ahead." Benson said
"Since Y/n doesn't have any brothers and she considers you her brothers, can I have all of your blessings to marry her?"Thomas asked
They all stopped talking and looked at Thomas like he had 3 heads. They all started talking to each other. Thomas couldn't make out what they were saying, but he hoped it was good.
"Thomas we've each came to a decision and we give you our blessing. As long as you keep her, her." Mordecai said
Then everyone started cheering for Thomas.

You didn't have any brothers or other siblings for that matter. So he was going to as Jeremy for his blessing to marry because he was the closest person you considered family. Chad really hoped Jeremy wouldn't hit him and that he would give him his blessing. So he had Jeremy over for a few drinks while they watched some sports.
"Chad we're losing out here get your butt back in here." Jeremy called/yelled to the kitchen
"How are they beating us?" Chad asked
"Our best play got hurt." Jeremy said eyes glued to the tv
"Can I marry Y/n?" Chad asked
"Yea sure." Jeremy said not really paying attention

"Wait what!" Jeremy said staring at Chad
"Can I marry Y/n." Chad stated
"Promise not to hurt her and you can. And if you hurt her you're going to wish you hadn't." Jeremy said

You were an only child. So Jeremy did the second best he asked Chad for his blessing to marry you. Chad was very protective over you, he grew up being your 'big brother' and best friend. He invited Chad over to watch the football game with their favorite teams playing against each other the Redskins and Cowboys.
"How are your Redskins beating my Cowboys." Chad stated
"We're better." Jeremy stated
"Yea, sure." Chad said sarcastically
"Can I marry Y/n?" Jeremy blurted out after a few moments of silence
"Yes, but under one condition." Chad said
"What condition?" Jeremy asked happy to comply if it meant getting his approval
"Never ever hurt her." Chad stated very seriously
"Of course." Jeremy said

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