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(Sorry this it's a little late for Christmas)

Your first Christmas together
You and Rigby were in Minnesota for the week to spend Christmas with his family. You and Rigby were staying in a beautiful cabin along with his family. It was big enough for mostly everyone to have their own rooms. You and Rigby decided to spend Christmas with his family because your family was already out of the country. Also, because Rigby thought it would be a nice surprise for you to wake up to snow on Christmas morning. You and Rigby managed to get his family gifts some last minute some not so last minute. Let's skip to Christmas morning. Rigby was of course the first one up and when he got up, it was snowing and I mean really snowing. He rushed to get you up so you could see the snow.
"Y/n look out the window." Rigby said dragging you out of bed and to the window
"iT'S SNOWING!! IT'S A WHITE CHRISTMAS." You yelled in excitement and with the excitement you kissed Rigby sloppily on the lips before running out to wake everyone.
Once everyone was up and the presents were sorted out to everyone. You all went crazy with opening the presents. The living room area of the house looked like a Christmas paper tornado hit. It was very fun and to top it there was a snowball fight after presents.

Presents you got each other

You to Rigby- A jacket, headset, and a new game
Rigby to you- A necklace, new book, and matching shirts

Christmas cookies
You and Rigby tried to make them, but failed. You were making them alone to start out with when Rigby decides to come and join you.
"I need one cup of flour and 2 eggs." You told Rigby (I don't bake cookies so don't quote me on that.)
Rigby got the flour and eggs. One his way over he tripped sending the eggs flying into you.
"RIGBY!!" You yelled throwing flour at him
He smirked and got more eggs to thrown at you. By the time the four and egg war was over you ran out of ingredients to make the cookies with. 

Your first christmas together
You and Mordecai were actually in paris along with your family. Your parents had payed for both you and Mordecai to come for Christmas. You and Mordecai choose to go to Paris because A) his mom was sick and highly contagious B) because it's Paris. You and Mordecai were both very pleased with that because your hotel was really close to the Eiffel Tower. On Christmas morning you and Mordecai were the first ones up. You and Mordecai sorted the presents and started breakfast. When your parents got up breakfast was almost done.
"Oh my, you guys didn't have to do this." Your mother said
"It's fine mom. Take a seat with dad while we finish up." You said to her
You finished breakfast soonly after and then ate and opened presents. After all of that you all took a tour around Paris.

Presents you got each other
Him to you- Paris inspired outfit, Paris inspired phone case, and necklace
You to him- A Paris scarf, ring, and mini Eiffel tower

Christmas cookies
You and Mordecai were doing well in making your cookies. You had a batch baking and one already done. While you were waiting for the others to be done you and Mordecai were decorating the cookies. Once the others were finished, you put them to cool. Long story short after they were cooled you just smeared icing on them and started eating cookies. 

Your first Christmas together

Your first Christmas with Benson was interesting to say the least. His family's Christmas was hectic, more hectic than usual Christmases, by a lot. First there's all the yelling, second there was an actual fist fight, third presents no just no. Next year you and Benson definitely agreed to spend Christmas with your family.

Presents from each other.

Him to you- A new book, headset, and plain tickets to London
You to him- A new clipboard (inside joke), a pin set, and ticket to the Bahamas

Christmas cookies

Your were baking Christmas cookies by yourself, well that was until Benson came into the kitchen. When he came into the kitchen you didn't know he was there. He decide to take that into his advantage. You see, you guys were having a prank war and he had yet to get you back so this was the perfect opportunity. He got the cup of flour you had set out and pours in on you.
"BENSON JAMES DUNWOODY!!" You yelled throwing batter at him
It was a full on war with every thing that was eatable in the kitchen.

First Christmas together

It was spent with your family in Hawaii. You family's Christmas was calm compared to other Christmases. You guys Christmas consisted of opening presents, eating breakfast, and going out to watch Christmas lights. You and Skips had a great time in Hawaii until you both got sunburns.

Presents to each other
Him to you- New mechanic tools, notebooks, and pen set.
You to him- New hat, a phone, and new (guy) necklace.

Christmas cookies

Skips was trying to surprise you. The only problem was that Skips can't cook. So you woke to smelling smoke. You rushed into the kitchen once you woke up enough to realize what you were smelling.
"Skips?" you asked confused to why he was holding burn cookies
"I tried to make Christmas cookies, but I burnt them." Skips said
"At least you tried. Maybe I can help you?" you stated
You helped Skips bake cookies the right way and guess what they turned out good.

First Christmas together

You first Christmas together was spent with your 'Parents' in Canada. Canada was snowy and had more nature then back home. You and Thomas were in a hotel for the weekend. You and him were helping make breakfast while your dad sorted the presents. Once everyone ate and opened presents you went on a tour around Canada.

Presents from each other (remember there 'ex'-assassins)
Him to you- A new gun, new knife, and a necklace with a bullet hanging from it.
You to him- A new gun, a silencer, and poison darts

Christmas cookies
Thomas was successful in making Christmas cookies, you not so much. You didn't really try to make cookies you just watch Thomas make them. When it came to decorating them you started to help. Which ended up good. 

First Christmas together

You spent Christmas with Chad's family. There Christmas traditions were very different, but very fun. First if it snowed everyone would have a snowball fight, then go inside and eat breakfast, and lastly open presents. It was fun spending Christmas with his family and in Russia of all place too.

Presents to each other

Him to you- A real artist art set, a custom jacket, and a new phone case.
You to him- A custom stuffed animal, a new phone, and a headset

Christmas cookies
You and Chad were very much succeeding in making cookies. You had about 3 batches finished and ready to decorate. So that's what you were doing. You both started decorating at first you tried to make them look christmasy, but a little while later you were both just randomly decorating. In the end you ended up with 6 christmasy cookies and the rest were monsters. 

First Christmas together

You and Jeremy spent your christmas in Italy with his family. It was a magical experience to be in Italy. You, Jeremy, and Jeremy's framily took a tour around Italy after you ate and opened presents. It was fun and to end the day of you ate out in a beautiful restaurant.

Presents from each other

Him to you- A new game, a book, and a sweater
You to him- A new hoodie, a new hat, and a phone case

Christmas cookies
You and Jeremy already had 3 bathes baked and were ready to be decorated, You and Jeremy decorated them like christmas things. Once you were finished you tried them and they were the best.

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