You get sad

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Requested by- @jljmjmj

Warning this contains depression symptoms, mentions of depression, just a warning for depression ahead. Contains Bulimia Nervosa this makes you judge yourself harshly on your weight and body shape and when you eat you make yourself throw up, but that's not all if you want to know more research it I only used the part that would fit into the story I only used parts of Bulimia Nervosa. If you are feeling any of these please msg me and I'll help you all I can, even if you aren't feeling these things I will still talk to you and help you with your problems. I'm here to help if you need it.


You didn't know why you were sad you just were. You were happy one second now here you are sad, nothing was there to make you sad nothing was wrong, but you just felt this unleaving sense of helplessness and hopelessness. You didn't know what was happening to you if felt as tho you didn't know what were you were headed anymore. You didn't want to feel this way, but you couldn't help but to feel that way.


You couldn't eat right and when you did eat you would make yourself throw up. You didn't want your body you were to fat, to oddly shaped, and too ugly. If you ate you felt as though you gained a million pounds and even then you'd throw it up, but you still felt like you weighed a million pounds. It was hard for you to eat, but you did it anyway to keep the supposition at bay.


You couldn't sleep, but that wasn't anything new. You haven't been able to sleep right for the past month. You wanted nothing more than to just have one night's rest with ou nightmares coming and scaring you so bad you can't stop shaking until morning. You've tried sleeping pills but they never seem to work, they only put you to sleep not keep you asleep. It has gotten so bad that you felt the need not to sleep anymore. It didn't seem to affect you much. You were able to function properly without sleep and you were able to keep what you were feeling inside. At least this is what you thought.


You felt worthless and guilty for no reason, but it felt like you had a reason. Nothing had happened that should have brought this on, but that's what you thought. It was getting harder to deal with theses feeling it was causing more problems than it did when it first started. It was causing you to have anxiety attacks now. You did your best to hid it and it was working. Skips was to oblivious to see the small sighs you unintentionally showed. You were a mess on the inside, yet you were more than fine on the outside.


You weren't as energetic anymore not to mention that you felt drained, no you weren't tired you were just drained out of physical energy. You also were having trouble focusing on things you could usually be okay with doing now it was like you had to force yourself to keep focus on small things. It didn't help that you had a nagging feeling that something was just not right everything felt right, but the feeling was still there.


You've recently has some problems sleeping and eating right. Along with some emotional problems. It seemed as tho you were perfectly fine on the outside, but on the inside you were a mess. The emotional stress, lack of sleep, and the lack of food in your system was only adding to your longing it to be over. You thought it was just a faze and it would eventually pass and it would be all better.


It was hard to focus on anything. It was also confusing as to why you were sad and couldn't focus. You didn't know why you felt this uncontrollable sadness, you just did. You've reran scenarios through your head trying to find out what as mae you this way, but nothing was coming up. It was hard at first to hid it, but it became easier to hid as it got worse.

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