He talks to your brother/friend (You get sad pt 3)

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Warning depressing-ish stuff ahead read at your own risk. 
Inspired by jljmjmj request.


He was hesitant to talk to Mordecai about it, but he saw no other option. So here he was at his friend's new house.
*Knock, knock*
"Hey Mordecai." Rigby said
"Hey Rigby? What's up?" Mordecai asked opening the door
"It's about Y/n. Can I come in?" Rigby said in a grimish tone
"Yea of course, what's wrong with Y/n?" Mordecai said leading Rigby in
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Rigby said sitting down
"What happened? Is she hurt? Are you trying to propose to her?!" Mordecai asked in rapid fire
"No, no nothing like that." Rigby said
"Then what?" Mordecai asked
"Has Y/n every acted out of character like way out of character?" Rigby asked looking at his hands
"What do you mean?" Mordecai asked completely confused
"I mean as she ever acted well hopeless- has she ever acted depressed?" Rigby said changing what he was saying
"Yea when we were teenagers Y/n went through this hard time were her best friend died." Mordecai explained
"How'd you fix it?" Rigby asked with some hope
"Well I dragged her out of her room and made her sit down and tell me what was wrong and then we watched a movie with all here favorite foods." Mordecai said thinking back
"Are you sure that's all it took?"Rigby asked
"Yea, she was fine few days later, but she's older now so it may not be the same. Did anything happen?" Mordecai asked
"Not that I know of, but thanks for the help. I got to get going now." Rigby said getting up and leaving
He was on his way to fixs you.


Mordecai was worried Skips wasn't an easy person to talk to normally, bringing in his little sister that would be even harder, but it had to be done. So here he was standing at the door he had already rung the bell twice. He was about to turn and walk away when the door opened.
"Mordecai what are you doing here?" Skips asked
"I came here to talk about Y/n." Mordecai said manning up
"What about Y/n?" Skips said stepping aside to let him in
"Has she ever stopped eating then eat then stop again, yet still lose weight?" Mordecai asked pacing back and forth
"No she's never done that before." Skips answered a bit too quickly in Mordecai's opinion
"Are you sure. Really think about it." Mordecai said stopping pacing for a moment the starting again
"She'd just stop eating not randomly stop eating and then eat." Skips said after a few minutes of silence
"How'd you fix it?" Mordecai asked finally done pacing
"I confronted her about it then I got her, her favorite food and watched her eat it to make sure she ate it." Skips explained
"Okay thanks." Mordecai said walking out deep in thought
To deep in thought to forget about closing the door on his way out. He was going to fix this, he had to.


Benson didn't want to talk to Rigby about what was happening to you, but he knew he had to no matter what his personal opinions were on Rigby. So here he was, never did he expected he be asking Rigby about anything (important at least). He knocked twice then waited.
"Benson? What are you doing here?" Rigby asked highly confused
"It's important, can I come in?" Benson said
"Yea, sure." Rigby said letting him in
"What's this about if you don't mind me asking." Rigby said after a long silence
"Have you ever know Y/n to not sleep?" Benson asked sitting down
"Y/n's not sleeping. Good joke Benson, but seriously what are you doing here?" Rigby asked
"Rigby I'm being serious. Y/n hasn't been sleeping and you want to joke about that real mature." Benson said getting up to leave
"She's really not sleeping, again?" Rigby asked looking a Benson
"She isn't sleeping." Benson stated staring Rigby straight in the eyes
"When we lived together she sleep every night with no problem." Rigby stated looking at him
"Had she ever had recurring nightmares?" Benson asked desperate to know what was wrong with you
"Yea when she was 15 she had the same nightmare for a month." Rigby said remembering
"How'd you fix it?" Benson asked with some hope in his voice
"After I found out about it I had her talk about her dream and it went away." Rigby explained
"Thanks I'll be going now." Benson said
Benson left quickly to find away to talk to you about this.


He didn't know how to ask Benson about this or how to ever bring it up. So he decide to suc kup his pride and go talk to Beon about this. Once he got to Benson's house he knocked and waited.
"Skips, what are you doing here?" Benson asked
"I'm here to talked to you about Y/n." Skips said walking inside
"What's wrong with Y/n?" Benson asked
"She's acting like she's worthless. She's taking bigger risks then she would ever have before." Skips explained
"She's never acted that way, but I left when she was 16 so I wouldn't know." Benson said looking down
"You know nothing? You have to know something." Skips said
"Well I don't, all I can think of is she was really, really big dare devil in 10th grade before I left. She was so good at doing risky stuff that my parents were afraid of her being found dead or her being put in juvie. That's all, I don't know how to fix it, but when I came back she was better." Benson said explained
Skips didn't respond he got up and basically ran out of there, you were doing risky stuff, but you weren't that bad yet.


Thomas knew he would have to go to Mordecai and Rigby to see what was wrong with you, because they were your closest friends at the park. So here he was at their house waiting for them to answer the door.
"Oh, hey Thomas?" Mordecai said opening the door
"Hey Mordecai, Rigby. Can I come in?" Thomas said trying not to lose his nerve
"Yea, what's up?" Rigby asked walking towards the couch
"It's about Y/n." Thomas stated
"What'd you do this time?" Mordecai said in a jokingly way
"Nothing, it's just she's been acting very different from her normal perky self." Thomas explained
"Yea there was a time when she acted drained." Mordecai said trying to think about it\
"Oh, I remember that she was really bummed about her friend dieing." Rigby said in realization
"You fixed it right?" Thomas asked
"Yea, but it took a bit." Rigby replied
"How'd you fix it?" Thomas almost yelled
"We fixed it by making her sit down and sleep, then done all her favorite stuff with her." Mordecai explained
"Thanks." Thomas said as he rushed out to save the day


Chad was going to talk with Jeremy your brother. Once he got there it was like he forgot how to knock. Lucky for him there was a doorbell that he rang before he froze up.
"Hey, Chad." Jeremy said
"Hey man. Can I come in?" Chad said a bit nervously
"Yea, yea sure." Jeremy said stepping aside
"Do you know what's happening to Y/n?" Chad asked sitting down
"What do you mean?" Jeremy asked confused
"I mean does she seem different to you?" Chad asked avoiding saying what he needed to say
"How so?" Jeremy asked still confused
"Has she ever had trouble sleeping or eating?" Chad asked anxiously
"Yea when she was about 19 she couldn't sleep and definitely wouldn't eat a thing." Jeremy said thoughtfully
"How'd you fix it?" Chad said with hope
"I fixed it by talking to her about her eating and I let her sleep with me for a night. It seemed to have helped her the next day, why?" Jeremy asked
"Nothing, thanks." Chad said before rushing out


Jeremy wa apprehensive about talking to Chad about it, but he sucked it up and went over to his house to talk to him. Once he finally got there he rang the doorbell and waited.
"Hey Jeremy, what's up." Chad said letting him in
"I wanted to ask you a few questions." Jeremy said
"Fire away." Chad said taking a set
"Was there ever any thing wrong with Y/n when she was younger? Was she ever unable to focus and seemed sad?" Jeremy asked
"Yea, she got like that after her friend died." Chad said thoughtfully
"Did you fix it?" Jeremy asked
"Of course I fixed it." chad replied
"How!?" Jeremy nearly yelled
"Well I got her mind off of it and got her all her favorite foods." Chad answered
With that Jeremy was out the door 

(Hope you like it, sorry about Chad and Jeremy's scenarios they were short and bad. I will have a christmas thing up later today or sometime tomorrow. If it is not up either of those days it will be up on 26th and that's a promise. Merry early Christmas or Hanukkah.)
~Shadow nation. 

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