You tell him you remember

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(Quick note- I did not do this as drastically as I had planned to do)
(This title isn't really accurate)


You were so shocked when you woke up were you passed out. You couldn't comprehend what happened. You just sat there staring wide eyed at the ground. What just happened? How? How long was I out? Were questions you asked yourself. You for some reason couldn't remember anything before you past out. Well, that isn't completely true you had a few memories in your head you were in a hospital, then at the park. That's it really so you decide to asked questions. So you went in search of Rigby. After looking all over the park you finally found him at the pound sitting alone.

"Rigby finally there you are." You said happily running to him

"Not now Y/n." Rigby said in an annoyed tone

"What's wrong?" You asked concerned

"You wouldn't understand." Rigby said softer

"Try me." You challenged

"You don't remember that's what's wrong." Rigby said now facing you

"What do you mean?" You asked completely oblivious to the fact Rigby was growing anger

"I MEAN YOU WERE IN THE HOSPITAL WITH A COMMA THEN WAKE UP AND DON'T REMEMBER A SINGLE... a single thing." Rigby yelled and broke down crying at the end

"I remembered, I everything... Rigby everything is fine now." You said close to crying yourself

"Y-you remember.. Y-you remember... Oh my god." Rigby started to back away from you

"Rigby what's wrong what are you not telling me?' You asked stepping closer to him

"You're going to be mad." Rigby said backing up faster

"Rigby I'm going to be madder if you don't tell me." You said stepping faster towards him

"I'm sorry." Rigby said Running away

"RIGBY." You screamed


You were in shock once you woke up. You were in your bed like it didn't even happen. There was a note on your desk it read.

'Hey Y/n, it's Mordecai

You fell asleep looking through photos.

So I put you in bed. Hope you remember soon. '

Odd you thought, but okay. You unlike Rigby's girlfriend you had some memory. So you understanded the "Hope you remember soon" thing. You got out of bed after you finished reading that note and changing into clothes you had laying around your room. After looking around the house you couldn't find Mordecai so you looked around the park and finally found him the snack bar.

"Hey Mordecai, what's up?" You said more the asked

"Nothing much really. How are you?" Mordecai asked without looking up

"I've bean better. The really question is how are you? You had to deal with me losing my memory and me being in the hospital." You said/stated

"You have your memory back?" Mordecai asked shocked and nervous

"Yea. Why what happened?" You asked looking at him confused

"Nothing at all, I'm just shocked." Mordecai said

"Are you sure?" You asked being sceptical

"Yea I'm sure." Mordecai played off and hugged you

You nodded still not believing him something's up and you knew it.


You were stunted once you woke up.The thing is that you forgot everything you being in the accident and you ever losing your memory besides that you remember the rest of your life. So after sitting there for a second you got up and went to look around. You wanted to talk to Benson after you talked to everyone else. You were walking to Benson's office when you heard him on the phone with someone so you stopped and decide to listen. From what you could hear Benson said something like Wendy or Brittany you couldn't really hear it that well. You heard he was ending the call so you decide to know before you got caught.

"Hang on a second." Benson said then rushed to hang up from the phone

"Hey Benson." You said once he opened the door

"Hey Y/n something wrong?" Benson asked Nervously

"No why are you nervous?" You asked in a fake joking way

"Nothing just some work stuff that's came up. Are you sure you're okay?" Benson asked

"I'm fine besides the fact I remembered." You said with made Benson obviously more nervous

"That's great *phone ringing sound*- Uh I got to take this talk to you later." Benson said pushing you out

If it you weren't suspicious before now you were. You knew something was up, but you weren't going to point it out until you found out the truth.


At first once you woke up you just laid there not moving not even thinking. It was all a shock. Once you got your senses back you got up and walked into the house still a bit dazed, but that's understandable your life just replayed in front of you. You decide to find Skips see if anything happened while you were passed out. While you were walking you kinda zonedout focusing on the sounds of people walking around, birds chirping, and the sounds of kids playing. After a while you found your way to the gazebo in the park. You looked at the gazebo not expecting there to be anyone in there, but you were sorely surprised. There Skips was standing looking, just looking.

"Hey Skips." You said making him jump

"Oh, hey Y/n" Skips replied normally

"So what's up.?" You said more than asked

"Just thinking, you?' Skips asked

"Same. Anything new happen?" You asked not completely pay attention

"Nothing same old thing as always." Skips said

"Hmm." Was your reply

That's how that when you both just leaning on the railing of the gazebo in silence lost in thoughts.

(Okay you probably figured out the plan for what's going on with Rigby, Mordecai, and Benson. As for Skips if you figured out the plan I don't think he would do that. If no one figured it out that's okay to because It was so easy for me to figure it out, but I wrote it. Anyway hope you liked it)
~Shadow was here

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