You wake up

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Today was the day they thought were going to cut off the machine keeping you alive while you're in this coma. So everyone was gathered around to say goodbye to you. Of course everyone said there separate goodbyes some did their goodbyes together. Last Rigby walked in and held your hand telling you stories about the times you had together and how much he loved you. Then the doctor said it was time so everyone either wait in the hall or in the room The doctor pulled the plug and everyone was crying just waiting for the beep. You then shot up breathing like you woke from a nightmare.

"Y/n?! Oh my god you're okay, you're okay." Rigby said repeating the same thing

"What happened? Where am I and who are you?" You asked looking around

"You don't remember? I'm Rigby your boyfriend." Rigby asked/said

"What do you remember Y/n?" Mordecai asked

"I remember I have brother that's blue I think his name started with an M." You replied

"Anything else do you even recognize anyone in this room?" Rigby then asked

" No, sorry." You said wishing you knew them cause you saw most of them start crying again.

"Hey you know the blue guy you were talking about is here and his name is Mordecai." Mordecai said calmly to you

"Are.. Are you Mordecai?" You asked and he nodded

"What happened to me?" You asked/thought out loud

"You got hit by car, so you were put into a coma and now.. Now you can't remember." Rigby said trying not to cry

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to forget." You said your voice quivering

"It's not your fault you can't remember." Rigby said

"We've got to go will be back soon don't worry the doctors are going to do a once over and then you should be free to leave tomorrow okay?" Mordecai said

"Okay." You said watching them leave


Unicorns were nice. Thats pretty much what you thought while you were asleep in this coma. Well that was until all the pain came back and were awake at the middle of the night. You started to start hyperventilating.

"Y/n Calm take deep breaths, in and out." Mordecai said holding your hand and doing it with you

"What happened?" You asked looking around trying to find out

"You got hit by a car, you've been in a coma for about a 1 and a half." He said to you

"Um, how are you I swear I've seen you before." You said to him

"Yea I'm Mordecai I'm your boyfriend." He said a little panic

"I had a boyfriend? And it was you? I think you have the wrong girl I think I would remember having a boyfriend that looking like you." You said Think he was crazy

"So you don't remember even having a brother? Or friends that love you?" Mordecai said

"No, I had friends? That loved me?" You said

"Yes you did>" Mordecai answered

"Sorry to be rude, but when can I leave this place hospitals give me the creeps" You said

"They always did you should be getting out sometime tomorrow." He said


You didn't even know what to think when you woke up only there were a bunch of people around you mostly doctors, and some random people you didn't even recognize.

"Whats going on?" You asked looking around

"You fell off a very high ladder." A doctor said

"We'll be leaving so you can talk to your friends." The other doctor said

"Y/n thank god you're awake." A person said sitting beside your bed

"Who are you?" You said jerking your hand away from him

"I'm Benson your boyfriend. Don't you remember?" This Benson person said

"I don't have a boyfriend." You said plainly

"What do you remember?" Benson asked

"I remember falling then nothing till now. Why?" You asked cluelessly

"Oh, okay. You should get some rest you have a long road a head of you." Benson said sadly

"Okay." You said


You woke up to some very bright light. You were trying to get you vision to focus when someone came into view.

"Hey Y/n how are you feeling?" Skips asked

"Like I'm on drugs, what happened anyway?" You asked

"Well you got hurt really bad so that's how you got put into a coma." Skips said

"So Skips, that's your name right?' You asked unsure

"Yes? Why are you okay?" He asked panicked a little

"Just making sure I only remember bits and pieces." You said

"Well what do you remember?" Skips asked

"Well I remember my favorite color was F/c and that I work at this place called the park. Also what my favorite song is." You said

"So you don't remember your friends or that I was your boyfriend?" Skips asked

"No sorry." You said 

(Sorry this took so long I know it probably sucks. Sorry again. I've just been busy with EOGs. I get out of school next week so I'm going to update more. Hope you liked)

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