A baby

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Requested by- Gryffindor1203 

You were babysitting one of your friend's baby. He was adorkable. He was such a sweetheart and he doesn't cry. You were holding him on the couch when Rigby came in from another room.
"Is that the little rascal you've been talking about for days?" Rigby asked
"Yea, his name's James." You said with a loving smile at the baby
"Can I hold him?" Rigby asked sitting beside you.
"Yea." you said placing him in Rigby's arms
Once you did you couldn't help, but smile at how cute they looked. You quickly got as many pictures of it as you could. You went out to get some takeout and more baby stuff when you came back you found both boys sound asleep. It was the cutest thing you've seen in awhile. 

You and Mordecai were volunteering at the orphan house. You just finished story time for the 5-7 year olds and went to see how Mordecai was doing with the babies.
"Sh Shh~" Mordecai said failing at cradling a baby
"Give me him." You said taking him as soon as you had him he quick crying
"How!" Mordecai exclaimed
"SH!" You whisper shouted in a room full of babies you didn't need nor want one to wake up crying
"Sorry!" Mordecai whispered back
You had gotten the baby almost asleep when you handed him back to Mordecai and made sure that he was holding him right.
"No like this." You said readjusting him in Mordecai's arms
"How are you so good at this?" Mordecai asked
"Babysitting." You answered 

You and Benson were having friends over and they brung their baby along. Their baby's name was Evanlyn (if you know what book that is from your are my favorite). She was a sweet baby.
"Come here Y/n hold her." Your friend said adjusting the baby into your arms
"She is so peaceful." You said
"She is." Benson agreed looking at the baby than at the parents
You then passed the baby to Benson making sure he held her right.
"When are y'all planning in having kids?" your friend asked
"Yea you'd make great parents!" Your other friend said
"Maybe in the future." You stuttered trying to stop blushing

You were babysitting your aunt's babies while she and your mom went on vacation. The babies names were Will and Horace, they were twins. You were so happy with playing with Will and Horace that you didn't notice Skips came home.
"Y/n why are there babies here?" Skips asked coming into the living room
"These are my cousins Will and Horace." You said looking back at them
You grabbed up both of them and handed Skips Horace.
"Aw he looks so small in your arms." You said
"Why is he squishy?" Skips asked (very un-skips like)
"We can't all be rock solid Skips, plus he's a baby." You said laughing

Thomas F/a= Favorite Animal
You were helping out an old friend with her baby. She had to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things then come get her baby. You were busy trying to dress her in a f/a onesie that you didn't notice Thomas come in.
"Why do you have a baby?" Thomas asked sitting down beside you
"I'm babysitting." You said
"Why is she doing that." Thomas said referring as to why she was reaching for him or to be specific his hair
"Because she likes you." You said with a smirk
Thomas then picked her up and she pulled his hair
"Hey, HEY! OW!" Thomas exclaimed scaring her
"Bad Thomas, Bad." You said trying to make her stop crying

You were babysitting your niece Elliott or Ellie for short. Chad was out when your older brother dropped off your niece. You went to get food when Chad walked through the door.
"Hey watch Ellie I got to get food." You said
"Ellie?" Chad asked confused which was met with more confusion
You rushed out to get food and when you came back you saw Chad and Ellie were sound asleep on the floor. 

You were helping your friend with his baby. Your friend wanted you to watch his baby until Sunday when he comes back from a work trip. You were playing with Ash (the baby), when Jeremy walked in.
"Who's that?" Jeremy asked
"Oh, this is Ash one of my friend's kids." You explained
Ash reached for Jeremy in which Jeremy picked him. He and Jeremy go a long very well. Let's leave it at Jeremy mainly took care of him for the weekend. 

I would like to apologize to how this chapter was written I have been sick, but I'm getting better. I don't know when the next chapter will be updated and did you know where the baby names in Skips' and Benson's scenarios, if not they were from Ranger's Apprentice. On the line of books whats your favorite book?

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