Date night

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(Thanks to  shailou101 for giving me the idea of doing date thing. Sorry it took so long I'll beable to update more when I'm on summer vacation)


You and Rigby both though it's been awhile since you went on a date so you both though to do a simple date nothing too fancy. So you dressed in some summer-ish casual clothes. So you guys honestly decide to have a picnic under the stars. When the time came to when the stars were high up in the sky you meet right in the middle of the woods. To see a beautifully light picnic with some amazing food.

"Wow." Rigby said out loud causing you to blush

"Thanks Rigby." You said to him

You and him both sat down. You and him throw jokes and stories back-n-forth. At the moment you and him were both laughing at a stories Rigby told you.

"I can't believe Mordecai could or would ever do that." You said through giggles

"Trust me you wouldn't believe the things I've got him to do." Rigby replied

"Seems like it." You said

You both finished up eating then cleaned up your picnic heading back to the park.

"Thanks Rigby this was a really good date." You said then kissed rigby and walked inside

Mordecai f/m= Favorite movie

Mordecai decide sense you both just got done being sick, so he decide he was going to take you on a date. Only thing is it was going to be inside and a gaming/movie date. Due to what else would you do inside? So you dressed however you normal dress. You went to get popcorn while Mordecai set up the movie which was f/m. After you got the popcorn you guys cuddled up on your bed and started the movie. After finishing the movie, you guy got some gaming in like some fun and lighthearted games in. Then Mordecai decide to play a horror game with you that scaried you shit less. So sense it 2:00 Am you guys decide to call it a night.

"Well I had fun." You said to Mordecai

"Me too." He replied getting off your bed to walk to the door

"Stay the night." You aid to him pulling him back

"Okay." He replied

Benson F/r= Favorite Restaurant

Honestly Benson thought he wasn't spending enough time with you and decide to take you on a date to make up for it. Thing is he didn't really know what to do on this date or were to take you on this date so he just decided to take you to a fancy restaurant. So you dressed in a black dress that went down just to above your knee with black flats. When you finished with your makeup you walked down the stairs to meet Benson.

"You look lovely." Benson remarked

"As do you." You replied

With that you both busted out laughing way to formal

"Okay what's the plan for tonight?" You asked getting into his car

"Dinner date then anything." Benson said

You nodded. You guys

Talked and joked around till you got to the fancy restaurant which happened to be F/r.
"Oh, my." You said when you stepped out of the car

"Thought you would like it." Benson replied

You smiled at him and walked in with him going to the hostess to get your table. After you got your table you orders. While you were waiting on your food to get there you and Benson started talking about the park and sharing random stories. Once your food got there and you guess ate you were heading home just in time to it started to rain. Sense Benson's apartment was closer and it was already hammering down with rain so you had to stay the night at Benson. You're not really complaining other than the fact you got wet when you stepped out of the car.


Skip's decide he wanted to take you on date tonight, he really didn't have reason he just wanted to take you out for the night. He fingered you like things to be simple yet classy. So he decide to take you out to the skating rink. Only problem is you can't skate (if you can sorry). Also Skips didn't know this and you also didn't know he was taking you to the skating rink.

"Come one Y/n you will do fine you just have to trust me I won't let you go." Skips said

"Fine." You said taking his hand and stepping on to the rink

It wasn't long before you got the hang of it after trial and error. Also falling on your butt a lot. And when you thought you were getting the hang of it you fell again.

"*laughing* Good job Y/n." Skips joked

"Shudup." You said to him getting up and try again

Once you finally got the hang of skating you decide it would be fun to race Skips. It was fun sense you could go pretty fast now. Lost story short you won. It was getting late you and Skips decide to go and get a quick drive thru food then head back to Skips' house to hang. All in all it was a fun day/night.

(Hope you liked, again sorry it took so long anyway hope you liked it)

~For Ever And Always Shadow 

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