You find out what's going on and you break up

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Yet again Rigby was being secretive about pretty much everything. He wouldn't talk to you like he usually would. He'd try and avoid all confrontation with you. He tried to stay away from you. So you told him to meet you by the pond.
"Okay Rigby what's going on with you?" You asked calmly
"What do you mean?" Rigby asked Confused (References intended)
"You know what I mean. You've been secretive, canceling dates, and sneaking off. I just want to know why." You said a little irritated
"I-If I tell you then you're going to be really mad." Rigby said trying to avoid the question
"Too late I'm already mad. So you either don't trust me or you're trying to make me mad." You said more irritated
"I'm- It's neither of those, I don't want to lose you if told you, you'd leave." Rigby said
"TELL ME NOW, Or you will have already lost me." You said Yelling the first part
"IF I TELL YOU. YOU'LL LEAVE ME." Rigby screamed
"If you don't tell me I'll leave you." You said looking him dead in the eyes
"I while you didn't have your memory. I cheated on you and I still was until yesterday." Rigby said
"So you've been cheating on me for a month and half." You stated
"Yes." Rigby said looking down
"I thought you weren't that type of person, but I was wrong. Why didn't I listen to Alex. I- we're through." You said walking away with tears in your eyes.

Mordecai is barely at the park or house for that matter. He's only there to get his work done. More times than most he is gone after he finishes his work. He doesn't tell you what he's doing or where he's going. All one big secret. Then you got a text from Mordecai saying 'Cj I have to cancel todays plans i have to go meet with Y/n'. . So that's who he's been with. Once you got there you took a deep breath and calmly said-
"Mordecai whose Cj?" You asked as calm as you could manage
"How do you know about Cj?!" Mordecai asked raising his voice
"Don't raise your voice at me. Check who you're texting. I want to know what's going on." You said raising your voice
"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." Mordecai screamed at you
"THEY TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON." You screamed at him
"I'm cheating on you alright." He said
"Your cheating on me. I knew something was up, but I never thought you would do that. Go be with your other girlfriend because we're through." You said with tears in your eyes
"I'm sorry. Please-" Mordecai started to beg
"NO!! We're through." You said walking off (more like storming off)

You were tired of Benson acting like an asshole. He's been snappy, bitchy, and all around a jerk. He's also been hiding something, you knew that for sure. Today was apparently another bad day fo Benson because he was more snappy and bitchy today.
"Benson what is wrong with you?" You asked irritated
"Nothing, Leave me alone." Benson said irritated also
"No not until you tell me what's going on" You said with a bit of anger
"Y-you've been cheating on me. Never thought you would do that, But at least you won't be cheating on her anymore because we're over." You said walking away

Skips was acting and being distant. He would just act like he was your acquaintances. He would often avoid doing anything with you. So you got tired of that real quick which is what lead to this.
"Why are you being so distant? Are you mad at me or is there something you're not telling me." You said getting to the point
"If I tell you It will hurt you and I don't want to hurt you." Skips said sadly
"If you don't tell me you would have already lost and hurt me. Just tell me I promise not to be mad." You said putting your hand on his arm
"I want to break up with you." Skips said looking down
"Okay I understand can I at least know why?" You asked
"It's because I don't love you anymore." Skips said walking away


He's been really secretive about where he was going and what he was doing. He always denied the questions you asked or sometimes he would try and change the subject. After a long morning of not getting any replies to the calls or text you sent Thomas you became fed up with him. So when he got back to the park let's say you were more than mad.
"Thomas you got some nerve. You don't show till half the day is over. Leaving be to cover for you care to explain and what is that smell?' You said more than asked
"Something came up that's all." Thomas said irritated
"You've been saying that a lot lately. So tell me whats up now."You said irritated and slightly mad
"Just stuff okay." Thomas said slightly mad too
"What kind of stuff? And why do you smell like perfume?" You demanded
"Nothing you need to know about." Thomas said getting ready to walk away
"Don't walk away you tell me now or we're through." You said angry
"I've been cheating on you, Okay? There happy." Thomas replied looking down
"Yea I'm happy that we're over now good day fucker." You said   

(Hope you liked it.)
~Shadow was here

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