Chapter 36

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"Five more minutes." I groaned.

"Jo, I need to take a piss and you're laying on top of me."

I opened my eyes to see Alaricas looking at me with a desperate expression. I blushed before quickly crawling off, chuckling as he sprinted to the bathroom. I laid in the bed and sighed. This is the most comfortable hospital bed ever.

Not as comfortable as Alaricas's body though.

When he walked out of the bathroom and laid down, I quickly moved so I was on laying top of him. I nuzzled my face into the side of his neck and sighed.

I smiled as I breathed in his scent, he still smelled like the forest. The same as a few months ago.

He chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around me. He planted a soft kiss to my temple.

"Get some rest, darling." He whispered.

When I woke up again the doctor allowed me to leave the hospital. I was thankful for my ability to heal fast, no way in hell would I be able to get comfortable with a wounded back.

Cain was already back at the packhouse and resting in his room. His mate told me that he managed to reopen the wounds several times throughout the night. She was relieved when he finally got comfortable and stopped ripping them open.

After all we've been through, Cain still didn't tell me her name. I know her last name is Reeves. But I don't know what her first one is. If she's going to be my aunt, then I should at least know her name.

"Ready?" I asked Alaricas.

He looked up and nodded, we both walked out to see those three nurses at the nurse station. Alaricas immediately tensed up, but I soothed him by rubbing circles on his back.

We didn't say anything as the male doctor who stitched Alaricas up, helped us sign the forms.

I looked up to see the blond nurse glaring at me, she then looked at Alaricas. I was stunned when her eyes filled with desire as she shamelessly checked him out. I bit back a growl, knowing now wasn't the time to attack her.

Once we were done, I gently grabbed Alaricas' wrist and pulled him away.

"Alpha, wait! I wanted to apologize for the other day."

We turned around to see the blond nurse running up, I frowned when I noticed her shirt was unbuttoned a bit.

She sighed and smiled warmly at him, "Name is Kathy."

Alaricas frowned, "Okay."

"I just want to say sorry for how rude I was. I was having a bad day." She smiled.

I bit the inside of my cheek, willing myself not to growl. Alaricas must of felt my annoyance as he gently gave my hand a squeeze.

"It's okay. Don't do it again or I'll have to punish you." He stated firmly.

She smirked, her eyes darkened as she placed her hand on his chest.

"And what would that be?" She flirted.

I clenched my jaw, she's really asking for it.

Alaricas closed his eyes and took a deep breath, I could feel the fear in him, through our bond.

"Please, stop touching me." He whispered.

She grinned and flashed me a smirk, "Why? Does it turn you on, Alpha?"

"No, it scares me. Just please, stop touching me."

His voice was strained and filled with fear. His grip on my hand tightened and his body began to shake.

I growled and quickly yanked her away, causing her to fall on her butt. She gaped at me, her eyes black with anger.

"What was that for?" She shrieked.

I glared at her, "Are you stupid or something? I just told you the other day that he can't handle people touching him yet, unless it's me. His own brother can't even give him a hug without his PTSD kicking in. So, back off. Learn your damn place!"

"You're lying! He liked my touch! He just doesn't want to lose control and mate with me! He almost did it before you even stepped foot on our territory for the first time!" She spat.

I frowned, I slowly looked at Alaricas who had paled.

"Is this true?" I asked.

He nodded, "I'm not going to lie, but yes. It was during mating season and she was in heat. But when I found you....that never got to me. Your scent alone, drives me insane. You know males are during mating season."

I smiled at him before facing Kathy.

"He's not into you, Kathy. Get that through your mind and look for your own damn mate. And stop being so desperate for some dick, it's not a good look for you." I said with disgust before turning and dragging Alaricas away.

I released a breath as we reached the outside. Alaricas suddenly stopped and made me face him. He raised his hand and I flinched, but he didn't stop. He gently cupped my cheek and made me look at him.

His eyes were filled with a tenderness that I loved.

"I'm all your's and nothing will change that. I've waited for you, for years. I can wait longer than that for when you're ready to get into a relationship with me." He whispered.

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

As we walked to the packhouse I thought over Jefferson's words from that day.

"You love him."

I bit my lip, do I love Alaricas? I do care for him a lot, the thought of losing him to death or to another causes me to cringe. I get jealous and possessive whenever a female flirts with him, the infirmary was proof. I want to kiss him so damn bad, but I'm terrified of him slapping me or beating me like he did in the past.

I know that wasn't exactly him, but it still scarred me. It's the last barrier I need to push through before stepping it up a level.

I looked at Alaricas, he was deep in thought, but he still looked hot. I smiled to myself and looked away. Maybe Cain's mate can help me figure this out.

Or Cain.

Nope. Definitely not him.

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