Chapter 44

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"You guys should leave." I stated as Alaricas started to get worse.

He was currently curled up on the couch, staring at his parents with terror. His mother looked at me with annoyance.

"Who the hell do you think you are? He's my son! I am not going to leave him like this!" She snarled.

I rolled my eyes, "His mate who's trying to get him better! This is far too much for him. And for your information, you're the one who caused this!"

"I need to speak with my son!"

"It's hilarious that you're calling him that after treating him like shit." I snapped.

She glared at me, "We were trying to help him."

"Help him? All you two managed to do was traumatize him!"

"We were trying to get rid of that demon inside of him." His father growled.

"Stop being a stubborn bitch and let us see our son!"

I growled at him, but he shoved me out of his way. I hissed in pain as I landed on my shoulder, damn, he's strong. I climbed to my feet and went to yank him away, but his mate shoved me down.

"Son, look at me." His father stated sternly.

Alaricas shook his head, tears were running down his face and his hands were covering his ears.

"No, no no no no." He mumbled.

"Alaricas." His father growled.

"Leave him alone! He's not ready to talk-

"Shut up!" His mother snarled, cutting me off.

"No! I'm trying to protect him!" I retorted.

His father growled and punched me in the face. I held my nose as blood started to pour out of it. I was completely frozen with fear.

"Now, shut the fuck up!" He growled.

"Stop stop stop STOP!" Alaricas screamed.

All three of us looked over to see him sobbing on the couch. His body shook with his violent sobs as he scooted further away from his parents.

"What the hell?"

We all turned to see Eduardus running in, his eyes wide. When he spotted my bloody hands and face, his eyes darkened.

"What happened to Jolene?" He demanded.

At the sound of my name, Alaricas looked at me. He immediately ran over and gently pulled my hand away with his shaky hands.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, pulling away from him.

He went to touch me again, but I quickly yanked myself away from him. My own fear wrapped around me like a snake, strangling me.


"No, please..."

I was no longer seeing any of them, all I saw was the old Alaricas coming towards me with the belt.

"Jolene, it's-

"No! No more pain...I'm sorry!" I cried, stepping further away from him.

"Great. You two just had to fuck everything up! Don't you ever listen? Alaricas isn't ready to see you two. I don't care what your reason was for abusing him. You were still wrong to do it! Unlike him, you had control!" I could hear Alaricas' brother yelling at his parents.

But my vision was filled with a very pissed off Alaricas.

"What's wrong...with her?" His mother asked.

"Alaricas abused her because of the curse. She can't handle people hitting her. Father, I suggest getting out. Take mother with you." Eduardus' voice was cold and threatening.

"Jolene." Alaricas whispered.

The softness of his voice didn't match the look on his face. We were surrounded by darkness, it was slowly crawling towards us too.

"Hey, baby, come back." He urged.

The panic was getting worse, I cried and stepped back. I kept backing up until I fell over something. A sharp pain suddenly sliced through my shoulder.


His voice faded as complete darkness took over my vision.

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