Chapter 36

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{Emily POV}

We arrived at the house and stepped out of the car. Damian knocked on the door and noticed that the door was open. He gave us a suspicious look and entered.

"Lilly?" He said and the light flickered on. There was a note lying on the table, I picked it up and unfolded the note.

'Come to the garden.' Was written on it, I went to the kitchen and opened the door that let to the garden. I entered and heard a loud bang.

"Surprise!" I heard Lilly yell as she shot another confetti canon. I jumped and gave her a smile.

"You really got me worried there for a second." I said and she chuckled.

"Why should you be worried?" She said and Alfred quickly changed the topic.

"This is so sweet of you Lilly!" Alfred said and she gave him a hug. She decorated her garden and had a table with all kinds of little sandwiches and scones. Lilly poured the tea in and handed us our cups.

"I saw what happened at the Buckingham Palace. I know how much uncle Alfred wanted to go to a tea party I thought that I'd better give one my own, since the other one didn't go quite as planned." She said and I took a sip from my tea.

"Brown sugar instead of white?" I said and she nodded.

"I didn't have any white sugar hope you don't mind." She said and I shook my head.

"No, I actually prefer it over white sugar." I said and turned on some music. I could tell that Alfred was really enjoying it and just seeing him smile warmed my heart a little. My phone rang and I walked out of the garden with Damian, it was father so I picked it up.

"Good work you two." He said and I thanked him.

"The queen is save and Alfred did have a tea party after all." I said.

"Care to explain why you haven't checked into the rooms you were supposed to stay in?" He said and I looked at Damian.

"Everything will be explained after we arrive home father." Damian said and I coudl here father sigh over the phone.

"How's everybody?" I asked.

"I'm mostly busy with work, Jason is back at his safe house again and Dick is in Blüdhaven." He said.

"What about Drake?" Damian asked.

"Tim hasn't been home after you left, we had an 'disagreement' and he left to get some time alone." He said and my eyes widened.

"He's probably just at Jason's or something." I said.

"We'll talk when you get back." He said and hung up. I went back to the garden and continued with the party.

{Jason POV}

Emily is gone to England and I'm stuck here with lover boy Tim.

"Dude you really need to make up with Dick." I said and he crossed his arms.

"No, he only thinks about himself." Tim said and I rolled my eyes.

"And why don't you go home?" I said.

"Because then Bruce will be bugging me all day saying he was right about me breaking Emily's heart." He said and I crossed my arms.

"Does he even know you're here?" I said and he shook his head.

"So let me get this straight, you broke Emily's heart, are mad at Dick, irritated with Bruce, dating Stephanie and staying over at one of the biggest crime lords in Gotham?" I said and he nodded.

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