A Cinderella Story (Part 1)

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y/n - your name
y/h/c -you hair color
y/e/c -your eye color
y/f/c -your favorite color

Mark is going to have his normal hair since this is before hair dye :( sorry

Your POV

I overlooked the kingdom my ancestors had built on a balcony leading to my sleeping quarters. Don't get me wrong, I am blessed to be where I am today, but why do I feel so trapped. I can't make any of my own decisions, I can't do anything for myself, nor can I go anywhere without being watched by my nurse or a royal watchman. I can't take this prison anymore, I wish to be free and go wherever the wind takes me and enjoy it with whomever I want to be with.

Tonight is my Betrothal Ball and I have to pick suitor that fits my father's criteria. It's either that or an arranged marriage my Dad has had picked out for me since the day I was born. Knowing him it's someone I barely even know, is ugly as hell, and is probably loaded beyond belief. I sort of understand why he is fussing about this though. He just hasn't been the same since Mom was assassinated by poison. It all just kinda snowballed down hill because he tightened security and locked the gates to the castle.

I feel like he is throwing my life out the window! I should just run away and never come back! Although, I know that can't happen. I'll get caught or homesick. I walked back inside and flopped on my freshly made bed. I just don't want to be miserable the rest of my life with someone I don't know!

Mark's POV

I slowly get up off the cold stone ground cracking the tight joints in my neck, back, and hands. I brush the cinders and ash of my chest and try my best to wipe them off my face, but what's the point. The gray dust doesn't come off that easily. I hear my step father yelling upstairs for me, with my two ugly ass step brothers. Their names are Anthony and Ian. Also known as the spawns of the devil himself. I stretch once more and prepare myself for the torture that is going to happen today.

I walk up the rickety wooden stairs to the rest of the cottage. I pause as I get to the door. I live in the muggy basement because I'm not worthy enough to be above the ground because my presence sickens people. When my Mom was alive she used to call me handsome and smart. She would take me on some of her adventures and we never stayed in one place for too long, but when we finally did stay in one place for too long. She met Satan and his henchmen, got hitched and slain three days after. I used to believe her last words. She told me that everything was going to be okay, but now the evil words that they spit seems to be the only thing I believe.

I open the basement door and BAM! A plate flew right by my head. I flinched in fear as the glass shattered embedding it's shards into my neck. "Sorry, looks like there goes the last plate from the cabinet," Anthony said standing on the kitchen counter. "Oh well they were ugly and out of date anyways," Ian replied to him. Wait, the cabinet! "Hey! What do you think you're doing! That's my Mom's China!" I yell at them as they run off to break something else, probably.

I look at the broken shards on the ground. I sigh and head back down the rickety creaking steps to grab a broom. I was halfway down when, *knock knock knock* "MARK CAN YOU GET IT! I'M TRYING TO FIND MY OTHER SHOE!" one of the annoying boys yell from upstairs. I quickly grab my work shirt and put it on and over my bare chest as I rush to open the front door. I immediately bowed my head.

"Y-Your Grace. What an honor it is for you to be here. How may we be of service," I stutter terrified. I have heard plenty of war stories about Captain Reese. "Hello, I am here to invite all male bachelors to the Betrothal Ball at The Royal Palace tonight," She says elegantly allowing me to dismay some of my nerves. "A royal ball, it sounds like tons of fu-" I stop myself, "It sounds like a delightful evening." "How many boys are in this household?" She asks going through her messenger bag. "There are three of us, not including me, Captain," I look down at my bare feet. "For a peasant boy, you sure are charming," She pulls out four pristine white envelopes and hands them to me, "here is an extra for yourself." She whispers. "Thank you, your Grace, this is very generous of you," I mumble looking at the invitations closer. "Think of it as a seal to a promise," she spoke. I looked up to respond but she was gone.

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