One Way Out (Part I)

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This imagine is inspired by this comic strip

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Mark's POV

I had to go. I had no other choice. Her parents want what's best. So I will stay away. The rain is not helping me. This once clear happy day turned dark and gloomy. I pulled my grey hood over my red hair and kept walking feeling the water droplets pour down on my head, but my cheeks are tear stained. I have no where to be. No where to go. I'm just here. "Mark? Markimoo? Where are you?" I heard her voice yelling the far distance behind me. "Mark, wait!" She yelled one more time. I stood in my tracks and wiped my face off with my soaked sleeves.

Her footsteps came closer until they were right behind me. "Mark? Why did you leave early?" she asked and I sighed remembering what her parents had said. "I think it's time we went our own ways..." I held back the tears fighting to escape. "Mark? No, please. Turn around." she demanded. "Y/n look I think it's time th-" she interrupted me. "I said turn around!" She yelled and I put my head down and slowly turned to face her. She knows my weaknesses. Her (h/c) that falls on her shoulder, (for shorter hair) {glide below her ears, or tickle the middle of her neck...whatever} her (e/c) orbs that I get lost in. Her eyes were dull and dark, hair soaked.

"I don't know what my parents said, but Mark please don't let them take you away from me! You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I-" I placed a passionate kiss on her lips. Her lips were soft and warm, and I will never kiss them again. "Goodbye y/n..." I let go of her and ran down the street not looking back. I heard her screams and pleas, but I had to keep going. Eventually I stopped and broke down. I wish I could be with her. I let my sobs fall into the air around me turning bitter cold. The warm tears turned to ice it felt like.

Then all of a sudden..."MARK LOOK OUT!" I felt her push me down but we didn't get away fast enough. Everything went black.


I woke up to a loud obnoxious beeping noise. What the heck happened? Where is y/n? "y/n?!" I get out of my hospital bed and see her bruised body laying unconsciously. Her parents were next to her. "Why did we make him leave." her mother said. "That Mark boy is nothing but trouble, Look at what he has done to our daughter." her dad said. "Hey I'm standing right here you know?" I say but they seemed to ignore me. "That's not his fault that our daughter is in a hospital, It's yours!" things got heated...

 "They are young and in love, let them be there selves. Not everyone wants to move to New York and work an office job!" she stormed out of the room and the dad followed behind her. "This is all your fault,and I can assure you if you make it out and she doesn't I'll have your head!" he started yelling at the neighboring hospital bed. I walk up to it and see myself hooked up to different machines, including life support and a broken leg and a possible concussion. What the hell is going on?

That's when I heard a huge crash and a bang. I knelt and covered my ears. Once I noticed the sound stopped I got up and looked out in the hall. "Hello? Nurse do you know where I a-" she walked right through me. "What kind of drugs did they give me?" I ask myself. "Penicillin, pain killers, what they usually use to stop swelling and pain," a familiar Irish voice came from behind me. "Wait? You can hear me?" I turn around and see Sean standing there with his green fluffed hair.

"Jackarooni! What are you doing here?" I say trying to hug him. "Oh my poor baby!" My mom rushed into my room taking Jack with her. I follow them in and I see my lifeless body on the bed, Sean and my Mom sitting in the chairs beside my bed. "Guys, look, I'm fine. See!" I say and turn around in my white t-shirt and blue hospital pants. My mom starts to cry and Sean tries to comfort her. "Mom, please don't cry, I'm okay." I get down in front of her and put my hand on her shoulder. "It's cold in here." She stated and Sean agreed.

"Ms. Fishbach?" The doctor said as she walked into the room. We all looked up anticipating what is going on. "Mark is showing about 30% of  brain activity, and due to the loss of blood and his concussion, the chances of him making through this is a 45%. But your son is strong and he is not going to quit without a fight, I'm sure of it." My mom gripped my brothers hand who showed up along with the doctor.

"Mom, I'm gonna find a way back, I promise." I say and look around. How am I gonna get back, looking at y/n and her condition leaves me heartbroken. I'm scared, I don't know what to do! Why does anxiety always have to bring me down.

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