Partners In Crime

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Your POV

"You'll never take us alive!" I yelled out at the cops that had us surrounded. I felt Mark's ringed hand grab mine. "Do you trust me?" he looks at me with those brown eyes I fell in love with.

*8 months Ago*

I was doing my normal pitstop, at the bank. I held a gun to the manager and told him to put the money in the bag or I was going to blow his face in. He obviously complied and when he was finished I booked it to my car and drove as fast as I could. 

I got a call from my squad. "Hello?" I answer the phone hearing sirens. "Hey, babe what's up." I hear my fiance's voice over the phone. "Nothing much hon just made a pitstop. I'mon my way home." I reply swerving through traffic. "Take a left on Mountain St. and then take another left onto Pike Crt. You should lose them." I smiled into the phone.

"Oh, Hon where would I be without you?" I smile brushing my hair out of my face. "Probably in jail." he laughs. "Exactly!" I make a sharp turn onto Mountain road causing cars to floor it behind me. They soon crash leaving the cops in the dark once more. I finally rip my mask off. "Be home soon, the ceremony starts at six." the phone call starts breaking down.

"I have a hair appointment at eleven so I have to go there. Then Ivy is going to do my nails and makeup when we get there." I say starting to drive to Hailie's Hair Haven. Hailie is a really nice girl, she always dyes it the exact way I want it too. "m'kay, I'll see you when you get there then."I heard his smile through the phone. "Love ya!" I say and giggle. "I love you too." He says and we hang up. 

 I pull off the side of the back road I was on and change my licence plate. I also put a few 'Just Married' stickers on the windows so I'm less likely spotted.

Mark's POV

She's amazing. I never thought in the history of my line of work that I could ever find a woman who does,well, what I do! Bob, Wade, Ryan, and Matt are all downstairs waiting on me. Sean and Felix will be flying in soon, but they don't know what Y/n and I do. I'm hoping it stays that way. However, Bob, Ryan, and Matt do, in fact, they are on my squad. Oh and Wade is too I guess.

I walked down the stairs putting the flip phone in my pocket and pulling out my iPhone from the other one. I pull out the camera walking over to the guys. "MARK TWITTER IS BLOWING UP!" Wade says standing up showing me all of the tweets.

MarkipliersEX: HOW COULD YOU!!!

Septiplierisdead: Sean hates you.

Katieisacheezeit: NOTICE ME SENPAI!

lollipops7755: Marriage is a good thing, guys. Mark is happy, so we should be happy.


I giggled at them all. "Hey, guys we need to take a group photo for my twitter and Instagram." They all shrugged it off and we got in a line getting in different poses. Matt tried to dab, while Ryan squatted and made a constipated face. Bob and Wade...were just being Bob and Wade. I just stood there with two thumbs up doing my derp eyes. 

I posted it to most of my media's and turned off my phone. "Shoot we have to pick them Up!" I say and we dash to my black SUV. 


Your POV

"I do," I say holding his hands in mine and sliding the dark grey ring onto his finger. "We smiled at each other and looked at the priest. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Mark pulled me close and dipped me. He slowly yet passionately kissed me. 

*Present time*

"I trust you." I held his hand tighter. He smiled and kissed it softly. He stood up with a gun in his hand and he stood on top of his car shooting at the cops. I heard pistols and rifles. I covered my ears and closed my eyes. I can't watch this. 

The gunfire ceased and Mark got off the car and sat by me again. He was holding his shoulder from an earlier wound when we robbed the pawn shop. I tried to tell them no to do that one, but can't change the fact now. Bob, Wade, Matt, Ryan, Sean. They're all gone. Felix was the first to go out saying, 'If we're dyin then Imma dyin first." I never understood him.

Blood covered the palm of his hand. "Mark?" I say getting concerned. "I'm fine y/n." He smiles keeping the pressure on his shoulder. "Are we out of ammo?" I ask him and he nods banging his head against the van. "They'll never take us alive," Mark says and I know exactly what he means. "We swore that death will do us part- they'll call our crimes a work of art." Mark interrupts me and I nod in agreement.

"Hun, I'm a little scared," I say grabbing his hand. "Now, don't you quit! Babe, look at how far we've come. Look at all of the lives we've saved!" Mark says making me face him. He moved a couple red and black hairs from my face. "Those hospitals and charities needed it. When we die. At least I know it will be with you." He grabs my hand tighter and kisses my forehead. "I love you." "I love you too, but I'm gonna freaking haunt their arses." We laugh our last giggle.

He helped me up and held my hand as we walked out from behind the vehicle. I saw the black pistol he had tucked hit his pants. You sneaky devil you. We put our hands up and stood behind our dead allies and closest friends. Mark reaches for his gun and tries to shoot at the cops. But he can't use his dominant hand giving him the disadvantage. A cop quickly shoots him in the chest and I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen then my chest. I can't tell if it was heartbreak or being shot...probably both.

I laid there dying by my partner in crime. I felt his hand grab mine as I took my last breath.

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