Betrayed (Part I)

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Your POV

Mark and I have been together for about 2 years. Only a few days left until we have our big 2. We were friends before, and his last relationship crushed his heart. Which made me hate her. I will admit it, they were adorable while it lasted. Then she found a drummer boy from Anchorage who is like 7 ft. tall. Sometimes I just wonder where Mark's and I's friendship would stand if they never happened, or if they never broke up.

I feel like our relationship would best if they never happened, and if they never broke up I bet you. Mark and I would have drifted apart because that black haired bottle of bish soap would have made sure I was out of his life for good. She didn't understand the concept of friends, and that is the fight her and Mark would have all of the time.

I'm not the type to get jealous, because I know he has the fans and the fangirls who send hate. It doesn't bother me much anymore, and the fans are getting used to a member of Sharpie Squad dating their beloved gamer boy Markiplier. My channel does a mixture of everything. 

Tyson, the Stain Stick, records our videos and vlogger. Kaylor, the hamster baller, does stunts and challenges. Chris, the crispy treat, does gaming. Then I, the sharpist, sing, diy, and game. In the end of the week though we get together and we do our Friday ritual, "We React To..." videos on Fridays. We switch roles some times to keep it fresh for our viewers. Our anniversary is coming up soon too.

I was on a Skype call with my team debating on what we need to do for our five years in counting. This is going to be such a milestone for us. "I think we should post a compilation of all of Kaylor's fails." Tyson says and we all laugh. "Yeah, and then we can post all of the camera glitches and "fails" as well." we laugh and say 'burn'.

"Who are you all roasting without me?" Mark walked into my room. "Oh my gosh! I thought you were recording!" I yell and everyone yells 'Hi Mark.' "Hey pixie styx. Anyways I know you're kinda busy but I want to let you know that I'm going out for a while and I'll be back around four, okay?" I love how he calls us Pixie Styx. 

"Okay, but don't be gone too long. I wanna hang out and maybe watch a movie." He smiles and sits on the bed. "You see this face right here," he talked into my laptop, "this girl is my dream come true." He kisses me and I heard my friends cheer which made me blush.  "Love you babe." He pulls away. "Love you more Mark." I say not breaking eye contact. "I love you most," he boops my nose, "Bye Guys!" He yells and runs out of the room.

"I can't believe he dated that Jalean girl for as long as he did." Chris said and we all nodded. "He is too nice to ever get treated the way he was. Y/n I'm glad you're lookin' out for him." Kaylor adds and I nod. "I'm glad I am finally with him too. He was a mess when "that" happened." I said and we all agree. "So are we meeting at the studio today or what's the plan?" Tyson asked.

"I think if we start tomorrow we would have it out by this Friday." I reply and we all agreed to that. "Oh guys we should react to our old videos for "We React Too...."!" Chris yelled and allof our faces lit up. "Yes! That is per-" my phone began to ring. "One second guys," I muted the chat and answered the private number.

"Hello?" I answer. "...he is mine...not yours...he will be with me...not you...I suggest you leave now...while you can still breath..." I hung up in shock. My friends started asking if I was okay and who was that on the phone. I ended the chat and my eyes welled up. How did she find us.

We moved out of the old apartment building because she did this all of the time, and she sticks to her words. Maybe I should call Mark. He'll be home by four though and it's 3:40. I can wait 20 minutes...hopefully.

*Time skip*

M'kay Mark, it's 5:30, where the hell are you? I decided to finally text him. When he didn't respond 10 minutes after that's when I called him. The phone rang for a while and then someone answered it. "...looking for someone? I told you he was mine, always have," She stopped and let someone else finish her statement. "And always will. So leave me alone." It was Mark. "He has always been a boy with such taste." Jaylean stated with pride.

"Listen, go play with your Canadian drummer. Mark has had enough from you don't you think?" I state starting to shake. "No he loves me! Not you! You're so blind to fact that he is only a dating your ugly arse because he pities the girl who doesn't even deserve to exists in his life. So here is the deal. Let us be happy and move on with your pathetic life." I hung up after she said that. I was shaking and in tears.

Showing all of my insecurities and anxieties, drop after drop. I get the strength to call Chris up. "Hey, gurl, what was with the leaving us in the middle of planning. "Chris it's back, and I can't stop." I say walking into my bathroom putting my phone on speaker.

"Y/n I'm on my way just keep talking to me and tell me what happened!" I heard the car door slam over the phone. I couldn't say anything, my mind was in a trance. I have no control. "Gawd dam it y/n. Please just say something I'm almost there." I let out a cry in pain. "It hurts Chris." The crimson liquid drips down my arm as the metal glides across it again, and again. I heard the door slam open and a pair of strong arms cradled me.

"Y/n! Look at me! I'm here!" He removed the blade from my hand and started to clean and wrap my wounded arms. I broke my trance state and started balling. "Hey, Girly don't cry." He held me as I cried into his grey sweater. "What happened?" he flipped his blonde hair from his eyes revealing his hazel eyes which were now grey and clouded. "He left me..."


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