Virtual Reality (Part IV)

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Your Pov

We let go of each other and looked in the way the cough came from. "Wait, the Markiprogram is Googleplier?" Mark says and I nod. "So I see you found me in the flesh. Nice work y/n.exe," I looked down when he said that. "What? Y/n? I thought you said you we-"

"was Mark. I was. He used my invention against me and turned me. I had no choice. He programme-" I was interrupted. "Shut Down y/n .exe!" Markiprogram stated. "Shutting Down," my head fell down and I went into a deep sleep.

Mark's Pov

"She lied to me?" I say and look at her. "Not entirely, you see I used to be like you, soft and weak, that is until I got a system update and became a better irl. Now I rule the council," Googleplier stated. Matthias' video, are you kidding me. "What's your point?" I ask being impatient, I've had enough for today. 

"Oh right. She used to be human, until one day she was experimenting to make a serum to turn a program into a human. Well, I got my update around then, and decided to reverse the formula and inject her with it, and ever since then she has to follow my every demand and command," he said and I looked back over to her. "Don't worry she can't feel anything anymore or any physical or emotional damage that happens to her, she won't feel it, sadly. Here I'll guide you to your cell."

I try to use my powers but none of them seemed to work. Then a pair of unbreakable pixeled hand cuffs appeared around my wrists as Googleplier took me away and concealed me in a glass box. "You can't keep me here forever...I'll find a way out!" I yell and Googleplier looks at me and laughs."The only way you'll get out is if the Game Maker intervenes, but he hasn't been on in years." He said and walked away.

I don't like the sound of the whole, demand and command thing. It sounds abusive, well considering he is exactly that, he is just power hungry. I look around and start banging and beating on the walls. "Let Me Out, Ryan! Come On Man!" I yell and keep attempting to break out but it seemed useless. So, I just sat down and waited, but then memories came flying back. 

I could have tried harder to help Daniel. The visions I had vs. the event that just occurred right in front of me. It threw me off my game. That's when one of the white walls that surround my glass cage started sliding open. I saw y/n strapped down to a table. "This can't be good...Y/N!!!" I yell but I guess the damn glass is sound proof.

Your Pov

I woke up with blurred vision and a little head ache. Wait! a headache! I can feel pain! Maybe that's not as good as I thought, but that means that I have human left in me! I guess it's safe to say that I can feel other emotions too. Mark broke the barrier setting me from the serum's lock on me. "Morning y/n." I heard Mark's voice. "Mark? Thank gosh you're here!  Help me out of th-"

"I'm afraid, Mark is a bit caged in his emotions right now...Kiss me," he says and I felt the programming trying to take over. "N-no!" I try to fight it. "I d-don't want to...please..." "Oh, why not, is it because you actually fell for Mark's temptations haven't you, he even told me himself that he only used you to get out of here," he got closer to me. "LIAR!" I yell. Trying to hold back a program embedded into your bloodstream hurts like hell.

"Let go and kiss me, let the pain go away," Markiprogram said. "No...I..I ca-" I passed out before I could finish my sentence.

Mark's Pov

"Y/N!" I yell banging on the glass. "RYAN! GAWD DAMMIT WHY WON'T YOU HELP ME!" I scream kicking and hitting the glass wall. Eventually, I stopped and I just collapsed sliding down the invisible wall. "I'm sorry y/n. I wish I never uploaded that video. I wish I did more for Daniel. I wish you didn't have to deal with any of this." I say out loud and a tear slides down my face. 

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