Oblivious (Part I)

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Requested by JollyJazzy7

Your Pov

My life is ordinarily perfect. I have great friends and an awesome fiance. His name is William Clark. We've known each other since I  started working for his father's company. I can't wait for our wedding day this weekend. He's been working so hard this week to try and make this day the best day we'll ever have! 

So today I thought since he's going to be with the wedding planner, that I would surprise them with some ideas that Mark had. Mark is one of my best friends and he's gotten better around William. Heck! William made him best man! I walked into my apartment with Mark behind me. "Hunny? I'm home!" I lay my keys on the kitchen counter. "Umm...Y/n." Mark says and I turn around. "What Ma-" I notice what he was looking at.

It was Willam, on top of the wedding planner, making out! "What the hell, Will!" I...I can't even begin to describe what I feel right now. "Y/n! I swear I can explain!" Will said and tried to stand up. "Explain what? You know you liked it!" Caroline said and I lost it. I ran upstairs and started packing a bag. I threw my engagement ring in his face as he entered the room.

"What's this for." He picked the ring up as I zipped up my bag. "FOR CAROLINE YOU DUMB ASS! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER SAID YES!" This wasn't the first time he's cheated on me, but like the loser I am, I forgive people at the drop of the hat. "Babe please, she means nothing to me." Will tries to stop me. "Like Genesis, how about Celestine, or Margeret, maybe Jenny. Why don't add me to the list!" With that I stormed out of the stupid apartment.

I saw Mark waiting in the hallway. He gave me a sympathetic look and opened his arms as I walked into his embrace crying. "Why does he do this to me?" I whimper into his chest. "Probably because he's a bag of dicks, but that's only 95% of the world's population in my opinion." I look up at him. "I thought you two were cool?" Mark had his arm around me and he led me out of the building. 

"Are you serious? Yeah to your face we were chill, but when you left he'd get mega rude. Like he hit me once because I said that I liked your skrillex tee." My mouth fell. "I'm never taking him back. Anyone can hurt me, but if it comes to my friends, then they gotta 'nother thing coming their way." I sniffle. I remember the good times William and I used to have. Back when there was no cheating, it all started when he had a project at Jenny's house. That bar of bish soap.

I got into the passenger seat of Mark's car and we drove off. A few tears fell as I looked out the window. "Hey, Girly don't tear yourself down. He doesn't deserve you." Mark said taking one hand off the wheel and placing it on my shoulder. "I almost married that...Gawd I'm stupid." I put my head in my hands and I could feel Mark park his car. "You aren't stupid Y/n, never ever say that about yourself okay. You're caring and forgiving and any man would be lucky to have you." Mark says kinda making me blush.

Thank you...

Mark's POV

I hope y/n finally realises that he's a total asshat. She has given him one too many chances, and I'm always there to pick up the pieces. Why can't she just realise that I like her... "Mark why do you care about me? How come when the whole world treats me like crap you're always the one there." My eyes start to well, "Cause I want to..."

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