Apocalypse (Part I)

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Your POV

Death. It is the only thing you smell, see, and hear anymore. You can't escape it, no matter how hard you run or how sly you sneak away, death will come to claim you as his own. I walked around what used to be Cincinnati. In December 2016 there was a Nuclear fallout that ended up destroying 3/4 of the human's population. 1/4 or less survived in there bomb shelters.

My dad was a mechanical engineer and my mom was a bio-chemical engineer. So two minds made a machine that would freeze a single person so one day we could rise and make the world a new. Obviously the survivors were not as prepared to survive the evolved wasteland. Most animals that I have come across are mutated messes and are very vicious.

The worst part, when the nuclear waste mixed with the dead, it turned the humans exposed into super-zombies. They can move like a spider and speed of Lance Armstrong. Never met the ma, but I feel like that is how fast he goes because they have me running faster than the devil.

There is an abandoned pharmacy, a CVS, just what I need too. I walk inside and look around and surprisingly the place doesn't look half bad. It's strangely quiet here, a little too quiet. I pull out my machete from the holster on my belt and walk around cautiously.

I walk down to the medications and grabbed pain killers, vitamins, band-aids, rubbing alcohol, and other medical crap that I would need if I got injured or sick. Then I heard a glass break and I bolted to desk and hid underneath the counter. 

Bandit, Scavenger, or worse a Mutated. I peak over the counter seeing not any of them. He looked new, like he just popped out of no where. His long black hair. The clothes he wore, still clean and in tact, but then I remember Lancaster, that girl was nuts. I grip my knife tighter as I hear footsteps come closer. 

"I heard you in here, look I don't want any trouble, and I'm not in the mood for an ambush right now, so can you please come out of your hiding spot." the man says and I sigh putting my knife back and standing up with my hands in the air. Now I just wait.

Mark's Pov

It's a girl! A not so crazy survivor who is a girl! "Hi I'm Mark!" I say and she just stands there with her hands still up. "You can put your hands down, I'm not like those thugs you see now a days." I say and she smirks. "I know," the suspicious look doesn't leave her face,

 "You might wanna duck." I stood there confused until I see this hover bike, boat, board thingy fly straight for my head! I drop as the thing flies straight through the glass."Well Mark it was a pleasure to meet you, but same as you I don't want trouble or be ambushed." She gets on her board and she is about to leave. 

"Wait! I came alone. Your the first survivor I've seen so far and searching this city on my own, I'm not going to find them in time." She stopped and listened to me. "You're talking about your family? Aren't you?" she said and I nodded. "And also my friends." She shuts down the board somehow. "Did you really just wake up?" She asked and I was confused.

"Wake up? Oh you mean the chambers, I guess you can say that. I have been out for about two months now." She stared at me wide eyed. "How are you that tidy still?" She carries the over sized board that looks like the door out of the titanic. "My house is just a couple blocks away." I say. 

"So you know about the Mutated and the beasts tha-" "yep" I interrupter her not wanting to talk about it. Those things killed my brother about a week ago and I'm not up for chit chat for those things. "Okay? Just making sure you know what we are up against," she says, "Do you umm...wanna ride with me? I haven't had someone to ride with in a while." I look at the once floating death trap. 

"Nah, I can walk. That thing doesn't look like it could hold us up." I say and she looks offended. "So you're calling me fat." She says putting the board on the ground as she crosses her arms. No.No! "No, I didn't say that! What I meant to say was-" she interrupts me. "No, it's okay I'll just leave on my own." She holds her arm out and the board rises on command. "Is it safe?" she smirks at me.

Your Pov

After grabbing food, Mark and I got on my hover board. It could use an upgrade but for like a 200 year old machine, still works like a charm! Mark grabbed my waist which made my cheeks turn crimson. (Kinda like his hair!) I pulled my goggled over my eyes and my Dad's black scarf over my mouth.

"I live about ten miles east!" Mark says as I hold my hand out. "Mark I thought you said a couple blocks!" I state over the little roar my board made. "Well I didn't want to actually give out my shelter to someone I just met!" He yells calmly. "Nice thinking Micheal." I say in spite and put my gloved hand in a fist. 

"Wait, my name is Ma- Holy Sh-" the speed of my board cut him off. "Sorry Matthais! I can't hear you while we are in the air. Then I hear a familiar buzz behind us. Damn Hellgramites. "Hold on tight Mark!" I yell making a slight detour down an alley. "Is that Dobsonfly?" Mark says the technical term. "Sure, but they are Hellgramites where I grew up. Damn things attacked me in Charleston! They just don't wanna leave you alone." Just as I say that one of them appears in front of us. 

I opened my palm and put it on the board. I felt Mark struggle to balance as the board lowered. Once we both were seated I put close my hand into a tight fist as my hover board zips through the city, and into a housing development. "I slowed down and that's when I noticed the tight grip around my torso.

"umm, Mark? Which house is yours?" I ask and he points to a beige house with broken black shutters and a pink door and loosens his grip blushing as I pull into the driveway. It's pretty beat down, colors faded and holes in the windows. I jump off my board and make it land so Mark can just walk off. 

"Well that was fun!" Mark said sarcastically and I laughed which I haven't done in a while. "Yeah because running  away from devil spawns are fun!" I say making him cackle. "Yeah, you're right. I know this place doesn't look like much,but I still have power, water,and not that it matters but wi-fi." he says and I die. "That's exactly what I need! Do you have a computer?" I ask and he has a stupid smirk on his face. "Duh..." he mumbles. 

I can't help but hug the crap out of him! This is not only going to fix Tron, but if I can hack into my parents database, maybe I can fix this. "Well look who missed the internet! Little miss-uh." I forgot to introduce my self. "Sorry," I pull away and hold out my hand, "I'm y/n, and this," I pick up my board, "This is Tron!"

Thanks for reading and voting on my book guys it means a lot! Next week there will not be an update until either late the 15th or sometime the 16th because I'm gonna go to camp! FUN! M'kay love you guys and see you all soon...maybe tomorrow or early Sunday, I leave at 2 on Sunday so idk if I can update...so luvz you and sowwy I will be back soon....

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