Day 5: Chica the Red Nosed Puper-Snup

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On The Fifth Day of Christmas Markimoo Gave To Me: Five Gumball Rings

My turn...Not Yet...uggg when then...Day 12...what!! no fair...It is so...I'm gonna play a game with Tom...Sweet Alright so our day began while we were flying and well Mark and I were curious...NOT LIKE THAT...Not like that...

Your Pov

"y/n if you don't mind me asking what exactly happened to your Mom?" Mark asks as I close my book. "You don't have to answer it, but it would be nice to know." I smiled at his remark and took a deep breath. 

"My parents and I were on our way home from Maine, at that time that is where my Uncle (NH) and his wife lived, anyways. It was dark, my Dad was tired, and the roads were slick with ice. I fell asleep in the backseat and when I woke up I was in the I.C.U. My mom was hooked on so many wires and-and my Dad just sat next to her with a sling on his arm and a couple scrapes. Turns out a drunk driver rammed their car into the passenger side of our car..." I choked up.

Mark pulled the armrest between us up and he pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry, when did this happen?" He rubbed my back calming me down. "On Christmas, two years ago," I whimper. "Wait,  y/n why didn't you call me or text me when this happened. I would have been there," He said. "My parents didn't know I was dating you at the time, and I wasn't thinking straight. I lost my best friend that day." I pull away and wipe my tears away looking on the floor.

"My Dad was diagnosed with High-Stage Cancer and died within a year of his diagnoses," he looks out the window. "Mark, I-" he interrupted "it's fine, I 've made my peace with the fact he's in a better place, and so is your mom. " he says and grabs my hand. "You are not alone and never will be, okay." He told me and I smiled. "Thanks, Mark." 

"What are boyfriends for?" he laughs and so do I still rubbing my eyes. Passengers, please buckle your seat belts for we will be landing in Cincinnati momentarily," We buckled in and we started to land. 

Again we walked out of the plane terminal and waited for Mark's brother to pick us up. "MARK!" I heard a familiar voice. "Tyler? Ethan? What are you guys doing here?" Mark asks. "I'm visiting parents. Ethan is on his way to...where are you going again?" Tyler asks Ethan. "I'm going to-" "Right anyways, what are you two doing here?" Tyler asks. 

"Visiting my parents, y/n is gonna meet my family," Mark puts an arm around her shoulder. "Good luck," Tyler pats my shoulder and Ethan follows. "Wait, what do you mean?" I ask. "You'll see!" They yelled and walked to another group of people. "Tom!" mark waves down his brother. "Okay, this should be easy. y/n this is Jason, Tom this is y/n" I shake his brother's hand. "Nice too meet you," he says and Mark looks shocked.

"He's very shy, so be excited you heard something," Mark says as we start leaving the airport.  "So is it Tom or Jason?" I ask sitting in the backseat of the car. "Both," They said simultaneously. I laughed and shook my head, this is going to be fun.

The car stopped in front of this cute home. "You guys have some elbow room over here!" I say stepping out of the car as Mark opens my door. "That is one of the reasons why I miss this place," He says grabbing my hand and walking us to the front door. He opened the door and I saw so many people I wasn't acquainted with. 

Mark's eyes widened and started hugging everybody. I kinda stood there kind of awkwardly looking at everyone. "Okay, everyone this is my girlfriend y/n," Mark says and everyone just stares at me. "Um, hi?" I wave my hand. "y/n this is, Bob, Wade, Ryan, Matt, Tom, Mom, Eth-Ethan?!" Mark yells. "Hi, Mark!" He yelled. "How did you get here?" Mark asks confused. "They canceled my flight so Tyler drove me," he says.

"Oh, well that makes sense. Welcome to my house!" I laugh as I walk up and introduce myself to his mom. "Oh, hello. It's nice to finally meet Mark's girlfriend," She says and hugs me. "It's nice to meet you too!" I say and hug her too. I understand Mark's awkwardness.

"OH MY GOSH CHICA BICA!" Mark runs up to Chica who is in a reindeer get up. I made eye contact with Ethan. 

"Chica the red nosed puper-snup
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
 You would even say it glows
(Like a computer screen)
All of the other Doggies
Used to laugh and call her Names
(Like  )
They never let poor Chica
Join in any Puppy Games
(Like Cards Against Humanity)
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santaplier came to say
(In his Underwear)
Chica with that nose so bright
Will you get me more subs tonight
Then how the doggies love her
As they shouted out with glee
Chica the red nosed puper-snup
You'll go down in history
(Like my Channel)"

(Get it cause Ethan's Channel is dying... ha ha ha no okay.)

"I have a feeling you being here was planned?" Mark says still laughing. "You can say that song creds go to y/n," Ethan said as we all were still laughing. I walked up to Chica and petted her like crazy. "Here why don't you two get settled in, I'll start dinner." Mark's mom says as we carry our stuff upstairs. Mark showed me his old bedroom, which is pretty bland.

I dropped my suitcase in the corner of the room and threw my pillow on the bed. "Close your eyes," I heard Mark say. "Closing eyes," I say and shut them. "Hold out your hand," he said and I did. I felt something in them. "Mark, no presents till after Christmas," I say.

"Just open your eyes," I opened my eyes and saw five rings in gumball containers. "Mark where did you get these," I laugh. "Macy's, they were by the bathroom so I blew some quarters XD!" He laughed. 

"FIIIIIVVVEEEE GUMBALL RINGS!!!!!!" I yell and he plugs his eye.

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