One Way Out (Part II)

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Mark's POV

I just sat outside my room with my head in my hands. Think Mark, you need to think, and just when I thought things couldn't get any worse...

"We're losing her!" A nurse yelled. "Send her to the Surgical Wing stat!" another yelled. "We must have forgotten something..." I heard one doctor whisper to his partner looking at his charts. "I'LL RIP HIM TO SHREDS!" I heard y/n's Dad yell down the hallway. This can't end well. "Sir you need to calm down." Sean said trying to keep him out of the room. "Let me in boy, this has nothing to do with you." He yelled at Jack. Sean looked at my Mom and nodded at her, I guess for reassurance.

"If you want Mark, you'll have to go through me." Sean said and I swear with one punch Sean was knocked out cold. "SECURITY!!!" My mother yelled. Her Dad was already ripping cords out off me and shaking me and slapping me, I felt dizzy, that's when I passed out.

*One Hour Later*

I wake up feeling like a plane landed on me and a thousand rhinos trampled on my body as a sumo wrestler gave me a massage. I try to sit up and my head just pounded. "Woah mmm mmmm." My mom laid me back down. "Wh-what?" I ask her. "you need to rest Mark, mmmmm  mmm." I can barely understand her. "Okay, is Sean okay?" I ask. "Yea, he is still asl-how did you know about Sean?" Of course I understood that. "Let's just say I had an "out-of-body experience? Is y/n okay?" I ask closing my eyes. "She is still in surgery, umm, Mark it's not looking good." I snap my eyes open and sit up slowly.

"What do you mean?" ...

Your Pov

I walk around the hospital in my white t-shirt and my blue sweatpants trying to figure out what is going on? The nurses are just ignoring me, which is weird. I thought I heard my Dad yelling down the hall, probably at my mom, again. She needs to divorce his ass but gawd forbid she will be the bigger person in this situation. I walk into a room and I saw mark sitting up, he's alive! Broken...but Alive! "Mark!" I yell and try to hug him but I just wen't right through him. "What do you mean?" Mark said.

"Y/n is going through a series of seizures and there will be possible brain damage and when she was out she had a heart attack. Mark she might no-" Mark interrupted her, "No, she is fine, she is going to be fine! I protected her! from most of it! She deserves to stay!" Mark yelled and I started to tear up. "Mark I'm fine! Look I'm Right Here! Please." I grabbed his hand and he looked at it. "Mark?" I ask and he looked around and back down. "I know your stressed, I'll give you time to rest, I'll tell your brother your awake." his mom said and he just nodded and laid back down.

"Y/n? but I thought you were in the intensive care wing?" I heard an Irish voice say behind me. "Jackarooni!" I yell and turn around to see my new green headed friend. "But How? What? I am so confuzzled right now!" He yells and I laugh. "Apparently we are having some sort of out of body experience." I say and look at Mark again. It hurt me to see him crying, or hurt in general. "He really, really loves you y/n..." Sean said that and I got a bit of my memory from before the crash.

 "Mark? Why did you leave early?" I asked curious on why he just left while I was cleaning up the kitchen from dinner. "I think it's time we went our own ways..."

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Sean asked me. "He left me that day, He wanted to break it off." I say and Sean looked at him and down at his toes. "I'm sure he didn't mean it." he mumbled. "Why? He didn't seem so happy the day he met my parents." I say and look back at him, "Wait? How can you even talk to me? Shouldn't I" I say and he shakes his head.

"As far as I know I was knocked out cold by your Dad. By the way he can throw a punch or two." Sean says. "I am so so sorry Sean, my Dad I swear is borderline crazy! You're okay though right?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah? Are you going to be okay? I heard and read your charts." he crosses his arms. "I don't know, but Sean I'm scared, I just, I-I wanna be with him again." I end up crying.

 "Awhl y/n," he hugs me, "It's going to be okay, If Mark made it back than so can you." he said and I looked up at him.  "Thanks Sean. Can I just have a minute with him. And when you make it back, tell him I'm going to be okay, and I'm not going to give up until I am back here again." "I will, anything else?" he asks. "Tell him I love him." he nodded and left the room.

"I'm sorry, I should of done more to protect you y/n." Mark said and I kneel beside him. "Mark you did more than what anyone could have done. I'm sorry that my Dad is a bar of bish soap, and I know you can't hear me or see me, but I want you to know that I love you, so much, and I hope you get that what my Dad said isn't true." I cry and lay my head on the bed beside him. "I can't do this alone." Mark lets a tear fall from his eyes.

"You won't be alone, because I'm going to find my way back. I promise Mark." I say and stand up. "I'll see you soon y/n." His heart rate started to drop. "Mark! MARK HOLD ON!"



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