Beauty and the Beast (Part I)

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(I love this theory with a fiery passion...)

Once upon a time, in a faraway land. A young Prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired. The Prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.

Says so the enchantress...

But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance,

This prologue is proof about how stories can get twisted...oh really well how would you tell the story...well for starters I was ELEVEN and SCARED FOR MY LIFE...*rolls eyes* not u roll your eyes at me...can I go on...sure...

The Prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, For Beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, The old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful Enchantress.

well, that's biased...

he Prince tried to apologize, but it was too late,

that part I can agree on...the whole apology thing...I tried.

For she had seen that there was no love in his heart. And as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast And placed a powerful spell on the castle, And all who lived there.
Ashamed of his monstrous form,

was that really necessary tho...WHAT NOW...putting a curse over everyone...well umm...hmmm and what do we have here... I needed to make sure you learned your lesson...I WAS ELEVEN...AND RAISED were raised poorly...anyways...

The beast concealed himself inside his castle, With a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.

and the magic book...OKAY DO U WANA FINISH THE PROLOGUE...CUS I CAN JUST GO!!! ╭╮ ...that's what I thought...

The Rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom for many years. If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, Then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast For all time. As the years passed, He fell into despair, and lost all hope,

who wouldn't...ಠ╭╮ಠ...sorry.

For who could ever learn to love... A Beast?

MEEEEE...Hey, cutie...We're never going to get this book written, are we??? Probably not.

Your Pov

I was almost done reading a wondrous tale of two fair lovers when I realized the time. It's time to start my day. I walk outside and take in the familiar sunshine and breeze. Another day in this little town. I smile and open my book again walking down the market streets gathering the necessities. I make it to the only library in town. "Ah, Bonjour, y/n," I heard a probably all to familiar voice say to me, "Go anywhere exciting?" "A beautiful city in Italy," I smile handing the librarian back his book. "May I borrow this one?" I asked picking up my favorite book out of the many he has. "y/n this is your 5th time this month you've checked this one out," he smiles adjusting his glasses.

"It's my favorite!" I smile back looking down at the brown leather exterior. "Well if you love it so much it's yours," he says organizing a shelf. "Really!" I smile widely cradling the book in my arms. "Of course, I've got plenty to keep me busy with," He smiles. "Thank you so much, Missouri!" I yell out of excitement. "Bonjour, y/n,!" He waves. "Goodbye," I close the door immediately opening the book and started to read the all too familiar story. I sat down at the town square fountain and sighed as I kept reading. I felt a sheep nudge my arm. "Oh! Isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because you'll see. Here's where she meets Prince Charming. But she won't discover that it's him till chapter three."

I closed the book and put it in my apron "Belle! Come here I want to show you something!" I heard my father yell in the distance. "Yes, Papa!" I replied making my way back to the cottage. "Hey, Sexy!" I felt a familiar and uncomfortable grasp around my waist. "Hi Felix," I roll my eyes and force him off of me. "What'cha up to beautiful?" he asks shoving a bouquet of flowers in my face. "Heading home, long morning now that you're here," I push the flowers out of my face and push onwards through the crowded square. "Y/n, wait! I need to ask you something!" I heard Felix not too far behind me. I paced faster at the gate of my home.

"Marry me!" he yells grabbing the fence so I couldn't shut it. "What?!" I stared at him pretending to be shocked. This is the fifth time this week. What does he have? Amnesia? "You heard me. You know, me, you, 20 some children in the resemblance of me or whatever. We would be such a Sexy-" I cut him off by holding my hand up, "No." I forced the gate shut and headed up the wooden stairs and opened my front door. "At least think about it," he pleaded. I paused and rested my index finger on my chin, "No." I slam the door shut. "did you feed the chickens?" Father asks me fiddling with one of his creations.

"I was about to, but then Misour Felix showed up and begged me to be his fiance," I batted my eyelashes. "What does this make it, the fourth time?" he's asked. "Close, fifth," I sigh and sit next to him. "Watch closely," he says as he closes the doors and winds the machine up. The contraption sparked and then began to play music as the doors opened as a beautiful couple danced and a glamorously detailed painted ballroom. "Papa this is so beautiful. If this doesn't sell right away then I don't know what would," I kiss his cheek. "Well, I best be off. Remeber keep the doors locked, no talking to boys while I'm gone," he kisses my forehead. "No promises. I can't help it if my true love captivates me into his embrace once more," I gradually heightened my tone as we headed outside as he got on our small horse, Tina. She is an adult, just born...smaller I guess.

"What would you like for me to bring you home?" He asks as I take a fistful of feed. "You already know," I throw seeds at the birds surrounding me. "Love you, Papa," I wave him off. "Love you more," he blows a kiss and starts his journey. I sigh and then it hit me. Felix is relentless, yet charming, yet dull. "Madame Felix?" I gag, "There must be more than this provincial life."

Time Skip

"Papa hasn't been home for a few days," I thought to myself and drink my tea. I heard a familiar clop of hooves outside the cottage. I bolt out the door and see Tina is spooked to all get out. "Tina?! Where is Papa!" I grab her reigns and make her look me in the eyes, "Take me to him!"

Mark's Pov

"Please, let me go. I have a daughter that I need to accompany," the man whined in his cell. "Maybe next time, you'll think twice before stealing from people," my voice boomed and I stomped away from the man.

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