Day 4: Santaplier

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On The Fourth Day Of Christmas Markimoo Gave To Me: Four Laugh Attacks

Can I tell this y/n, please...I said no...why...because when we started this you wanted nothing to do with it...but that was because we started off with the reindeer you even know what story I'm going to tell...n-no...exactly...oh cmon this is no fair.I call a refund...*laughs* don't worry big boy you'll get your turn...I am notta boy, Imma pure 100% Mamale...ok well now that we got that covered. It was our last day in New York...oh gawd...

Your Pov

We were spending time with my Dad and (SMN) at their house waiting for Uncle (NH) to get here. "What time does your plane depart?" my Dad asks us. "I think 8:30 tonight?" I look at Mark and he nods. "Yeah, we'll be heading to Cincinnati," Mark replies looking at my Dad and...her.(I had too but just pretend this woman is threatening to take Mark away from you. That is the hatred you should have XD Love Ya)  "What are you all going to do in Cincinnati? I hear it gets colder than Alaska." I mentally facepalm my face and gently giggle at (NSM).

"Well since we are already on the East Coast, I thought it would be nice for y/n to meet my side of the family, " Mark said grabbing my hand. My Dad smiled and looked at (SMN). "Mark why don't you help with the presents," My Dad said and Mark's eyes lit up.I could practically see the am I allowed to scream and bounce off the walls like a two-year-old. 

Excuse me...what...ibelieve that was the other way around it was not!...oh yes it was...okay so maybe it was me...and...and Mark went to space...okay my turn...

Mark's Pov

I got up to help y/n's Dad with the presents. "OH MY GAWD HE GOT US PRESENTS!!!!!" y/n yelled and I held in my laughter.

You didn't hold in your laughter...No one did, now can I continue...whatever I'm going to get hot chocolate...good...

Her Dad and I went to the spare bedrum (Sorry XP) where I saw five boxes. "Okay, what would you want me to grab, sir?" I ask him and he looks at me. "Take a seat lad, we have some things to discuss." he pointed to a chair in the corner of the room.

I'M BACK!!!...great...doworry I brought you some too...thanks, babe anyways as I was saying...wait where are you're Dad and I are bringing the Christmas presents out...OH GREAT MY TURN....

Your POV

Mark walked out with a stack of wrapped boxes and then...*the door slams open* "HO! HO! HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS KIDDIES!" Mark dropped the presents and we were laughing so hard. "Why is it so funny?" Uncle (NH) slid his beard down. Mark and I caught our breaths, L-et'sbut we weren't done laughing."I-I said that in one of my H-Happy Let's Plays." he continued to laugh. I walked up to Uncle (NH) and took off his beard and hat and gave it to Mark. "Santaplier Away!" I yelled and handed them to Mark. "Cmon do it, please!" he sighed and put them on.  

"You darn Kiddies, Pull faster, Why aren't we in the North Pole Yet! I have over a trillion little rascals to visit tonight and I can't get their coal if we are not home!" He yelled in his Santa voice making the room erupt in laughter. "So I hear the two of you are leaving us."  Uncle (NH) said. "Sadly, but it will be a good experience.I get to meet Mark's Mom and his brother and his friends. "you didn't have many friends did ya y/n," Uncle (NH) said.

"I do too. I have (insert your list of friends here)." I say with a smug smile on my face. "Well, that's more than what remember," I shake my head and sit down on the couch next to Mark who still has the Santa hat on. "Alright, who's been naughty this year?" Mark said brushing his beard. I rolled my eyes and my Dad passed out a box to my Uncle to each of us. 

"Oh boy, what did I get!" He shook the box. "it's a bit heavy," he opened it and pulled out a pocket watch. "No way, How, where did you find this?" he asks. "I found it in one of the boxes in the attic. Oh no, he went through Mom's stuff! 

"This watch came from Wonderland!" My Uncle said to us holding it up. "Well, this sweater came from Whoville I show off the sweater Mark got last night. "And, these came from Cind-" Mark was interrupted. My Dad looked like he was getting annoyed. "Okay, let's stop with the fairy tale nonsense. After all, they were just dreams,"  just then he pulls out Robinhood hat and puts it on. "That's the spirit (NAMEYOURDAD)," My Uncle says as we all laugh.

My Dad gestured for (NSM) to open her present. She opened up the box and saw a glistening silver chain. Good thing it's not my mothers. "It's beautiful! Oh, I love it!" At least she appreciates the little things. "Oh, which reminds me I got you something too!" she hands him a set of Dog Tags.

"(NSM) I can't accept these," he tried to give them back. "No, Dad would have wanted you to have these," She puts the dog tags on my Dad as Mark squeezes my hand. He looked a little teary eyed. I remembered that his Dad used to be in the military. He doesn't talk much about his Dad, just like how I don't talk about my mom.

"Sir, you didn't have to get me anything," Mark says looking down at the box in front. "Of course I do, you're practically family. Nothing is stronger than family," I weakly smile. My mom used to say that. Mark opens the gift and pulls out a black t-shirt that says...

'World's Greatest U-Tuber'

Mark and I hold back a laugh. "Do ya like it! I helped design it!" (NSM) said with a cheesy grin. "It's amazing thank you," he sits the shirt behind him. "Well, don't be modest go try it on! y/n will still be here when you get back!" Uncle (NH) said. "Yeah, Mark, go try it on," I giggle a little. He shook his head and walked out of the living room.

When he walked back in I was dead and so was he. Our faces were red and we were laughing messes. "Looks like I am making you an Uber driver when we get back to L.A." I said still laughing, "Oh hush," he says to me and I look down at the boxes at my feet. "Open the bigger one first. That one is from (NSM)" my Dad said and I nodded.

I tore off the paper and it was the family photo we took yesterday in front of the Christmas tree. Mark and I were in our sweater and we all had antlers on due to earlier events. "Thank you," I walk up to her and hug her. "I'm sorry if I've been acting like a brat, its ju-" she interrupted me. "I know, and I understand what it's like to have a step-parent. I know I will never be your mom, but all I can do is try." She smiled. "Thank you," I wiped my eyes and pulled away.

"Go open up the present your father found," I nodded and sat down next to Mark. He put an arm around me as I ripped the paper off. "Your mother wanted you to have that," My Dad said as I opened the box. It was a locket. On the outside it says.

'Nothing is stronger than family,'

On the inside, the right had My Mom, Dad, and me. On the left there was a picture of Mark and I at (y/bf) charity event. (pretty much you guys were dressed nicely) "Thank you..." I won't lie I started crying and Mark pulled me into his chest. He took the locket from my hands and put it around my neck. I smiled and wiped my tears away.

"This was amazing, thank you for letting us come and visit," Mark says still holding me. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter..."

(Time Skip brought to you by the lil kiddies)

"Bye Guys," we say our final goodbyes as the yellow taxi cab disappears on the New York Street. "So, Mark are you freaked out my family yet?" I ask as our hands intertwine with one another. "Please, if you thought that was chaotic, just wait until you get to Cincinnati," he replies walking into the airport.

"What? This time are you going to get run over by elves..."

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