Day 9: Markicracker

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On The Ninth Day of Christmas Markimoo Gave To Me: Nine Days To Cherish


Okay My Turn...No Fair...Why No Fair I was out for two days and you got to tell two stories...Unwillingly...touché, but it's my turn because somebody just had to get me sick...touché, go ahead I have to call Tom anyways and see how he's doing...okay, just be gentle...I will...Anyways, I arrived late at the hospital, and Momiplier was already sleeping in the waiting room...

Your POV

"Hey, how's Tom holding up?" I whisper to Mark as I sit down next to him. "Pretty good, by the way we have a flight to catch tomorrow afternoon," he says laying his head back. "Tired?" I ask and he nods. "More like exhausted," he laughs closing his eyes. "Well, why don't you get some sleep then, I'll still be here in the morning." I say as he nods and falls asleep. I walk up to the lady at the front desk. "I'm here to see Tom Fischbach," I ask. "Sorry ma'am he isn't on our roster," she replies checking the system.

"NO! He's visiting someone, I would like to visit the visitor," I say clarifying myself. "Ah, okay. Room 15B, on your right." She says and I nod. I walk down the halls to see Tom asleep and his girlfriend...she looked like my Mom did. All those wires. Such a beautiful girl. "She is," Tom said. "I'm sorry did I say that allowed?" I ask. He just shook his head. "It's the common thought," he replies.

"Doctors still can't figure out what's wrong, they took her appendix out and, and that should have been it, I-I don't underst-" "It's okay, Tom the doctors will find out what's wrong," I say and put a hand on his shoulder reassuring him. "Ms. y/ln, sorry only relatives at this time," A nurse said as I looked at Tom. Then I noticed something sparkle on his hand, a wedding band. I softly smile, "Congratulations." He looks down and cracks a smile too. "Engaged," he replies as I close the door.

"The doctors aren't going to figure out what's wrong with her," the same nurse said and I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I ask following him. "Her due date is coming up soon. She belongs with the Man up high," he looks up and I shake my head. "Wait," I look around and see a fish in the coffee pot, "I'm dreaming, none of this is real."

"On the contrary! You're experiencing a little thing we like to call Mental Floss and-" "And it's where you have a dream with one or more people. Trust me, it's not so rare for me," I interrupt him. "So who are you supposed to be? An angel?" I ask and he laughs. "You're too kind, I'm Christmas Present. Sorry the Mrs. gave you the wrong date, to be honestly this is the earliest I could come, considering Christmas is only three days away." He says as I take it all in.

"Wait, that actually happened, but I'm not a scrooge! I love Christmas!" I say and think a moment. "That's what we thought, when Christmas Past fell into your dream she thought she was there for Arlencchino, our  son, but then we analyzed your dream and noticed he wasn't the only reason she fell in your sub-conscious. Think y/n, why would my wife fall into your dream?" He says and I think harder. "M-my mom..." I say and he nods. "You need to let go and make peace with the fact that she is in a better place," I shake my head.

"I can't let her go, she was all I had growing up. That Christmas was the first time I met my birth father, and she was taken away from me!" I yell upset. "I know, and believe it or not I understand what it's like to lose someone important. I lost my son-" "But you got him back, I can't get my Mother back." I start to walk away. "No, y/n wait!" I open the waiting room door and was immediately encountered with a blizzard?

I work my way through the snow and I trip over something. Shivering I stand too my feet and pick up the object. A wooden leg? I look around and notice a hand sticking up in the snow. "Hello?!" I drag the foot with me. "Is somebody the-" I pick up the arm and it pulls up with ease, "re. Marco!" I yell crossing my fingers Mark was around. "Polo!" I hear a faint yell in the distant. Thank Gawd!

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