Car Radio

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Your POV

"Well if you don't want me around! Then That is A-Okay with me Buddy!" I yell at him and he frowns. "Well...FINE I Don't Need You Here Anyways!" Mark yelled back. "Fine!" I start packing my backpack. "Fine!" he yells slamming our bedroom door shut. I put some clothes in a backpack of mine. Also, my deodorant, and my toothbrush. I put on my jacket and rushed out of the house. I started walking, I don't know where but I just let my feet take me away.

I have no where to go, no one to turn to, so I guess the road an I will be best friends for a while.

Mark's POV

She slammed the door. My car got jacked and I came home pished off because the car radio got stolen...again! Freaking L.A. Douche bags. I wish I could apologize but it's kinda too late for that now Mark. I was busy editing and recording and planning and I guess I snapped? I don't know. The whole situation is kinda hazy now. I walked into my room and I notice there were clothes everywhere. I followed the trail into the bathroom.

Her toothbrush is gone. This is serious. Then I notice a note on the counter.


I love you, always have and probably never will stop. I don't know what ticked you off or what I did wrong? Please Mark I'm sorry I never wanted us to be that relationship that just yells at each other, but that's what it's become. I'll miss you the most because you were my best friend through it all. I'm sorry I failed you.


My eyes start to spill and my lip quivers holding the note in my hand. This isn't her fault. It never was and never will be! I let out a sob and tried to focus on thinking. I'm going to go find her...

Your POV

I just walked through the rain with my head down trying my best to think of something else. I can't even remember where I am at this point. Now my nerves kick in. "What if someone kidnaps me?" What if I get hit by a car and no one helps me?" "What if-" I paused seeing a car. It slowed down to a stop next to me. It rolled the passenger window down.

"What are you doing walking in the rain, at night, alone?" I heard and obvious drunk driver say. I keep walking but he slowly trails me. "C'mon you need a ride, and I have a fun one." he said and I snapped.

"Listen here bub, I am not in the mood for your stupid B.S. If you want someone that bad? Then go somewhere else because unlike you, who cheats on your wife with people they find on the street. I'm loyal to whom I'm with! SO BEAT IT!" I yell and it looks like I gave him a wake up call because he made a U turn away from me.

I pulled out my phone and put it in the inside pocket of my jacket. Then I remember I brought my headphones. I plug them in and listen to the only song I have, Car Radio.

I ponder of something great

Mark's POV

My car was out of gas so my neighbor let me use his truck. Thank Gawd, but I guess my car isn't the only one that doesn't have a car radio. My phone died about an hour ago so no music. I turned the windshield wipers on and began to drive. The pitter of rain and windshield wipers are the only thing at this point keeping me from losing it, but that eventually wont be enough.

"Maybe when I find y/n again, everything will be okay?" "I hope she accepts my apology." "I never should have yelled at her." "I never should have let her go."

These thoughts run soft and actually comforting, but my head isn't finished yet.

Sometimes the quiet is violent.

"This is all your fault." "Never should have yelled at her." "Everyone leaves you." "Your not worth it." "You didn't even try to stop it." "you can't do anything right." "Worthless." "She'll never forgive you." "You don't deserve her."

It's only going to get worse. I'm already starting to cry.

I hate this car that I'm driving there is no hiding from me

"I-I hate this car!" I yell at it thinking it would help.

I'm forced to deal with what I feel there is no distraction to mask what is real

I  drive for what feels like an eternity on an old backroad until I pull over and just breakdown.

Your POV

And it's that we are all battling fear oh dear I don't know if we know why we're here

I hate this part  of the song. It reminds me of when I was little and  I couldn't stay with my Dad. My mom won custody over me and the biggest fear I had when I was little was losing my Dad. That's what Mark and I have in common, we both grew up with one and later never had one. Mark...

Oh my too deep please stop thinking I liked it better when my car had sound

"Does Mark even miss me?" "Was he ever happy with us?" "What did I do wrong?" "probably everything." "I couldn't even keep my family together." "I always find a way to mess things up."

I fast forward the song a little.

I have these thoughts so often that I ought to replace that slot with what I once bought because somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence.

I see a car parked up ahead. It was Bobby's truck! He is Mark and I's neighbor and one of my good friends. I slapped bed of the truck letting him know it was me. It's a friend thing.

I ponder of something great...

Mark's POV

my lungs will fill and then deflate they fill with fire

My head was against the steering wheel. Both hands resting on top. I heard a thump in the back but I just ignored it. I suck at everything. I'd do anything to be with her again.

exhale desire I know it's dire my time today

Your POV

I open the passenger door and jump in swinging my backpack between my legs. I buckle my self in and as I lifted my head my eyes met with familiar brown ones.

and now I just sit in silence...


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