I'm Sorry It's Halloween

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T'was a dark and stormy ni-...really...yes really it's Halloween and I need to tell a scary story...well kitten no offense but that intro is not gonna do anything for you...fine, how does thou majesty wish to tell the tale since you're more qualified...I am more qualified after all, it's the only time I get to come out and say hello to you, now kitten take a seat I am going to tell the spoopiest story ever...and what will that be...the night we first met...*DUN DUN DUUUUNNN*

Dark's Pov

Twas a dark and stormy ni-...Are you serious Dark I tried to say that and you wouldn-...Shut Up! I do a better British accent than you do, plus the ladies dig it...*hits his arm*

Anyways it was Halloween day and y/n and Mark were decorating the house, carving pumpkins, getting things ready for the big Halloween party later on...

Your Pov

"Mark, have you seen the bloody handprints I made last week?" I ask him looking at the bathroom. "On the kitchen counter kitten!" He yelled from downstairs. He was getting the living room and dining room set up. My job was the kitchen and the bathroom. I walked downstairs and saw the gory handprints on the grimy counter. I'm a goddess when it comes to decorating "How about the dry-erase markers?" I heard some tumbling and a crash from the other room. "Babe!?" I rush into the living room and noticed he fell off the ladder.

"You okay there, Markimoo?" I kneel down beside him and help him onto the couch. "Yeah, yeah I just got a bit light headed? Just a curiosity what phase is the moon going to be tonight." He asked me as I looked it up on my phone. "It's supposed to be a full one? Why are you going to grow hair as long as rapunzel's and fangs as sharp as eagle talons?" I giggle out as he rubs his forehead shaking it and giggling along.

"See this is why you can't tell spoopy stories." He says mocking me. "Uh, At least I have good descriptive skills!" I retaliate. "Nah, Today is the 31st?" Mark asked. He starting to scare me. "Mark, how hard did you hit your head?" I sit next to him on the couch. "Not very, umm, I might leave the party for just a little while, but it's just because I have to take care of a few things. With the party and all, I forgot to do some things." He says very obliviously. Like he trying to hide something.

Mark's POV

I can't let what happened to her last time happen again. I mean yeah, Dark saved her, erased her memory, everything should be back to normal. I have always avoided Friday the thirteenths saying I had a cold and I didn't want to get her sick, but I've always made it up to her. But No. Today is worse. Since today is Friday, October 31st. Dark can bring out anyone's Darkside he wants. Heck, I remember that one time when Jack was visiting, he brought Anti out for a spin.

Man, those two are a treat, so I'd say it's best for everyone's safety to just stay away until after midnight, that's when I can reject him and tell him to leave.

Your POV

I got into my Cat costume, while Mark was being a cow. Get it...Markimooo and Kitten *bad dum pshhh*

I turned the music on as people started arriving. "Hey Jack, glad you could make it, who's the lady friend?" I ask him. "Oh, sorry. y/n this is my girlfriend Wiishu, Wiishu this is Mark's girlfriend y/n." Jack introduced you. "Wait this is her? Ermergersh Jack told me tons about you his last visit here, I'm glad you were able to come with this time!" I say remembering a faded memory.

"Very nice to meet you too, y/n. By the way, you can call me Shia if Wiishu gets on your nerves. Don't worry it get's to me too sometimes." We all laugh. Why does this feel awkward and tense? "Speaking of the devil himself, How've ya been Mark?!" I turned around and saw that he was a little pale and had a cold sweat on his forehead.

"I've been better." He coughs a little. "Mark, are you feeling okay?" I ask him trying to put my hand on his shoulder, but he holds his hand out preventing me. "I'll be fine, I'll be back soon, 'kay Kitten." He starts to walk away. "Be safe Babe, you don't know who could be out there at night," I say as he stumbles out the door. Jack looks completely terrified. Like he knows something that I don't.

"Okay, Jack spill..."

After two minutes of receiving nothing...I ran to our car,which luckily Mark wasn't in there...yet.

Mark's POV

I pulled over on the side of a back road. I can't hold him in anymore. "Mark? Where are we?" I heard y/n say. Wait, y/n! "What are you doing here?!" I try to hold him back a while longer. "You need to run to the house as fast as you can, and whatever you do don't look back." "But Mark I-" "GO! Y/N RUN!" I yelled and I heard a car door slam.

Your POV

I ran as fast as my feet would take me. I don't know why Mark is all the way out here but I don't want to find out. I soon heard pounding footsteps behind me. Then all of a sudden I was tackled by a really heavy object...or person. I tried to breathe rhythmically so I wouldn't have to pull out my inhaler in the middle of this. I flip around and see Mark, red beating eyes, slicked back red and black hair, and in a tux?

"y-y/n?" The deeper raspy voice spoke above me. Then all of a sudden everything came back to me.

Dark turns around and growls at him and Mark looks back down. "Tell me, um, y/n are you scared of me?" Dark smiles showing his sharp teeth. His red tinted hair matched his glowing red and black eyes.

"No...I'm not." I said and he walked closer. "Okay, how about now?" He says and suddenly my head was fuzzy and I started coughing up...blood? Blood! "No, DARK! STOP!" Mark said struggling against his restraints. "Is.....that all...you've got?"

"Ready for round 2?"

"D-Dark." I start to panic and he shushes me. "It's okay I'm not going to hurt you this time. I was wrong. Mark truly cares about you, so much in fact that he kept me away from you all of this time." He helped me up and hugged me? "I'm going to make you mine tonight?" he whispered in my ear. "Wha-" "Shhh," His touch felt safer now.

"Since tonight is the night for my kind to shine, I command that (your dark side's name) will rise and be mine!" I felt my body twitch and shake, but not for the reasons I'm used too.

"'bout time you got me out, you know it gets cramped in there."

...and ever since that night (Darkside's name) you have been my one and only...Well except that girl that broke up with mark because of you, but y/n's no longer afraid of you, so I'm going to be staying for a long time...I'm glad you two think that way...*he kisses your forehead and you blush*...my favorite part that night was trashing that party and bringing all of our friends together as we all slow danced...yeah Anti and Wii had a little too much fun that night if you ask me...Dark it's almost midnight...Well, I guess there is just one thing left to do...

They lean in and kiss as they both return to where they belong. You and Mark pull away smiling at each other. Mark kisses you again this time with more passion. "I like where they were headed," you say and Mark smirks. "Same.."


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