Virtual Reality (Part II)

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Your Pov

I woke up with two strong arms cradling me. I don't know whether I should scream or kick or both. Then I remember that I found Markiplier. He is the key that will set us all free, hopefully. Maybe, he can get me out of here. I have been trapped in this world for over 20 years. I came here when I was seven. Sadly, though you do age here. You get used to the animated version of yourself after the first week or so. If only my brother just waited to try his computer experiment when I wasn't in the room. Oh well, it's too late for criticism, he gave up on me by now. I flip around and Markiplier just pulled me closer to his I need to get a personal space bubble...what is he doing???

I looked outside, the moon was still up so my guess is it's either 3 or 4 in the morning. I slowly slide out of Mark's grasps. When I got out of bed Markiplier groggily said, "...but we didn't even play Soma yet.." he rolled around. I giggled to myself, he is kinda cute when he sleeps. Not a part of your operation. I walk across the room grabbing my katanas and climbing down the ladder to the tree house. I sat on the tire swing and looked at my surroundings.

Everything looks fake, but it's all I know. I barely remember what the moon really looks like. How the heat from a fire felt, what life used to be. I told Markiplier that we would find a way out but truth be told, I have not a clue where to start. I mean there are the head programs the ones who rule our system, but I got kicked off the court. If I show up even 1000 megapixels away they'd vaporize me. Maybe that is where Mark is. I hope his hard drive gets ripped out and he gets blown into micro bits. After what he did to me, he should be erased.

Mark's POV

Y/n left the room, this is my chance to dig up some dirt on her. I get up and out of bed slowly and look around the tree house. There is a desk in the corner near the door with a mini fridge on the other side. There is a bed in the middle of the room on the left there is a balcony and on the right, there is a bathroom, and right beside the bathroom door is what I am assuming is the never ending clothes pit. I wish my tree house in Cincinnati looked like this. I walk over to the desk. There are a bunch of papers, I'll look at those in a minute. I scan my eyes over the novelties on her desk. A bracelet made out of fishing wire and macaroni? Okay then, wait? I look at a picture frame in the corner, it was a collage of y/n and I. We look so happy, wait, they look so happy. 

That place is so pretty, wherever they went well it was gorgeous. I guess the Mark here used to be cool. I go back to the papers scattered on the desk. Some of them are like Slender Pages but with different scribbles on them. One just had the word 'DIE' written like a thousand times, another had a knife and a heart and a guy? These are weird. My head becomes all hazy. What's going on?


Y/n and I were in a laboratory, then I start to break and throw things at her "You can try but you'll never succeed...the council has lost it's hopes in you human..."

We were at the tree house, it was dark and very broken looking. "I can't believe it I trusted You! And You're Just Going To Leave Me...."

"Humans are worthless. You are worthless. I can't believe I ever had faith in a pathetic, lying, and selfish piece of matter like yourself!" I spat at her and threw an empty bottle at her.

I see me in a scenic forest view with a river and mountains in the distance...I had a knife in my hand.  "i'm sorry..." was all I said before collapsing on the ground.


I snapped out of it and took in my surroundings? I'm on the floor now...okay? "Markiplier are you okay?" I heard y/n start to climb the ladder. "umm...Yeah? Are you?" I ask getting up and cracking my back. "Well, you don't sound okay that's for sure. You're really pale. Are you sure everything fine?" she asks concern defiantly in her tone. "I think so? I guess I blacked out or something," I say. "Wait! Did you have your first vision?" she asked. "First what now?" I reply. "OOOOH, You did! What triggered it? Was it the tree house or maybe it was..." she looks at her desk, "was it that?" she pointed to the picture frame and I nodded.

"Let me guess, you saw what the virtual Mark did to my project?" she asked curiously but in a slow kind of sad tone. "I saw more than just that. I saw him leave you, and how bad he used to treat you," I say and she gets defensive. "He wasn't always like that. He was gentle and caring and smart, he acted-"human," I finish her statement. "I guess you have been here a while by the way you act and the little set up you have here. I guess the Virtual Mark was the closest thing to human you had," I say and she starts to tear up.

"He found me underneath this tree twenty years ago. He showed me what to do and how to act If I was going to become a council official. We went all around the database, and eventually, we came back here and built a little place so I could rest. Programs can't sleep, they have a scheduled hour for shutdown and maintenance, but that's not my point, point being is that he was the only one I had for the longest time, then he acted like my brother and abandoned me," I just stood there with my mouth a gap. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I promise you y/n, I'm not leaving you, or never will I ever treat you like the Markiprogram did," She laughed at that. "Markiprogram?" She asked looking up at me. "Yeah, so now you can call me Mark because Markiplier gets kinda long and boring, and we don't need to bring up that stupid little bag of bolts again," I say and she is shocked. "What?" I ask. "You just used a program phrase, correctly. I'm teaching you well," She backed up and did a bow. "Well then, Master, I wish to know all that you do," I say in my narrator voice and bow as well.


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