Day 7: Frosty the Youtuber

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On The Seventh Day Of Christmas Markimoo Gave To Me: Seven Hour Marathon

Hey, guys so bad news, y/n has a cold, so I have to tell today's story again...*ACHOOO*...that's probably her XD...not funny......I know, I know, now go rest, anyways So, this might be shorter than in the other videos because I have to take care of the weak...This is all your fault *says all stuffed up* *Coughs*...Anyways it all started on our second day in Cincinnati, Ethan, Tyler, Katie and Chica already flew back to LA, and my Mom had an idea...

Mark's POV

My mom and I were downstairs eating breakfast when she noticed y/n wasn't here. "Where is your girlfriend, Mark?" she asks. "She's still asleep. Probably exahusted from yesterdays activities," I say taking a sip of my coffee. "You all are crazy, I'm surprised you aren't sick!" she says laughing.

"Hey I cleaned up the snow on the carpet," I say. "Yea, at least you did that," she says taking a sip of her coffee. "Where did Tom go?" I ask looking around, "I didn't see him yesterday." "His girlfriend is in the hospital, she had appendicitis, so she wont be able to go home on Christmas," she says.

"That's not good," I frown. "Which reminds me, I've got to drop off his things at the hospital, don't throw y/n in the snow while I'm gone," she rabs his bag and her keys and walks out the door. "Love you too Mom!" I yell. The door opens, "I love you," and the door closes.

Hmmm...y/n + snow = cuddle time ...sounds full proof. I open the front door and creep up the stairs and into my room. I pick y/n up gently so I dont end up waking her up. I carry her down the stairs and outside. i found Douglas' remains and, plop, there she blows. With a screech she was awake. "Morning beautiful!" I say and ahe looked ticked. "Mark, A-are you k-kidding me!" She yelled and started to walk inside. I try to pick her up because she was barefooted, but she wouldn't let me. "I think you've done enough, Mark." We stepped inside and walked upstairs. "Go clean the house or something. Thanks to you, I'm cold, I need a showe, and I'm probably gonna get sick," She slammed the bathroom door shut. "All that from a pile of snow?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm sensitive to the cold, why did you think I moved to L.A." she said. And the shower turned on.

I walk downstairs and turn on Netflix and heat up some breakfast and coffee for her. She didn't come downstairs so I went up and saw that she was in my bed...asleep. "y/n, c'mon I made you breakfast," I say and she rolls out of bed. "I don't wanna move," she says as I walk over to her. "I can fix that," I pick her up like before and carry her to the living room. I sit her on the couch and got her a blanket. I went to grab the food when she sneezed. "I told you," she says snuggling deeper into the blanket. I gently smiled and grabbed her food and brought it to her.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask. "The Grinch!" she yelled and I shook my head. "No way," I said and she pouted. "Fine, we can watch Krampus, unless if you're a chicken *coughs*," she drinks her coffee and I pull up the movie

"Let's watch a Christmas Killer," i say and look at her. (So many puns can be made from just that phrase) And from there we had a seven hour christmas movie marathon.

"It' already 8?" she asks and I look at the clock. "Yeah? Mom?!" I yell and she comes out with popcorn. "Play the next film," she says and sits in a chair. "When did you get home?" I ask.

"Like five hours ago, now play the next one!" she demanded and I hit play.

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