Love At First Con? (Part I)

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Your POV

This is my first VidCon and to be honest, I don't know much about it. Yes, I is in love with video games and all that nerdy stuff, that's why my friend told me about this place,  I guess that I'm just a little nervous about going to this thing alone. Genesis said that she was coming and then she totally blew me off. So now here I am, walking through the convention alone, with a herd of nerds surrounding me. I am allowed to call them that because I am one! I decide to take a break from the L.A.R.P and seminars and head to the merchandise.

I found a Zelda T-Shirt for Genesis, so since she couldn't make it, I thought I would get her a souvenir. I browsed through the different vendors and I came across this cute little box with a pink mustache. Like on a scale from one to even, this is the cutest thing I have seen all day! I just can't right now. So yes I paid the lady 10$ for a 5x5 box, but he is worth it. I held him close to me hoping that no one would break it. I continued to fight my way through fan girls and various crowds, but for some reason I can not break through the sea of people. So I fight my way over to a couple of benches and I manage to keep myself there. Then I notice someone sitting in the bench near to where I'm standing.

"Tough to get through these crowds am I right?" the red headed man turned towards me. "Yeah, I can't even make it to my panel this crowd is so huge." he replies. "Oh, that's a bummer, who did you wanna see?" I ask him looking at my panel schedule I printed offline. "Well, um, I'm actually in the panel." he said and I immediately went into hero mode! "Well, then we need to get you there? What room is it in?" I ask him. "Room 2ab, but on the map the only way to get to it is that way." he pointed to the sea of people surrounding us. 

"Do you wanna make it on time?" I ask him. "More than anything, I'd hate to be late and disappoint people," he said and stood up, "but I don't understand how we are going to get through that!" "Simple, my new friend, I have been to this convention center more than the average person, If anyone is getting you to that panel. It's me!" I say and hold my box in the air. "Nice Tiny Box Tim." he stated and we headed away from the crowd. "I like that name, Tiny Box Tim." I say and look at the box as I take a shortcut through the "employees only" door, which is just a stair case to the 2nd floor, but it will lead us to room 2ab. 

"So you honestly don't know who I am?" he asks. "I don't think so? Why? Have we met before? I'm from Ohio." I say and his face lit up. "Really? What city?" he asked. "Or is that to personal? Sorry that slipped out! I uh...heh I said that out loud, didn't I?" he rambled and I giggled. "It's fine, but I'm from Cincinnati." I reply. "Really? Me too!" The man said as we kept walking up the stairs. "That's crazy cool! Wait a second." I stop and examine his features. His dark brown/black roots, his deep brown orbs of eyes, his muscular body, but wait his glasses?


I was walking through high school just trying to fit in and not be such a nerd like I was last year. Let's just say I got beat up and thrown in the dumpster a lot. I guess when I was lost in thought I bumped into a boy around my age. When I did his glasses fell off and I accidentally stepped on them. 

"Oh my gosh I am so, so sorry!" I say and pick up his glasses with the now bent frame and cracked lens. "It's fine, Don't fret about it. I'm getting new ones after school today." I sigh in relief when he said that. "My name is Y/N by the way." I say giving him his glasses. "I'm Mark." We shook hands and he left.

We kept in touch and we were friends, until Junior year he transferred out. and I never saw him again. He didn't get new glasses until a week after he said that.

*Memory Over*

"Umm...Ms. You okay?" he asked me snapping me back to reality. "Yeah! Sorry you just reminded me of someone." I say and we make it to the top of the stair case. "Now when you open that door, you should be in the panel room. "Thank you so much!" He goes in to hug me and my nose knocked his glasses off. "Oh my gosh, clumsy me I guess, here I got 'em, sorry for bumping them off of you!" I kneel down and clean them off. He giggled and replied, "Don't fret about it, I could use a new pair anyways."

I hand him his glasses and held out my hand, "My name is Y/N by the way." He looked at my hand and grabbed it hesitantly. "I'm Mark."


Do you want a sequel? Yes or No?

Lemme know so I can work on it!

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