Hair-Mates? (Part II)

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Mark's POV

Okay, I have been dying my hair for six months now, and I still can't find her. Lolz on a charity live stream Jack and I did. I painted my streak green and he did his red and the fans went ballistic. Then we washed it off and I swear our views were never lower. I thought I would see someone by now you know?

Yes, I lowkey stalk that (youtubename) girl, but she lives in Beverly, I know it's only like a thirty-minute drive, but she is way out of my league. It can't be her. She has to paint over it or something. It wouldn't hurt to meet up though.

Hey, I am not trying to be a stalker, but I watch you. Well, you're videos at least and you're pretty cool! I have a youtube channel as well and my friend Sean showed me your channel. I  am Markiplier (Mark). Your hair is also a nice shade! Anyways if any of this didn't creep you out...can you meet me at Pixels coffee shop around 5? Whatever works for you. 

I sent it....Yep I AM DEAD!

Your POV

I'm DEAD! How did this guy get my email? Holy Shite he's cute! He's also pretty funny. Well, he has a nice sense of humor for me at least. The last six months in Beverly are not fun. I have to drive all the way to UCLA every freaking day! Well at least the coffee shop is only like 15minutes away. Not too bad of a drive.

"My trek to explore starts now. Into the strange world, I go known as outside. It is very foreign to the strange indigenous people of the inside... " I giggle, "So I got an email from this random YouTube guy umm Markiplier, I think is what his channel was called,  anyways I am going to a local coffee shop, because I like to meet strangers who could possibly kill me and throw my body in a ditch!" I fake smile and put a thumbs up.

"Lolz.If someone kidnaps me I can always count on you guys to save me...right?" I paused the video and drove to my date/death. Around fifteen minutes later I showed up at 4:45.My mom always told me that being on time was being late. I took some clips around the coffee shop and walked inside. This is the cutest/coolest hangout spot I have ever seen.

Computers, gamming systems. This isn't a coffee shop. This is like a giant Dave& Busters! (Arcade). I smiled at all of the games I see around me. My kidnapper knows how to have fun. I sat in a booth close to the laser tag waiting for him. I looked around and saw a guy with red dyed hair sitting at a table a few feet away.

I've got time. I walked over to him and sat down. "Hey, this place is pretty cool." I say and he looks up. "Yeah I hope my sou-" he stopped and kept staring at me then I realize something. He has a (y/h/c) streak on the side of his head. I observed his red hair and realized that is what the color of  my streak! We both were standing at this point observing each other's features. 

"Oh my gushers...My name is y/n." I held out my hand but that was rejected and I was pulled into a hug. "I thought I would never find you." His deep voice fills my ears and I smile. "I thought you would never accept me." I held him tighter than I expected to but he gladly returned the gesture. We pulled away and I could see why he is my Soulmate. Handsome, Caring, Funny,he's just down right loveable.

"So Markiplier, are you ready to get you arse whooped in some laser tag." I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes. "Oh, it's on." We both got suited up and headed into the glow room. I had the best spot for sniping and I kept targeting The Red team. Which coincidentally is Mark's team. My team was Blue, and we destroyed them the first round.

However the second round, Mark found my hiding spot. "You little cheat-(I shot him)er...really? You're going to shoot the only person in this world who will love you for all eternity?" I started blushing really bad. "Mark!" My face was probably as red as his hair. Thank teh Lawd it is dark in here. "What? I already know how I feel about you, and I know that we are supposed to be together, so what's wrong with a little bit of romance?" he asks.

"Nothing!" I laugh and kiss his cheek. "I'm glad I met you." I could feel our blush mix as he stepped closer. Our faces were inches apart. "May I-" I cut him off by gently placing my lips on his. We moved in perfect sync as Mark snaked his arms around my back and I put my arms on his shoulders. "Plees nuh Pdaing in thee crews nerst ternk yer." This weird guy interrupted us. When he left Mark and I laughed our arses off.

"Oh smile!" Mark said and took a selfie of the both of us. "Hey guys! So I am here with Mark and this is a not so much coffee shop. XD. And yes it is proven that (youryoutubename) has a soulmate, and yes it is Markiplier." I say into my phone. 

"I'm her biggest fan." he wraps his arms from behind me and we laugh a little. "We were playing laser tag but this one can't get the guts to shoot me." I say pointing at Mark. "You shot me like five times already...Unlike you I am a kind and caring soulmate." Mark stuck his tongue out. "Which makes me Alpha!  Ha- *BLUE TEAM WINS!*" The intercom interrupted me and I cheered in victory with my team.

"Okay, guys see you later." I waved at my phone and shut it down. "It's not my fault you're team sucked." I say to Mark and he laughs and rolls his eyes. "You really are perfect." He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the arcade. "Same time tomorrow then?" Mark asks holding both of my hands and kissing me gently. "Only if you can beat me." I boop his nose and walked away.

"Best two out of three?" Mark asked. "Sure Markimoo. Goodnight." I say to him and he smiles. "Goodnight Girliplier. Lo-" I smirked at what he was going to say. "I love you too." His face turned a hot pink. "Stop changing into hair colors Mark." I laugh and start my car. Then I drove off. Happy to finally have found my one and only.
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