Day 1: Mark Got Ran Over By a Reindeer

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On The First Day of Christmas Markimoo Gave To Me: A horse dressed like a reindeer

"So this is hilarious to me but embarrassing to someone else...Not F.U.N.N.Y. I could have died...but you didn't...but I almost...but you didn't...hey you're lucky I'm even letting you share this...whatever, anyways it all started when Mark and I were spending the holiday season in New York visiting my parents..."

Your POV

Our plane landed and I saw the city in the distance. I smiled and grabbed Mark's hand as we walked out of the terminal to grab our luggage. I hailed a taxi to take us to our hotel. "Queens scenic route please!" I say and the driver nods. "Welcome back, y/n!" he winks at me. "Thanks, Uncle (name him)."  He put the privacy wall up so he couldn't see or hear we were going to do anything anyways.

I roll my eyes and Mark looks at me and laughs. "What's so funny." I giggle as he looks at my hands and grabs them. "Nothing, just happy to finally meet some of your family." He kisses my forehead. "You missed," I say. "I know," he kisses my lips short and soft. 

I show him through the taxi window all of the landmarks as we drove through town square. "This place is so cool. How long have your parents been living here?" he asks me rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. "We moved here when I was twelve," The taxi stops as the privacy wall falls.

"I hope you two are clothed!" he yelled and I laughed. "We are. Thanks, Uncle (NH)!" Mark opened my door for me. "He seems like a gentleman. Let's see how dinner goes tonight." Mark and I laugh. "I'll be on my best behavior, sir." he says wrapping and arm around my shoulder. "Uncle (NH), see you lovebirds later." he drove off and I signed us in to get our key cards.

"Shit!" Mark runs out of the hotel. I run after him with the key cards. "What happened?" I ask getting concerned. "Your Uncle has our luggage,"  he brushes a hand through his hair as he looked around frantically. "Don't worry, he'll bring them to dinner. Trust me, he won't go through it." I laugh as I grab his hand. "I wanna take you somewhere."  We walk a couple blocks down to time square. (OMG LOOK AT ALL THE COOL STUFF THEY HAVE.)

Mark's POV

This place is ridiculous. Ridiculously AWESOME! This place is huge! Yeah it's kinda noisy and smelly, and a tad bit crowded, but if you ignore that, then it's pretty cool place. It sucks though because I left something in my suitcase that I needed. "Oh, my gosh! Look over there!" I look at a display window.

It was a couple Christmas sweater, half of it said Nice and the other side said naughty. "Oh Gawd, what if we showed up to dinner in that?" I laughed as we walked up to it. "We would certainly make an entrance with that on XD," she said and we laughed some more. "Let's do it!" I said and walk in the store. "Wait, really?" She asks me as we walk into Macy's? Idk some department store. "Of course, it would be fun! Why are you chicken?

"No, I just thought you 'd be embarrassed considering this is the first time you will meet my parents." I stammered on my words...I hate lying. "Yeah, but I think they would enjoy seeing you happy, and with me!" I look around, I have no idea where we are going? "Here I'll search for the sweater, go get a candle for my Mom in the corner over by the bathrooms...she'll love that!"

"Okay, scream if you need me!" I yelled as she laughed. "Okay! MARK!" she yelled and I looked back. "What?!" I yell back. "Love ya!" She smiled. "Whatever," WelaughI mock and she rolls her We laughed and went our separate ways. 

On the way to the candle section, I saw the little prize machines for two-year-olds. Add 17 to that and I have a couple quarters to blow anyways. 

*Time Skip brought to you by Sven*

Your POV

"We were walking back to the hotel when Mark saw an old lady trying to cross the street. *Tries not to laugh* (JUST FINISH THE DAM STORY SO TMFTN CAN WRITE DAY 2! SHE'S BEHIND...OKAY , okay...) Mark decided to help her so he went over and took her arm. Just then no lie a horse drawn carriage comes bolting towards them.

 I stood in shock honestly terrified. Then Mark pushed the Grandma away as the horse abruptly stopped and pushed him down. I ran to him and asked if he was okay. I looked at the horses and saw that they were dressed up like reindeer. He was, and everyone around us started singing 'Mark just got ran over by a reindeer.' And now I can't stop laughing." I told my Uncle (NH) and my parents. 

"SoI see you two are enjoying yourselves," My step-mother smiled. "Whose idea was it for the- the united Christmas sweater?" my dad asked to mark and I. "That was your lovely daughter's idea, sir." Mark said smiling at me then at my family. "Mark? Is it?" My dad asks. "Yes, sir." uh oh. "Loosen up a little, I can feel you shaking the table." Mark stopped bouncing his legs up and down.

"So, Mark Got Ran Over By A Reindeer." Uncle (NH) said.


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