Day 8: Misletoe

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On The Eighth Day of Christmas Markimoo Gave To Me: Eight awkward moments

Hey guys, so I have to make this one short too because Mark's mom already took Mark to the hospital to visit Tom and his girlfriend. We got a call from Tom saying that she was in immense pain and then she started seizing so, I have to start driving in like ten minutes. Okay so Day 8, umm, hmm. What happened yes- OH YEAH! Okay, so it all started when Mark and I were on our way home from Bob and Wade's house.

Your POV

I buckle my seatbelt and Mark closes my car door. He gets in and as he puts his seatbelt on he knocks his drink over on me. "HOLY HECK THAT'S COLD!" I stand up and open the glove compartment trying to find napkins, That's when Mark grabs a towel from the backseat. "Since when did you start putting towels in the car?" I ask.

He laughs. "You gotta remember y/n this is my mom's car, she is always prepared for stuff like this." I saw a bunch of medical stuff and sewing junk in the glove compartment. "I can tell," I say wiping the drink off the seat and trying to get the remnants of it off my shirt. 

We kept quiet for the majority of the ride until that one Christmas song, um, "Baby it's cold outside," I heard Mark's voice and my heart melted. (get it cause it's hot in there) I laughed and started to sing along until I got and idea. The peak of the song came on and I shut the radio off making Mark sing the lyrics really loud. He quickly cut off and we started laughing. "You're such a jerk," he said, his face was red. 

We pulled into his driveway and he turned the key out of the ignition. He opened the door and he slipped. "Oh my gosh, Mark! Are you okay?" I yell and open my door and I accidently closed the car door on my coat so I'm just hanging there, and I can't get up because the driveway is icy. "What the heck!" I yell trying to move.

Mark was crawling towards me and he opened the door setting me free. "Your welcome," he says as he stands up and tries to help me up but I end up slipping and falling on him. "S-sorry Ma-" he pecks my lips. "It's not your fault," he says and I get up and pull him up as we walk slowly to the front door. He opens it and his mom was standing there with her camera.

She pointed up and Mark and I looked up and saw a mistletoe. I blushed and he looked at me. "I guess we gotta kiss," I sigh looking around. "Awe you poor unfortunate soul." he lifts my chin up and he leans in and kisses me. I heard his mom snap a few pictures then Mark's phone went off. "It's Tom, Hello?" he answered the phone.

"Oh my gawd," Mark says and hands the phone to his Mom as he runs upstairs.

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