Oblivious (Part II)

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Your POV

"Mark? Are you crying?" I ask as I heard him sniffle. "N-no, I'm fine." He weakly smiled at me as we pulled into Mark's driveway. "No, something is wrong? Please, Mark, you know you can tell me anything." I say and put my hand on his shoulder. He sighs and looks down before looking at me. "I know, but somethings are better off not said." he takes the keys out of the ignitions and gets out of the car and opens up my door. "M'lady..." He held a hand out for me to take. "Oh, why thank you, my good sir." I take his hand as he guides me out of the vehicle.

We walked into his apartment building and hit the elevator button to his floor. "Oh...um sorry." he let go of my hand. Were we holding hands the entire time? "It's okay," I say looking at the ground. It was an awkward elevator ride. The door pinged and opened up. We were silent for a while, I mean a good thirty minutes. "Mark, are you sure everything is fine?" I say breaking the awful awkward silence.

"Yeah, sorry, my mind is just running a marathon." He says walking into the kitchen. "Why?" I follow him and lean on the doorway. "My head is running in circles about you. Y/n don't you see, right as soon as things calm down, William Asshat will be back at my door begging you to take his sorry ass back. Then, you will accept his lousy apology and next thing you know you're getting married to some corporate brat who doesn't give a damn about such a rocking awesome woman like yourself!" He puts his head in his hands. 

He sighs and lets out a small chuckle, "I can't go through this again. Y/n I won't let you go through this again." I walk over to him and stand in front of him. I'mon the verge of a breakdown. "If you won't let me, then gawd damn Mark, Show M-" He cut me off by kissing my lips. Not rough and needy like William would do...all the time. Mark was gentle, soft, warm, and amazing...

Tears ran down my face as Mark pulled away cupping my face and wiping the tears away. "I will not let you go back, never. If that bar of bish soap decides he wants you back, well he's gotta deal with me first." Mark said wich made me smile. For once in my life, I feel safe and loved. I pull him back and kiss him passionately. He smiles in the kiss and pulls me closer to him. Until...

"Ms. y/ln. Wow I never thought that you would actually get the guts to do exactly what I've done to you, and to be on the receiving side I will admit it hurts,and I 'm so sorry for all of the shit I put you through." I pull away looking at Mark for reassurance.  His eyes tell me to don't fall for it, my heart says the same, but there is just some side of me that just can't let go of him. "Please, y/n forgive me?" 

"How did you even get into my apartment?" Mark asks him sternly stepping in front of me. "Easy there tiger, y/n simple left her key at our apartment, I thought I would return it to her, but yet again why would I? It's not like she'll need it once we're married." He spoke to Mark with such tone. "Over my dead body will you ever get near her again," Mark spoke with rage. 

"Okay, well the-" William didn't even finish his statement before he swung a punch at Mark causing him to lose his balance. "No, Mark, William stop," I say but he just ignores me...shocker. Mark stands back to his feet holding the side of his face. He then surprised William with and uppercut to the jaw, and if that wasn't enough, he kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Mark picks up my key to his apartment and slides it in his pocket. 

"Now get out before I call the cops on you for trespassing and breaking and entering. I don't think your Daddy would be too fond of that." Willaim rushed to his feet, "This isn't the last of me, I'll be back." He said as Mark slammed the door in his face. "There won't be a next time, you understand me?" Mark yelled through the door and locked it. I looked at his swollen face, his lip was busted up and his eye darkened. William doesn't fight much, but when he does, it gets nasty.

I get and ice pac out of the freezer and wrap it in a hand towel. Marks sits on a stool and I stand in front of him. "This will take the swelling down, it might sting a little, but it will help," I say taking my free hand to caress the side of his face and hold the back of his neck in place. I slowly lay the ice pac on his face, he cringes a little but not for long. He took one of his hands and laid over mine and the ice pac.

 "Remember in higschool I used to chase you around the media arts room, and Mr. Stendlyn would be all like 'would you darn kids stop flirting for one second...honestly...maybe you'd pass the class if you did some of your CLASS work'..." We giggled. "Hey,we got it done...eventually..." I smile and laugh a little more thinking about all the stuff we've done. "Man, friends since kindergarten, and I still don't know how to talk to you," Mark says and I'm confused. "What are you mumbling about now?" I ask him.

"Y/n, I-I love you okay, I have had a huge crush on you since middle school, and for some reason,no matter how hard I try to move on or think about someone else I can't! You are the first person I think of when I wake up and the last before I fall asleep. I understand if you think that's weird, but it's the honest truth." He brushes a stray tear from my eye. "I can, and want to treat you better, the way that you deserve to be treated."

I give hima peck on the cheek and pull him into a hug.

"I love you too Mark.

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