Un-Perfect Two

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(Read Stay the Night before this)

Your Pov

1:53 P.M.
Me: Hey Mark

2:37 P.M.
Me: Mark?

5:00 P.M.

7:30 P.M.
Me: You okay?

10:00 P.M.
Me: Look Mark I understand that the distance is rough, but think about it. In a few weeks, I have a concert that is close to where you live...plus I have a spare V.I.P. ticket if you want it. I have to hit the hay because it's late as it is, and I have all day rehearsal tomorrow for the show in Miami. I really do love you a lot and I need you to know that. Goodnight, Babe. See you soon. xxxxxxx <3

10:30 P.M.
Markimoo: I love you too. xxxxxx


Mark's Pov

"Of course I love her. How could I not? She's everything to me, and I want to prove it to her, it's just I don't feel...-worthy?" Amy finishes my statement. "Exactly, she's on a completely different league than me, and sometimes I just don't feel like I am enough for her," I sit down sending Y/n a text really quick. I just ignored her the entire day...way to go Mark. "That's completely normal to have those feelings, Mark. Have you ever considered talking to her about this?" Amy asks me and I shake my head. "I can't do that to her in the middle of Tour, she's probably stressed out as it is," I say.

"Yeah, well if she loves you then she would want to know how you're feeling. This feeling that you have is unhealthy for you," I cradled my head in my hands and took deep breaths. (Kelly Clarkson anyone...just me...ok...) "I'll give you some time alone to think, but if you need me. You know I'm right next door," She said standing up. I quickly stood up and hugged her goodbye. The door shut and that's when I knew I was alone. Tyler and Ethan are both visiting their families, and Chica went to Boston for...reasons. (inserts video of Chica chasing birds on the beach)

10:45 P.M.
Babzz<3: Hey, is everything okay? You've been kinda distant with me lately...

10:46 P.M.
Me: Can we talk?

Babzz<3 is calling....

"Hey, markimoo! What's up?" her cheery voice sounded through the phone. "I love you," I say stopping myself from what I was thinking about. I'm not going to end it because of my insecurities...I won't. "I love you too. Are you okay?" She asks. "No..."

I explained everything and she was very understanding and reassured me that I wasn't alone and that I was good enough if not more than enough for her.


Your Pov

a few weeks later...

7:38 A.M.
Markimoo: Don't listen to the media!

2:00 P.M.
Markimoo: Y/n Please! It's not true! You have to believe me!

5:00 P.M.
Markimoo: I love you please talk to me xxxxx

9:00 P.M.
Me: </3 and I thought you were different.

9:10 P.M.
Mark: Amy is my neighbor now, and I thought that we should catch up on things. She was a childhood friend of mine, nothing more, nothing less, I swear!

9:15 P.M.
Me: Just friends...

(I love Amy with all my heart and soul

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(I love Amy with all my heart and soul. I'm happy Mark found someone who will make him as happy as he makes us...but poor Amy is just going to be one of my antagonists. Love you #amiplier)

9:16 P.M.
Mark: She probably was being sarcastic, by relationship she could have meant friendship.

Me: I can't believe you...

9:22 P.M.
Mark: Y/n please, don't do this to me...don't leave me... xxxxxxx </3

9:30 P.M.
Me: I'm sorry, but you can't save me...

9:31 P.M.
Mark: What do you mean?

message not sent.

9:32 P.M.
Mark: Y/n you're scaring me!

message not sent.

10:00 P.M.
Mark: I'm flying to your show in Boston.

message not sent.

I blocked him and threw my phone at the wall. Why did I let myself feel again? Why would I think that this time would be any different? Everyone is the same. I walked to my car and drove to a nearby studio. I called my manager. "I gotta new cover idea..."


@ The Boston Show

Mark's Pov

"This is a cover I wrote about a week ago, so I hope you all enjoy," she spoke into the mic and began to sing the song.


I was in full blown tears as everyone applauded and cheered. I wiped my eyes and I noticed she wiped hers too. She's in pain, and she's right. This time I can't save her. "Hey, aren't you Mark?" A kid beside me asked. "Yes, I am," I replied and sniffled a little. "Well, I watch your videos, and I know the media can make up some crazy shiz. So, I hope you and Y/n work things out because you two are perfect for each other.

Wait...I thought I knew the song she was covering. "Thank you, kid. Remind me to thank you later if we do end up together again," I say and bolt it out of the concert. I thought about where'd she'd be staying. I am going to fix this.

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