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It was late afternoon before Brian sent her a text. He wasn't sure what to say. He wanted to keep it light.

B - Hey. It's Brian. What's going on?'

G - Hey. Finishing up work. What's up?

B - Are you free tomorrow night?

G - Yeah. What do you have in mind?

B - Dinner?

G - Sure. Where?

B - Angelino's on Highland?

G - What time?

B - 7:00? I can pick you up.

G - I'll meet you there at 7.

B - See you then.

He wanted to keep talking to her but he sensed he should leave it there. He went back to work and tried to put her out of his mind. If he kept thinking about her he would end up texting her again and he didn't want to look stupid or desperate.

The night of the date Brian got there a few minutes early. He was nervous again. But why? She was just a girl. He was BQ, the guy who knew how to charm the ladies right out of their panties.

When Giovanna got there she was greeted by Brian, waiting just inside the front door. "Hi," he said.

"Hi. Come here often?" she asked with a wink. A streak of heat flashed over his face and he laughed.

They were shown to a table and Brian ordered a bottle of wine for them. "Thanks for coming out," he said.

"Thanks for inviting me. I love this place."

"Yeah, me too. Been coming here since I was a kid."

"Oh so you grew up here?" she asked

"You couldn't tell by my accent? I get shit for it all the time."

"Well, I could tell it was New York, but I wasn't sure which part."

"I was born in Brooklyn but moved here when I was a kid," he said. "What about you? I can tell you aren't originally from New York."

"I'm from Vegas."

"Get out! Really? What are you doing HERE?!"

"Needed a change of scenery," she said, just as the waitress arrived with the wine. Brian poured them each a glass.

"So Vegas. Does your family still live there?"

She took a large gulp of wine before answering. "Uh, yeah. Yeah they do." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. This didn't go unnoticed.

"Everything ok?" Brian asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm just not close to them."

"Ah, well sorry. We can talk about something else. How long have you been in New York?"

"Almost 10 years."

"You must like it then?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's great. I don't even really mind the winter. Growing up I never experienced REAL winter. Every Christmas I wished for snow but it never happened. Silly right?"

"Not at all. I'm not big into Christmas so I don't care if there's snow or not. I'd prefer none because I don't want to deal with it."

"Not into Christmas? You're the first person I've ever heard that from. Do you like any holidays?"

"Halloween is hands down my favorite," he said, taking a drink of wine. "It always has been. Even now. I love getting dressed up and going out. It's a fun night."

"It's my favorite as well. Luckily I have friends who enjoy it, too, so I don't feel stupid still dressing up. Last year I went as Catwoman."

"Oh that's awesome. Are you into that kind of stuff, comic books?"

"Not really, but I LOVE the old Batman TV show. Julie Newmar was my hero. She was so fantastic."

"I bought a box set of that not too long ago. It still holds up. Good, cheesy fun."

"Oh wow, I would love to go back and rewatch it," she said.

"Well maybe you can come..." The waitress appeared just then and asked if they were ready to order. They both smiled sheepishly at her and Brian asked her to give them more time.

They continued to talk while they waited for their food. The conversation was light and effortless, as if they had known each other for years. Brian couldn't take his eyes off her. Somehow she looked even more beautiful than two nights before.

When they had finished eating they sat talking for a little while longer, neither seeming to want the date to end. When they stepped outside Giovanna was prepared to say good night, but Brian asked if she wanted to go for a walk. "It's such a nice night." She agreed and they headed south.

It wasn't long before they came upon Willowbrook park. "Do you want to go in?" she asked. "We can sit for a minute."

"Yeah, let's do it." They found a park bench and sat, both of them quiet for the first time that evening.

"Thank you for dinner," she finally said, breaking the tension. "I had a great time."

"You're welcome," he said with a smile. He really wanted to kiss her but he was suddenly nervous. After berating himself internally for being such a pussy he made his move. "We should do it again some time." She smiled at him and he leaned in, his lips touching hers. The kiss was gentle and romantic.

When they broke apart he smiled at her. "That was nice."

"Yes it was," she blushed. They sat talking for a while before heading back to their cars.

"Can I see you again?" he asked as they stood next to her car.

"Yeah, I'd like that," she replied, leaning in and kissing him. This kiss had a little more heat to it and Brian could feel himself getting aroused. He didn't want to scare her away so he resisted the urge to invite her back to his house.

"Thanks again for dinner," she said once they broke apart. She unlocked the door and got in her car. "Talk to you soon." She closed the door and started her car. Brian stood there until she drove away, then headed for his own Jeep.

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