Beer goggles

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When he woke up the next morning the room was still dark from the blinds. He couldn't really see her but Giovanna was still curled up next to him. Her arm was bent at the elbow and her hand rested on his chest.

He had no idea what time it was and his phone was downstairs on the coffee table. He didn't want to get up but he had to pee so he carefully slid out of bed, put on his boxers and left the room.

He returned a few minutes later and got back in the bed. He switched on his phone and checked his texts and emails. At 3:14 he had received a text from Sal.

Bro call me back. Gotta tell you about this chick I met tonight

Given the time he assumed that had been a drunk text. Giovanna stirred next to him and he turned his phone slightly so the light from the screen was on her. She lifted her head slightly and opened an eye, squinting at him.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey yourself. Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah, but my head hurts." Her head fell back on the pillow and she closed her eye.

"Hang tight. I'll get you some aspirin." He left and came back with a cup of water and a pill bottle. She sat up and took 2 tablets.

"Thank you," she said, handing them back to him. "You don't feel bad?"

"No. I feel fine," he said with a smirk, though she didn't see it.

"I think it was the combination of wine and beer. Ugh."

"How bad is it?"

"About a 7. I'll live. What do you have going on today?" she asked.

"Nothing really. Was maybe gonna meet up with Sal but that's not definite. He drunk texted me at 3 to call him. He apparently met a girl."

"That's great," she said, her voice muffled by the pillow. "Did we even drink that much last night?"

"Not really. Just a bottle of wine and a few beers. I didn't realize you were such a lightweight." She reached out and playfully punched him. "How about I get a shower then take you home. If you feel better later we can do something if you want."

"OK. I pray I feel better later. 'Cause this sucks." He chuckled and leaned over and kissed her cheek.

After he dropped her off he called Sal. The phone rang almost 5 times before Sal answered.

"Hello?" His voice was raspy and it was evident he had been sleeping.

"Hey buddy. Late night?"

"Yeah. Yeah it was."

"Do you remember texting me at 3am?" Brian asked.

"No. What did I say?"

"You wanted me to call you about some girl." There was a long pause.

"Oh yeah!" His voice became louder and more excited as he spoke. "I was out with Jay, Joe and Tim. We were bar hopping and I don't even know what bar we ended up at last but there was this girl in there. She was so fuckin' hot dude."

"Did you fuck her?"

"Nah man. I was too fucked up. No way I coulda got it up."

"So what happened?" Brian asked.

"We made out. I think I got her number. Fuck, I should check my phone to make sure. I'm puttin' you on speaker."

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