Chapter 54

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Brian sat on the couch, nursing a beer and half watching a movie. He couldn't fully focus on it because his mind was on Giovanna. He'd told her what happened, and he really didn't know if she believed him. If she didn't, he had no idea how he was going to get through to her. He didn't want to lose her so he'd made up his mind that he would fight to win her back.

He looked at his phone and saw it was nearing 10:30. He wanted to call her, to hear her voice, but decided against it. Just then his phone rang in his hand. It was a number he didn't recognize and he usually didn't answer if he didn't know who it was. Something in the back of his mind told him to answer this time.


"This is Officer Fontana with 122nd precinct. I'm looking for Brian."

"This is Brian," he said, bolting up straight.

"Do you know a Giovanna Capaldi?"

Brian's voice caught in his throat and he instantly felt a knot in his stomach.

"Yes," he managed to croak out.

"Are you her next of kin?"

The words rang in his ears.

"I guess so," he said. "I'm her boyfriend. She has no blood relatives. What's going on? Is she ok?"

"Miss Capaldi was in an accident. She's been taken to University Hospital."

"What?! When?!"

"Happened a few hours ago."

"Is she ok?"

"I don't know the extent of her injuries."

"Thank you. Thank you for calling me." He hung up before the officer could reply. He grabbed his keys and rushed out the door. He sped through the streets of Staten Island, running red lights and stop signs.

He parked haphazardly in the parking lot and ran inside.

"What room is Giovanna Capaldi in?" he asked the desk clerk.

"Is that with a C?"

"Yes. C-a-p-a-l-d-i."

"She's in room 314."

"Thank you. Which way to the elevator?" he asked.

"Right down that hall."

He stood outside her room, his heart racing. He had no idea what he would see when he walked in. He took a deep breath as he entered her room and his heart sank when he saw her.
Her left leg was in a cast and was elevated, her head and left forearm were wrapped in gauze, her face was bruised, she had a gash on her left cheek, and there were wires coming out of the top of her gown, hooked up to various machines.

He walked over to the right side of her bed and took her hand in his. His eyes welled with tears as he looked down at her. She looked so frail laying there. He still had no idea what had happened to her. The police officer had just said she was in an accident. He guessed it was a car accident but it didn't matter. She was broken and bruised and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Hi," a voice came from behind him, causing him to jump. He spun around to see a nurse standing there. "Are you her husband?"

"Boyfriend. What happened to her?"

"She was in a car accident," the nurse said, checking the monitors she was hooked up to.

"What all is wrong with her, aside from what I can see?"

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