Chapter 46

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Giovanna woke before Brian, who was on his side facing away from her. She laid there on her back, thinking about all the things she loved about him. His eyes. His smile. His laugh. His big heart. His sense of humor. She felt lucky to have him as her boyfriend.

She rolled over on her side and moved next to him, pressing her body up against his and draping an arm over him. Her hand played with the hem of his t-shirt as her foot slid up and down his leg.

He stirred, rolling over onto his back. Her arm was now wrapped around his waist, his hand resting on it.

"Good morning," he said, his voice deep from sleep.

"Good morning. Did I piss you off last night? You were sleeping with your back turned to me," she said playfully.

"No," he said, suddenly turning to tickle her. She screamed and laughed and begged him to stop. He relented after a minute then kissed her. He laid next to her, his head on her chest, and she played with his hair.

"I know I've said it before, but I love your hair. It's so soft. I could do this for hours."

"It feels good when you do that."

"I know. It feels really good when you do it to me. It's relaxes me. Too bad we can't do it simultaneously."

"What do you want to do today?" he asked.

"What is there to do? I've never been to Iowa before."

"Heck if I know. I've been here but not long enough to have time to check it out. We could ask at the front desk I guess."

"Good idea," she said. "We probably missed the free breakfast. Are you hungry?"

"Yeah. We can ask at the desk what's around here to eat."

The woman at the front desk gave them some restaurant options and, since it was unseasonably warm that day, she suggested the Blank Park Zoo as one of the places they could go. Brian, being an avid animal lover, was instantly sold. Giovanna agreed and they set off.

They ate a diner that was just a couple of blocks down from the hotel, then took an Uber to the zoo.

They had a great time. The sun was out and the zoo wasn't too crowded. Brian got recognized a few times but every one was very nice. They stayed until the zoo closed then went back to the hotel to change their clothes before heading out to dinner.

Just as they got back to their room Sal called Brian.

"Hey buddy. What's going on?" Brian asked.

"Just wanted to see what you're doing for dinner."

"I'm not sure yet. We just got back a little bit ago."

"Where'd you go?" Sal asked.

"We went to the zoo. What did you do?"

"Nothing. I sat in the room all day. It was nice. Quiet. But now I need to get out."

"Well you're welcome to come to dinner," Brian said, looking at Giovanna, who nodded in agreement. "We'll stop by your room on our way downstairs. Thirty minutes ok?"


When they got down to the lobby they once again asked at the front desk for restaurant suggestions. Once they agreed on one they ordered an Uber.

"So how is Rachel?" Giovanna asked Sal once they had ordered their food.

"She's good. We did a Skype call this afternoon and I told her you were here. I invited her to come out also but she had a work thing going on, some big project she's working on."

"We should all get together soon. Hang out, have some drinks," Giovanna said.

"Yeah, we can do that. I know she'll be down for it. Are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes. Gotta get back to work. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"

"My sister is having it at her house this year."

"The one who was on the show?" she asked.

"No," Sal said, shooting Brian a dirty look.

"We need to get her back on the show," Brian said with a laugh. "It's been a while."

"You better not," Sal said, glaring at him. "It's enough with that shit."

"Calm down. I'm just fuckin' with ya. We don't have any plans to bring her back." There was a pause before he added "Yet," with a laugh.

After dinner the three of them went to a local bar. The bartender recognized Brian and Sal and gave them all free drinks. When they were just on the verge of being drunk they left and headed back to the hotel. Giovanna said goodbye to Sal, knowing she wouldn't see him again before she left.

Once they were back in their room Giovanna was feeling frisky. She pulled Brian onto the bed with her and kissed him. It wasn't long before they were naked and ravaging each other.

The next morning after they had showered they went to eat breakfast at the same diner as the day before.

"So, there's something I wanted to ask you about," Brian said.

"What's that?"

"Well, have you talked to Chloe about the holidays?"

"No, actually. Why?"

"Well, do you want to ask her to come with us for Thanksgiving? I understand if you don't after what happened, but she's your sister. She has no other family here. Do you want her to spend it alone?"

"I guess not," she said. "I hadn't thought about to be honest. I haven't had any family to worry about for so long. Like, I'm not responsible for her, she's an adult, but no, I don't want her to be alone."

"Well then see if she wants to go with us. I've already asked my mom about it and she said it's fine. And we're only going for the day."

"Ok. I'll call her tonight and ask her about it."

"I know it's an awkward situation but if we're really going to put it behind us...well, might as well start now."

"You're right," she said. "You're right. Actions speak louder than words. I can't say I'm past it and then not back that up. You're going to see her at work and I'm sure we'll all be hanging out together at some point. So I'll ask her."

"I'm sure it will mean a lot to her," he said, reaching across the table and squeezing her hand.

After they ate they headed back to the hotel and hung out until it was time for her to head to the airport.

"I wish you didn't have to go back," he said, putting his arms around her waist as they waited for her Uber in the hotel lobby.

"I don't want to go either," she said, resting her head against his chest.

He ran a hand through her hair and kissed her head. "Text me when you get home."

"I will. Promise."

Her car pulled up and he walked her outside. He kissed her then wrapped her up in a hug.

"Love you," he said.

"Love you, too. See you soon."

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