Chapter 47

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Giovanna had called Chloe when she got home as she had told Brian she would do. Chloe was surprised to be asked but accepted. She and Giovanna had had a really long talk and Giovanna was feeling better about their relationship.

Thanksgiving went off without a hitch. Brian's family welcomed Chloe just as they had Giovanna. At Christmas Giovanna and Chloe decided to stay in New York. It was their first Christmas together in over a decade and Giovanna thought it would be good for them to spend it alone.

Giovanna invited Chloe to stay at her apartment Christmas Eve. They watched movies, ate, talked and laughed well past midnight. The next day they exchanged gifts and cooked dinner together. By the time Chloe went home Giovanna was feeling really close to her.

Brian came home Christmas night and Giovanna went to his house so they could celebrate. Brian still wasn't big on Christmas, but he knew she had never had any good ones and he wanted to make it up to her.

On New Year's Eve Brian took Giovanna to an expensive restaurant then she spent the night at his house. They stayed up until the wee hours playing video games and making love.

The first few months of 2016 Brian was extremely busy with work. In January Brian and the guys hosted a five day cruise. Giovanna didn't go because she knew he would be working the entire time, entertaining and interacting with fans, and she didn't want to distract him from that.

At the end of January the guys performed three nights in a row at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. All of the shows were sold out and all of their families came out to support them.

In February the guys started doing live club shows in New York to work out new material for their new live tour. Then at the end of the month they went to England to perform some live shows. Giovanna went with him even though it was just for a few days and there wasn't a lot of time for sight seeing.

March brought more live club shows and Brian's birthday. He was turning 40 and Giovanna wanted to do something special for him. He had said he didn't want a big deal made about it so she had planned an evening for just the two of them.

She invited him to her apartment, telling him she was going to make dinner for him. At 7:00 there was a knock on her door.

"Hello," she said, smiling at him and stepping aside to let him in. She shut the door then turned around and kissed him. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you," he said. "Whatever you're cooking it smells really good."

"Eggplant parm. I know it's one of your favorites. It'll be ready in ten minutes. Make yourself comfortable."

She poured them each a glass of wine as they sat down to eat.

"This is really good," he said after a few bites.

"Thank you. I don't make it very often."

After dinner they sat on the couch with a bottle of wine.

"Do you want your gift now?" she asked him, refilling his wine glass.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"I know. But did you really think I wouldn't? You know I like to give gifts."

"Yeah, I know. Ok. Let's do it."

She headed to her bedroom and came back with a large gift bag. She handed it to him as she sat down. He opened and read the card she handed him before reaching into the gift bag.

"Oh, babe! Wow!"

"I hope you don't have those," she said.

"No, I don't. Neither of them. This is amazing."

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