Chapter 21

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Morning came far too early for either of their liking. Someone was knocking on their bedroom door and they could hear the voices of his nieces and nephews down the hall.

"Come in," he said, his voice gravely from sleep. The door cracked just enough for his mom to poke her head in.

"As I'm sure you can hear the kids are up. We're all heading downstairs. Come down soon ok?"

"Yeah, we'll be there in a few minutes." She shut the door and seconds later they heard what sounded like a stampede bounding down the stairs.

"I don't want to go down there," he said, throwing an arm over his face.


"I'm tired and I just want quiet."

"But it's Christmas. Don't you want to celebrate with your family?"

"I told you before, I'm just not that into it. And I know my mother bought me stuff even though I always tell her not to."

"Don't be a grinch," she said, pulling his arm off of his face and resting her chin on his chest. "Your mom obviously loves this holiday and I'm sure she's thrilled to have all of her kids and grandkids together. So do it for her."

"Are you trying to guilt trip me?" he asked, rolling her over onto her back, pinning her arms above her head.

"If that's what it takes," she smiled up at him.

"What I really want to do is spend the day in bed with you. But since this IS my mother's house I suppose we should go downstairs."

"Yes, we should. But I'll make it up to you later." She winked at him and he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah? Ok, ok. I'm gonna hold you to that." He leaned down and kissed her deeply and she moaned into his mouth, knowing it would drive him crazy. When he pulled away from her he got up and threw on some clothes.

They got downstairs to find toys strewn around the family room. The gifts from Santa had already been opened. Now it was time for the regular gifts. The kids passed everything out then everyone started opening. Giovanna was surprised when she was given a couple of things to open. They were from Brian's parents. Her eyes filled with tears and she was overcome with emotion. Feelings of gratitude and belonging and love. She thanked them profusely but Brian's mom insisted it wasn't a big deal.

After the gifts were opened they headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Not a big one this time, since they would be having a big dinner later. After eating some cereal Brian and Giovanna headed back to their room. They slid back into bed and laid together.

"Did you know your parents were going to do that?" she asked him.

"What? Get you something? Yeah. My mom told me. She said she wanted you to feel included."

"Your mom is very sweet."

"Yeah, she's ok I guess," he said with a laugh.

"So are you still adamant you won't have sex in your mom's house?" she asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Just feels creepy."

"Bummer. 'Cause I'm really in the mood."

"I'm always in the mood when I'm around you," he said leaning over to kiss her.

"So now what?" she asked. Shower?"

"I guess so. But I'm so comfortable right now. I don't want to move." He pulled her closer and rested his chin on top of her head. She gave him a few more minutes then got up to go shower.

She came back into the bedroom and found him still in bed, on his phone. He continued to look at his phone while she rooted around in her suitcase for clean panties. When she found them she stood up and dropped her towel, facing him. He heard the towel hit the floor and immediately looked up.

"Ooooof. Are you teasing me on purpose?"

"No," she said, stepping into her panties. "Just getting dressed. You had your nose in your phone so I didn't think you'd notice."

"Why don't you come over here."

"Nope. You didn't want it when I asked you before so now you'll just have to wait until tomorrow." She winked at him as she hooked her bra. He let out a sigh. "Go take a shower. I'm going to go downstairs and see if your mom needs help with dinner."

After dinner everyone convened in the family room. The kids played with their toys and the adults talked and watched tv. Around 11:00 Brian and Giovanna headed upstairs.

Once they were in bed they laid there talking for almost an hour. They had already discussed spending the next few days after Christmas together so they talked about what they wanted to do.

The next day they headed for home in the early afternoon. They said their goodbyes to his family and were on the road just before 1:30. The snow from two days before still hadn't melted with the temperatures having been in the teens.

They had been on the road less than 45 minutes when the snow started again. Within minutes they were driving in near white out conditions once again. Brian turned on the radio and they were surprised to hear that the area was under a blizzard warning and that up to three feet of snow was expected in some areas.

They had crossed into New Jersey but had only made it about 15 miles before they decided to pull over. The road was getting very slick and they had twice almost gone into a ditch. They found an exit that had some hotels and made their way to the nicest of the three.

By the time they reached the hotel lobby they were both covered in large, wet flakes of snow. They brushed off what they could and checked in. The clerk behind the counter was surprised to see them, or anyone for that matter, out in this weather.

When they got to their room they peeled off their coats and shoes before plopping down on the king size bed.

"Well, now what?" Giovanna asked, looking over at Brian, who was laying on his back.

"Now we get naked," he replied, reaching up and pulling her down to him.

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