Chapter 64

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When he got upstairs Brian found Giovanna in bed looking at her phone.

"How did it go?"

"It was fine," he said, pulling his shirt over his head. "I told her what happened with Chloe and gave her a little insight into your childhood."

"Did you tell her I spent time in the clink?"

"No. I told her you had gotten into some trouble but I didn't elaborate and she didn't ask."

"What if she does ask? What would she say if you told her everything?"

"I'm pretty sure she won't ask any more about it," he said, sliding into bed next to her. "And at this point, if I told her, I don't think it would change how she feels about you."


"Really. But you don't even need to worry about it because it's not going to come up."

"Ok," she said, curling up next to him. He wrapped both arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you," he said.

"I know," she replied. They both laughed.

The next day they headed home in the early afternoon. They made it without incident, not having to stop because of inclement weather.

On New Year's Eve they went to a party that was thrown by one of the producers from the TV show. All of the guys and their significant others would be going, along with other members of the crew.

They headed to the party at 8:00. Giovanna had bought a new dress for the occasion. It was short, purple, strapless chiffon with a sweetheart neckline. When she came downstairs wearing it he whistled at her. Her face flushed.

"Thank you," she said, slipping on her coat that he was holding out for her. "I take it you approve?"

"Hell yeah. I can't wait to get you out of that later," he said, wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing her neck.

"Don't start that. We'll never get out of here."

She pulled away from him and headed to the door.

When they got to the party it was already in full swing. They seemed to be the last to arrive. They said hello to fellow guests on their way to get something to drink. They found Sal and Rachel, who had gotten there just before them.

"Hey man. What's going on?" Brian asked, giving Sal a one armed hug.

"Just got here," Sal said. "Have you seen Joe or Murr?"

"No. We also just got here."

They found the bar and all got a beer, then headed back into the crowd of people to mingle. After a while of being introduced to various members of the TV show staff Giovanna and Rachel headed off by themselves to talk.

"So how's it going, living together?" Rachel asked. "Ready to kill him yet?"

Giovanna laughed. "No. It's actually going great. We understand each other. And we are a lot alike in a lot of ways. We both need time to ourselves so we know how important that is and we know it's nothing personal against the other. I never thought I'd be with a guy who would understand that about me."

"That's great to hear. I'm glad it's working out."

"Thank you. What about you and Sal? Making any headway?"

"On getting him to live together?" Giovanna nodded. "I've stopped bringing it up."


"Because I don't want to be a nag. He's still not comfortable with the idea. Pushing the issue will only drive a wedge between us."

"I understand that," Giovanna said, "but doesn't what you want count for something?"

"It does. He knows it's what I want and he feels bad that he can't give that to me. But he loves me. And I love him. And I don't want to lose him over something silly."

"I don't think it's silly at all. It's moving your relationship forward."

"It is but is it really that big of a deal? It's not like he's saying he'll never marry me."

"Has he said that?"

"No," Rachel said. "That subject has never come up. What about you? When's your wedding date?"

Giovanna laughed. "That's never been brought up. I don't see Brian as the marrying kind. He was engaged once and that didn't work out so well for him."

"And you're ok with that?"

"Right now I'm happy with where we are. I see no reason to..."

"There you are," Brian said. "I've been looking for you."

"You found me. Just catching up with Rachel."

"Any idea where Sal is?" Rachel asked.

"I left him at the bar talking to Pete," Brian said.

"Thanks. I'm gonna go see what he's up to. See you in a bit," she said to Giovanna as she got up.

"I didn't mean to interrupt," he said, sitting down next to her.

"It's fine," she said, giving him a quick kiss. "I could use another drink."

They headed off to the bar then wandered around talking to people. A few minutes before midnight they all gathered in the living room to watch the ball drop on TV. This wasn't something Brian and Giovanna normally cared about but they were caught up in the moment.

When midnight struck they kissed, like everyone else around them. But Brian didn't want it to end. He was drunk but kissing her got him aroused. He suddenly felt the urge to be inside her.

He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her towards the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" she asked, trailing behind him.

He didn't reply, just pulled her into the bathroom and shut the door. Before she could speak again he had her up against the door, kissing her, his hands holding her arms above her head.

Because of the alcohol the kissing was sloppy but neither of them cared. She was instantly into it as much as he was. He moved her over to the counter and sat her on it. He pulled her panties to her ankles then fumbled with his belt and zipper.

When he was free he pulled her to the edge and lifted her dress. He stroked himself a few times before sliding into her. He leaned in and kissed her hard before he started pounding into her. Her hands gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into him. Without warning the bathroom door flew open and they both turned their heads. There stood Sal.

"Jesus Christ! What the fuck are you doing?" he yelled.

"What does it look like?" Brian barked at him. "Shut he fucking door!"

The door closed and Brian turned back to Giovanna. She was laughing. He kissed her hard again and her hands moved to his head. Her fingers tangled in his hair and pulled it slightly. He grunted and moaned into her mouth as he continued to ram her.

When he was nearing his climax he reached a hand down and rubbed her clit. He continued to rub her as he spilled into her. She could tell it wasn't going to happen for her so she stopped him when he pulled out.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. It's just not going to happen right now. Don't worry about it. You can owe me one." She pulled his lips back to hers and kissed him before pushing him away. "Can I have a minute please?"

He quickly tucked himself away then left the room.

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