Chapter 45

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"Babe, wake up." Brian was shaking her gently.

"What's wrong?" she asked, opening her eyes and propping herself up on an elbow.

"We fell back asleep. It's almost noon. Everyone is waiting for us on the bus."

"Can I have five minutes to wash my face and brush my teeth?"

"Of course. I'm gonna pack up my shit while you do that."

Ten minutes later they were walking onto the bus.

"Nice of you to join us," Joe said, a wide smile spread across his face.

"Up all night were we?" Murr asked with a smirk.

"Not at all," Giovanna said. "Just tired today."

"We're heading out of town a bit and then we'll stop to eat," Jeff, their tour manager, said.

"That's fine," Brian said, sitting next to Giovanna.

They stopped for lunch at a Cracker Barrel about twenty minutes outside of town, then they were back on the bus, headed to Iowa.

Brian and Giovanna sat beside each other reading for a long while. The rest of the guys watched a movie. When it was over they couldn't all agree on another, so they turned their attention to Brian. They started telling Giovanna embarrassing stories about him but it didn't seem to phase him much. He laughed along with them and vowed to get even.

After the guys had had their fill they went back to trying to decide on another movie.

"Do you want to go lay in my bunk?" Brian whispered in Giovanna's ear while the others were occupied.

"Is there room for two people?" she whispered back.

"It'll be tight but we can make it work," he said with a wink.

They both got up and headed to the middle of the bus. He helped her up into his top bunk and she moved all the way over, leaning up against the wall. He climbed in next to her and drew the curtain, then turned to face her.

"Well this is cozy," she said.

"Yes it is," he said, his hand wandering over to rest on her hip.

"How do you sleep in here? If feels like a coffin."

"Well, there's a little more room with just one person. And you get used to it after a while. It's really not so bad. And it's pretty comfortable."

"Yes it is. This reminds me of being a teenager and playing Seven Minutes in Heaven."

"I used to love that game. And spin the bottle."

"How old were you when you lost your virginity?" she asked.

"Fourteen I think?"

"Wow really?"

"Yeah. I was all about the ladies at a really young age."

"I guess so. I'll bet you were a player in high school."

"Not as much as I would have been if there had been girls at my school," he said. "How old were you?"

"Sixteen. And it was as awful as you would imagine it to be."

"Why was it awful?"

"Because he had no idea what he was doing. He talked the talk but couldn't walk the walk. BIG disappointment."

"That's too bad. That's a moment you'll never forget. It should be memorable."

"It's fine. You have more than made up for that disaster. Let's make out."

He laughed quietly. "Ok," he said. He moved his face close to hers and found her lips, kissing her lazily. She put a hand on the back of his head and tangled her fingers in his hair. They laid there for a while, doing nothing more than kissing.

"We should do this more often," she said when their lips finally parted.

"I agree," he said, leaning back in. They continued kissing for a long while before he broke apart.

They laid there, not talking, until the rocking of the bus eventually lulled them to sleep.

They woke later to the sound of Joe's voice.

"Are you awake in there? We've stopped to eat."

"Yeah, we'll be out in a minute," Brian said. He pulled the curtain back and they hopped out of the bunk. They pulled their coats and shoes on and headed out into the chilly air.

After dinner it was back on the bus for another twenty minutes. When the bus pulled up to the hotel they all grabbed their bags, checked in then went their separate ways.

"I need to take a shower," Giovanna said once they got to their room. "I feel gross."

"Want some company?"


She grabbed her toiletries and headed to the bathroom. She started the shower before slipping off her clothes. The water was hot and felt good against her skin. He joined her a minute later, sliding his arms around her. She leaned into him, allowing his hands to roam the front of her body.

He ran them over her stomach, slowly moving them upwards to her breasts. He put a hand over each of them and squeezed gently. As he tweaked her nipples between his fingers she raised an arm up and put her hand on the back of his neck.

She could feel him getting hard, his cock pressed against her body. He softly kissed her neck and shoulder as he continued to play with her breasts. All of the sensations she was feeling caused waves of heat to run through her body.

She turned to face him, kissing him deeply, the hot water beating down on her back. She reached a hand down between them and roughly stroked him. He moaned into her mouth at her touch.

When he could no longer take it, he backed her up against the wall, lifted her slightly, and inserted himself. They both moaned as he filled her completely. He kissed her, their tongues battling, as he pumped into her. Her hands gripped the back of his neck tightly, pulling him as close as possible.

It wasn't long before they were both riding out their high together. He let her down gently after he pulled out and kissed her lovingly.

After their shower they laid in bed and watched movies, she curled up next to him, his arm around her, until they fell asleep.

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