Chapter 38

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Monday morning Brian picked up Sal and they drove to the office. Sal knew that the new P.A. was Giovanna's sister but he didn't know anything else about her. Brian had kept his word to her and hadn't told anyone about her past, and he had no intention of doing it now.

"How was that? Was that the first time you met her?" Sal asked, after Brian told him about his dinner with Chloe and Giovanna a few nights prior.

"It was good. We talked about her, I told her what to expect at the office, and I gave her the rundown on what assholes you guys are."

"I hope you included yourself."

"Oh I flat out told her I'm an asshole," Brian said. "Pretty sure she didn't believe me."

"It won't take her long to figure out you weren't joking."

"No. She'll probably know by noon today."

"So she just showed up here a few weeks ago?" Sal asked.

"Yeah. On Memorial Day."

"And what did she say? I mean, why is she here?"

"She came here to find Giovanna. She said that was her main reason."

"What do you mean 'find her'?"

Brian didn't like this line of questioning. He didn't want to tell Sal too much.

"They had a falling out years ago," Brian said.  "And then Giovanna moved here so they lost touch."

"And after all this time she decides to come looking for her sister?"

"I guess so. It was a shock to Giovanna that's for sure."

They were waiting for the elevator when Chloe walked in.

"Hey!" Brian said when he saw her.

"Hi," she said, looking a little nervous.

Just then the elevator door opened and they all stepped in. Sal pushed the 15 button and turned to face them.

"Sal this is Chloe," Brian said.

"Nice to meet you," Sal said, holding out a hand.

"Nice to meet you, too," she said, shaking it. "Thank you so much for this opportunity."

"We had nothing to do with," Brian said. "We don't do any of the hiring."

"Well, even so, I'm happy to be here."

"You say that now," Sal laughed.

When they walked in to the conference room Joe and Murr were already there, both looking at their phones.

"What's going on boys?" Brian asked.

"You're here early," Joe said, not looking up.

"Traffic was light. If I can pull you two away from your phones for a minute." They both looked up. "This is Chloe, our new P.A."

"Hi," Joe said getting up. "I'm Joe."

"I know," Chloe said, her face blushing.

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